Are Blue Devihumans And Avatar Relatives?

The 20th devil territory of the Seven Evil Demon Realm.

Su Qianqian and Yu Fuxue were on a cliff.

On the cliff, there was also a devihuman.

This devihuman was three meters tall. His pink hair was coiled up to his heels, but his skin was dark.

There was also a pair of antelope horns on his head.

It was unknown if his face was ferocious or ugly, but his facial features were extremely prominent. No one would be sure to outcompete him.

The main thing was that his eyes were almost sunken into the back of his head.

"No overhead display!"

Yu Fuxue noticed that there was no health bar or name on this devihuman's head.

This meant that this devihuman was a subjugator of the Realm of Seven Fiends.

The Chosen Ones were different.

Yu Fuxue had never treated devihumans as the same kind of people, and they were not humans.

"I wonder what kind of devihuman he is."