Old Devil Mountain Kui Boss!

Ring! Ring! Ring!

The moment the wind chimes sounded, the Heavenly Dao System's voice sounded.

[Congratulations to Chosen One No. 2, Yu Fuxue, for completing the first kill of the boss of the 26th devil territory of the Realm of Seven Fiends.]

[Congratulations to Chosen One No. 2, Yu Fuxue, for obtaining 1,510,000 experience points.]

As there was no skill reward, she only had more than 1.5 million experience points.

However, those skills were only some low-level skills. Even if they mastered these magic skills, they would not be of much use.

It was mainly EXP.

Now that she had killed the boss of the 26th devil territory of the Realm of Seven Fiends, she could obtain 1.51 million experience points.

However, she was still far from exchanging 10 billion experience points for revival coins.