Saying Thank You Isn't Just Out Of Politeness!

"Isn't that Jiang Che?"

"I know it's him!"

"Why is he so handsome?"

At this moment, Jiang Che's face was no longer ferocious. Instead, he had regained his sharp eyebrows, starry eyes, and sharp face.

Jiang Che was undoubtedly a handsome man.

He did not look old because he was already 35 years old.

He also looked to be in his early twenties.

It was not that Jiang Che had deliberately put on a ferocious mask previously.

He had already been disfigured, so his face had looked very ferocious.

Jiang Che's appearance had recovered thanks to the Recovery Totem he had obtained.

The dead skin on his face fell off, and he regained his vitality.

Actually, Jiang Che no longer cared about looks.

As for whether he had feelings or not, he naturally did.

However, the feelings in his heart might not even be one in ten thousand left.