Braised Bear Paw Is A Precious Dish!

The spear magic bullets that hit these Lizard Devils directly exploded.

Blue blood mist filled the entire Lizard Demon Tribe.

It looked very dreamy.


Su Qianqian liked the feeling of the blood mist permeating the air. Furthermore, the blue blood mist made the area look even more dreamy.

Everyone was already used to Su Qianqian's special preferences.

It was unknown when they stopped treating Su Qianqian as a normal little girl.

Which little girl was so bold? Which little girl had such terrifying strength? Which little girl thought that blood was the most primitive taste?

If it had been a normal little girl, she would have cried for her parents.

Not to mention children, even adults were no exception.

In the Realm of Seven Fiends Otherworld Instance Dungeon, more than 30,000 Chosen Ones had already collapsed. Moreover, there were still more Chosen Ones dying in despair.