Bai Ningbing Calls

Luo Feng picked up his phone and took a look.

It was that little vixen Bai Ningbing.

Naturally, he was also surprised.

This little vixen was a classic beauty that day in a cheongsam. Luo Feng was really stunned. It could be said that she was a peerless beauty, an existence that could bring disaster to a country and its people.

"Why are you looking for me?"

Luo Feng's face was filled with doubt.

However, he still answered the video call.

The video call connected.

Luo Feng could clearly see that the other party was a little nervous for a moment. Perhaps it was because her heart was racing.

But she had been in the business world for a long time.

She quickly tossed her hair and suppressed the timidness.

Her beautiful face regained its calmness as if she was in the business world.

"Luo Feng, hello!" Bai Ningbing greeted, "Where are you now?"

"Me? In the city, of course! Why?"

Luo Feng held his phone and walked around, showing the background. "At the amusement park. Needless to say, you know which amusement park this is, right?"

"Seven Rainbows?" Bai Ningbing naturally saw that this was the largest one in the city.

"It seems that you come here often too? Do you want to come over and have fun?" Luo Feng took the initiative to invite her.


the other party agreed immediately.

"Um, wait for me. I'll come over!"

With that, Bai Ningbing did not explain anything.

She hung up immediately.

This made Luo Feng even more surprised.

It was a casual invitation.

Originally, the other party was not expected to come.

But still, she came.

"Are you addicted to being an aunt? Do you still want to play with these little cuties?"

That was Luo Feng's guess.

Or was he too handsome?


He did not care so much, since Bai Ningbing was coming, so be it. With an aunt to take care of the children, Luo Feng could not wait.

Soon, Luo Feng brought the little ones to the carousel.

In terms of safety, there was naturally no need to worry.

The amusement park was opened originally for children.

No place was as safe as this place.

Ten minutes later, they were tired from riding on the carousel.

Everyone sat by the flower bed to rest.

But Luo Feng's phone rang again.

It was a message from a WeChat friend.

Luo Feng opened it.

It was Lu Yaqi actually.

She sent a short video over.

"Aiyo, what a beautiful day today! Why are so many beauties looking for me?"

This was because in the short video which had been sent to him was the beautiful and sexy Lu Yaqi.

She said in the video that she was right in front of the Seven Rainbows Amusement Park.

She should be here to look for Luo Feng.

Hence…, Luo Feng said that he was really gorgeous today.

"Luo Feng!"

Not long after Luo Feng put down his phone, he heard a girl's pleasant voice calling him from behind.

He turned around to take a look.

It was Lu Yaqi. She was dressed sexily today. Her spaghetti strap purple dress was a little revealing.

The pretty collarbone, and the slim white arms were all revealed.

And it was a high ponytail.

Very aggressive.

Most importantly, she was about 170cm tall, with long legs and high heels.

She had an extremely balanced figure.

She was really curvy and exquisite.

After walking up to Luo Feng, even though she had high heels, she still raised her head slightly.

After all, Luo Feng's height was about 183.

The other party's high-heeled sandals were only about six centimeters high.

She was not as tall as Luo Feng at all.

Of course, behind her, there was also the young lady who had mysteriously come to Luo Feng just now and called him uncle and said something about being an aunt.

"Luo Feng, you really like children!" Lu Yaqi walked over and teased, "Compared to when you were in university, how can one see the shadow of that aloof boy? You look like a male nanny of the cuties!"

"Isn't that so? My sisters have given birth to so many children. As their uncle, I naturally have to take good care of them!" Luo Feng replied with a smile. "Let me tell you, if you play with a bunch of children for too long, all your aloofness will be gone!"

However, Luo Feng still looked at that young lady from the beginning and asked, "Yaqi, is the young lady behind you your friend?"

"I…" When the lady heard Luo Feng talking about her, she was a little nervous, but she suppressed it and said, "Luo Feng, hello. My name is Zhang Xiaomeng. I'm very happy to meet you here at the amusement park! I'm now a fan of your Cutie Pies!"

"Huh? Fan?"

Luo Feng had not finished speaking when the insensible Lan Lan came forward and said, "Sister, what kind of fans are the fans of Cutie Pies?"

"It's probably a branding!"

"Cutie Pies? What cute branding!"

"I still like Uncle's cold noodles!"

The little cuties spoke one after another.

Zhang Xiaoming was overjoyed. She smiled and said, "You're wrong. What I said was that I'm your fan. In other words, I like you little cuties!"

With that, her face also turned red.

"Sister, if you like us, do you express that?" Na Na was bolder and started to "extort".

"That's easy! Don't you like to eat noodles? Now, big sister will bring you to buy some!" Zhang Xiaoming said.

"No way!" Suddenly, Ting Ting stood up and said seriously, "Our aunt said that if we meet strangers on the streets in the future, we can't eat their food. Aunt will buy it for us!"

"Huh?" Zhang Xiaoming was a little embarrassed. "Your aunt?" However, she still asked, "Is the aunt the little cuties are talking about our leader?" Zhang Xiaoming was naturally talking about Lu Yaqi.

The little girls had never seen Lu Yaqi before, so they naturally did not know her.

They all asked who she was.

Na Na tugged at her Uncle and asked, "Uncle, is this also Aunt? Our new Aunt?"

Of course, hearing the little cuties' reaction, Zhang Xiaoming also understood. Could it be that some little fairy had beaten them to it and snatched Uncle away?

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Xiaoming smiled sweetly and said, "Little cuties! Hurry up and call me Aunt. I'll bring you to buy toys!" As Zhang Xiaoming spoke, she pointed at Lu Yaqi. "She's also your Aunt! And it's not just the two of us. There are many, many Aunts!"

"Wow! Do we have that many aunts?"

"Uncle, where did you find so many aunts for us!"

"How many aunts are there?"

"It must be a lot!"

Luo Feng did not understand what was going on with so many aunts, but it was very likely Lu Yaqi's doing, right?

Luo Feng did not mind. He smiled and said, "Ha, do you all want to be aunts? Then let me tell you first. Being aunts is risky. You have to withstand the pressure of bliss!"

When Lu Yaqi heard this, she did not mind. At most, she would spend some money. She said confidently, "Uncle, of course you don't have to worry about this. Moreover, you can't imagine how many aunts there are!"

"Uh, alright. I don't care about you guys. Anyway, you guys want to be aunts…" Luo Feng smiled. "Little cuties, go play with your aunts!"
