Magic Controlling Everything!

The blue cat familiar said, "I think it's the second type."

The blue cat familiar knew the enemy. If they were just devihuman players from the same side, it would be impossible for them to be so united.

That was why the blue cat familiar was inclined towards the second guess.

As for whether it was true or not, everybody would know later.

Now, they were charging towards Su Qianqian.

As for Su Qianqian and the others, they just waited on the spot.

The Slaying Evil Camp Battle was a game similar to MOBA.

As for who was the boss?

Of course, that was the strongest person in either camp.

"Master, the enemy will arrive at the scene in three to five minutes."

The blue cat familiar judged the enemy's speed based on the strength of their magic fluctuations and guessed when they would arrive.

"I got it."

Su Qianqian was also waiting.

She was just sitting on the back of the blue cat familiar and waiting.