Blood Burst Is An Art Of Explosion!

Blood splattered all over the sky like a bloody light as it headed straight for Su Qianqian.

Su Qianqian did not touch these Blood Thorn flowers out of curiosity.

The moment the first blood flower fell to the ground, it actually turned into a sharp blood thorn.

As expected, it was not that simple.

That was a sky full of blood.

Su Qianqian couldn't dodge at all.

Since there was no way to dodge, she would not dodge.

A dark purple aura emanated from Su Qianqian's body, enveloping her petite body.

Every blood-colored flower that landed on the ground was in the Blood Thorn state.

How was this a blood-colored paradise? It was clearly a horror paradise.

But it was strange.

There were no Blood Thorns around Su Qianqian.

This was because the dark purple aura on Su Qianqian's body could eliminate the Blood Thorns.

That was one of Su Qianqian's trump cards.