That's A Big And White Snow Seed!

…the stone door opened.

Su Qianqian and Yu Fuxue jumped into the stone door together.

In less than five seconds, Su Qianqian and Yu Fuxue landed steadily.

Su Qianqian looked at her surroundings. This place seemed to be a sealed space.

However, the strange thing was that there was something like a moon here.

Su Qianqian and Yu Fuxue's gazes landed on the full moon.

However, in the full moon, a devihuman actually appeared.

This devihuman was very fair.

Not only was she white, but she was also very big.

She was snowy, big and white.

She did not have anything on her.

"Sister Fuxue, that's a Moon Devil!"

Su Qianqian recognized it at a glance.

This was because she had met a Moon Devil that was so white that it shone when she was in the assault city of devils.

Although this Moon Devil was a woman, she was exceptionally strong.