This Clear Speed Is Amazing!

[Congratulations to Chosen One No. 66, Xiang Pi, for completing the first kill of the boss of the 22nd devil territory of the Realm of Seven Fiends.]

[Congratulations to Chosen One No. 66, Xiang Pi, for obtaining an exclusive skill: Corrosion.]

[Congratulations to Chosen One No. 66, Xiang Pi, for obtaining 180,000 experience points.]

[Congratulations to Chosen One No. 67, Xiang Yan, for completing the first kill of the boss of the 22nd devil territory of the Realm of Seven Fiends.]

[Congratulations to Chosen One No. 67, Xiang Yan, for obtaining an exclusive skill: Corrosion.]

[Congratulations to Chosen One No. 67, Xiang Yan, for obtaining 180,000 experience points.]

Xiang Yan's and Xiang Pi's experience points had already reached lv.22, but they had not reached the upper limit of this level.

And Su Qianqian.