
Unknowingly, Wang Yi had spent the entire night engrossed in his thesis. He still felt like he hadn't had enough.

New spell formula prototypes and optimization plans appeared in his mind one after another.

"Although mages also pursue the truth, they still suppress too much knowledge for the sake of their own rule. In the end, mages are only a minority…"

Wang Yi's eyes were filled with emotions as he looked at the vast number of papers and the literature he had cited when he was flipping through the papers. Even if he relied on overclocking for the entire night, it was only a drop in the ocean.

Even if it was a low-magic world, as a group of people who controlled power, they would naturally suppress existences that threatened them. The human civilization in that low-magic world had existed longer than this world, but it was deeply rooted and did not progress at all.

Just like Giordano Bruno, who had always preached the heliocentric theory, had been burned to death in the Piazza delle Flores in Rome. If the Holy See had continued to flourish or even grow in power, the technological explosion in this world would probably be delayed for many years.

In fact, it had only been a hundred years since the technological explosion began.

Once the seal was removed and the systematic research, accumulation, and thoughts collided, the door to a bright new world would be opened.

Otherwise, Wang Yi would not have relied on the knowledge he had accumulated here to become alLegend in the other world in just three years. Without the previous eighteen years of accumulation, he would not have been able to become a legend even if he had a cheat.

However, because of the relationship between mana and mages in that world, mages would do some advanced research on their own. Even if it was all about mana, they would accumulate a lot of knowledge from another angle…

The next morning, Wang Yi heard the sound of Liu Xiaoke going out.

He could feel the seriousness and hard work of this girl with a good heart. Unfortunately, although she was good-looking and had a good figure, she still had this serious fighting spirit.

However, this path was really difficult. There were inspirational stories about male actors working their way up starting from a movie extra. It was really difficult for female extras, especially beautiful female extras, to not be stained by this industry…

However, Liu Xiaoke's base hardware was too strong. It was not a problem for her to become a minor character actress who didn't need to worry about food and clothing. After all, not everyone pursued fame.

Liu Xiaoke's departure also meant the arrival of the next day. Wang Yi, who had stayed up all night and was still in high spirits, stretched his body and opened the door.

The morning light shone in from the corridor and dyed the stairs.

The city began to revive, and people who were running around for their livelihoods began to leave.

Wang Yi hummed the light-hearted elf music from the other world as he went downstairs to buy some buns. This bun shop had been open before he went to the other world. The old shop's culinary skills were not bad, and the filling was fat and juicy.

The bun was soft and tasty, so he had to be careful not to spill oil on his hands.

Wang Yi, who had the physique of a Grand Knight, could last for weeks without drinking a drop of water, or he could eat a cow in one go.

One steamer of buns was eaten in two bites. They were almost gone when he walked back to the stairs.

When he was buying the buns, he received a call from the internet company. After adjusting it a little, he tried to see if it worked. The previous tenant here had also connected to the internet. It would be done very quickly and there was no need to visit.

However, just as Wang Yi reached the third floor, a tall and burly figure walked out of Room 303.

He was more than 1.9 meters tall and had a strong body. The bulging muscles on his sports vest could be seen, and his face was fierce. It should be easy to become a minor character in such a place.

"A new neighbor in 301?"

The burly man looked down at Wang Yi.

Wang Yi used his finger to stuff in the last half of the bun and sized up the other party.

He had heard the breathing at the door earlier, which meant that this guy might have specially come out after seeing him go upstairs through the peephole.

Wang Yi puffed up his cheeks and chewed slowly. He reached out and wiped his hands on the back of his pants. He swallowed the breakfast in his mouth and asked doubtfully.

"Do you need something?"

"Did you add Liu Xiaoke's YChat last night?"

The burly man was expressionless, but he had a fierce appearance to begin with. With this appearance and his height and physique, he gave off a terrifying pressure.

Upon hearing this, Wang Yi was somewhat surprised. Although the soundproofing here was not good, he should have specially eavesdropped, right?

Thinking back, he did hear breathing nearby last night. However, there were many residents in this building and the smell of life was very strong. He could not pay attention to everything. It seemed like this man was eavesdropping…

"Yes. Is there a problem?"

Wang Yi raised his eyebrows and said straightforwardly.

That's right. Liu Xiaoke was indeed very good-looking. It was normal for her to be harassed in a place like Shudian City where there were all kinds of people. If someone succeeded with the first step of harrassment, then it would be easy to…

However, just as Wang Yi glanced around and was about to find a tool to calm him down, this oppressive guy suddenly revealed a flattering smile on his face, a great contrast to his appearance.

"Good brother, can you please give her contact info to me? I've asked her several times, but she's unwilling to add me."

The way he suddenly resembled a fly rubbing its hands and the flattering expression on its face made Wang Yi speechless.

However, he still closed his eyes and pinched his nose. He couldn't help but comment in his heart. 'That's right. This is modern society. I can't have such a reaction and habit of others wanting to harm me just because of my experience at the beginning of the other world. I have to change this bad habit.'

"Ask her yourself. It's not convenient for me to push it without permission. Besides, there's a high chance that she won't add you even if I give you her YChat info."

"Don't be so heartless, bro. Are you also working here as an extra? Let me introduce you to some people. I'm very familiar with many group leaders."

That man's image completely collapsed, and he acted like he was very familiar with him.

"Thank you. I don't work in that industry."

Wang Yi rolled his eyes and took out his key to open the door. He wanted to go back home and try the internet.

"We're neighbors. Don't be so cold. My name is Ma Dong. I've been here for more than ten years."

Ma Dong's words made Wang Yi stop for a moment. The neighbors would not be too unreasonable if they knew him normally. He opened the door and turned around.

"Wang Yi, I've stayed here before in the past. Room 302. I've never seen you before."

"Oh, no wonder we got to know each other. I knew it. I didn't notice you being handsome. Oh, your figure is not bad. Have you trained before?"

Ma Dong often worked out, so although Wang Yi was wearing a T-shirt, he could still make a certain judgment. He didn't look strong on the outside, but his body fat ratio should be almost perfect. His outline was also very impressive. He really wanted to see what was going on when Wang Yi was working out.

Ma Dong briefly explained the reason why he lived here so that he wouldn't be treated as a pervert who had specially moved over.

"The place where I used to live has been demolished. The landlord is really too much. I rented his house for ten years and he didn't even give me a share."

He used a joking tone to explain.

"Oh, ha ha."

Wang Yi nodded to show that he understood. Then, he closed the door and bade farewell.

"Bye, then."

Thud! The door closed, leaving Ma Dong alone outside, thinking about something.

"He has such a good figure, yet he still eats meat buns like this. How does he train…"

As he thought about it, he started to go downstairs.

He and Liu Xiaoke were both minor character actors. Although he had made a little name for himself, that was all.

In fact, he had seen many beauties in the Shudian City in the past ten years. There were even really many beauties who liked his type.

However, Liu Xiaoke was different from those people. He felt a different kind of attraction towards her. It was not that he definitely wanted to woo her, but he saw the shadow of himself when he first came to Shudian City in her and missed his lost youth.

"If you're not going to join the light, you're going to leave the stage dejectedly. I hope you're the latter."

With his hands behind his head, Ma Dong hummed a tune as he arrived in front of his pink motorcycle. With a huge contrast, he mounted the pink motorcycle and wore a helmet that was obviously one size smaller than his head. He hummed as he rushed towards the set…