A Piece Of Bread Drew Out The Boss?

Su Qianqian and Yu Fuxue came to a valley.

To be more precise, when the two of them arrived in the eighth devil territory of the Realm of Seven Fiends, they were already in a valley.

There was a winding road in the middle of the valley.

The stones on the road were covered with limestone, so they looked a little pale.

Furthermore, there were no trees in the surroundings.

Because of the limestone here, it was difficult for the surrounding trees to grow.

Su Qianqian and Yu Fuxue didn't have to worry about sudden dangers.

The dangers they encountered in the eighth devil territory of the Realm of Seven Fiends were not considered dangers.

It was like worrying that a 20-centimeter-deep stream could drown people. That would be really stupid.

Su Qianqian and Yu Fuxue were both above lv.60.

Why would they be afraid of the dangers they encountered in the eighth devil territory of the Realm of Seven Fiends?