Magic Equipment And Magic Enchantment!

"I'm a devil cultivator to begin with. Killing demons below lv.60 will bring me very little benefit. Therefore, my idea is to let me open the way so that you can obtain the authority to activate the selection mode," Yu Fuxue said, and added, "Of course, there'd also be Qianqian."

As the leader, Su Qianqian naturally had to lead the way.

However, with Yu Fuxue, Su Qianqian naturally didn't need to do anything.

Qin Baiguang nodded, and said, "I agree."

Ding Tie and the others also nodded in agreement.

This was sacrificing Yu Fuxue's interests to help Qin Baiguang and the others.

Of course, Yu Fuxue also wanted to pass quickly.

In fact, she wanted to meet an enemy who could match her.

Otherwise, her will to kill would not be fully activated.

The most important to a Chosen One who was a devil cultivator was the will to kill.

This was because killing was the path of devil cultivators.

It was also the Heavenly Dao!