
The American Science Association was a consortium of the world's largest scientific and engineering associations and the largest non-profit international scientific and technological organization with more than 200 branches and tens of millions of members.

The annual meeting of the American Science Association was also a top gathering of the world's scientific community. In addition, the famous Science Magazine was also hosted and published by the Association.

With such a huge backing, there were naturally all kinds of professional big shots who reviewed the submissions to the magazine. However, because this kind of review itself depended on their time, it usually took a long time to review the submissions.

What's more, in order to prevent some strange submissions from wasting the big shots' time, they had to go through several channels before passing them to these peer review experts.

First, the staff of the preliminary review would check the layout and repetition rate of the thesis. After there were no problems, the editorial assistant of the journal would check if the manuscript was complete and so on. Only after the journal editor had read the thesis and felt that it was suitable would it be sent to the peer-reviewed experts to minimize the arrival of inappropriate manuscripts.

Even the preliminary staff in charge of the first step of the process had good knowledge due to the long-term influence. However, to them, their daily work was slightly mechanical and boring.

This was because many of the submitted manuscripts were casually sent by students from all over the world.

It would be fine if it was just students. At the very least, the format, layout, and other aspects that could be sent were considered basic.

However, there was another kind of existence called the general public that made their scalps tingle.

There were often some horrifying titles.

The more they knew, the more they would be in awe of knowledge. However, the staff in charge of the preliminary investigation also felt a sense of powerlessness whenever they saw a civilian who could exceed the speed of ligh, easily come up with a perpetual motion machine, and even prove Goldbach's conjecture from time to time.

The other party would sometimes send emails to scold them after their manuscripts were rejected.

In the editorial department, Hoff, who had made coffee and was ready to have a good day, opened his work email and began today's preliminary work. He had been working in this job for three years and was very experienced.

Many manuscripts only needed him to scan through the titles to know if they wanted to reject the manuscript.

"Oh, my God. Goldbach's conjecture has been proven again."

After seeing a scary title, Hoff couldn't help but raise his hand to cover his head, but out of professionalism, he still glanced at the corresponding author.

Very good. As expected, he had never heard of the author before, who was from China.

When he thought of the AI translated thesis on perpetual motion machine that he had seen last time, he could not help but feel his scalp tingle.

"Who sent it?"

The colleagues beside him were used to this. They would occasionally use such words to make fun of the new colleagues, but there were no newcomers here now.

It was also out of professional instinct to ask this question. If it was a certain big shot who wrote the article, it would really be a heavy bomb.

"Wangyi, a Chinese person."

"Really? I've never heard of a master named Yi."

Because it was an English-language journal, even if it was a submission from China, the signature would still be filled in according to Western standards. However, the practical-natured Wang Yi had never considered this aspect before. Even if he knew, he might not care about it.

Therefore, he directly became known as Master Yi here.


"I rejected it. He also didn't fill any details about his workplace."

"Sigh, I've received more useless manuscripts from over there recently."

"That's normal. After all, they have such a large population. If it weren't for the fact that more than half of them have been filtered out by language, I'm afraid there would have been more submissions. Recently, the number of submissions have increased because more people are using AI translation."

Hoff sighed helplessly. The workload of this job was getting heavier.

"However, there are also capable people among the Chinese. I remember that last year, Tao completed the proof that all odd numbers can be expressed as the sum of up to five prime numbers without the help of the Riemann hypothesis. It can be considered as filling in a piece of the puzzle."

"Yeah, but he already won the Fields Award last year."

"Fields, that Harold from France seemed to have published a paper on the weak Goldbach conjecture last month."

"After all, it's a problem of the century…"

As the two of them discussed, they also casually moved Wang Yi's submission into the recycling bin…

On the other side, Wang Yi rubbed his forehead and roughly understood the problem.

The fact that it was rejected almost instantly meant that it was not in the hands of a professional. Mathematics did not lie. If he could not understand it, he could not understand it.

The preliminary committee must have rejected it because of other reasons. That should be his status, right?

Actually, Wang Yi would definitely be able to reach the professional review stage if he asked his alma mater to find a big shot to sign as a corresponding author.

However, it was obvious that he did not have such thoughts.

His original purpose of publishing the thesis was to let the academic world know him. It was a form of greeting so that he could post some strange things later. You guys can come with me to research and discuss and come up with inspiration.

Now that his serious submission had been rejected, he naturally took a different approach.

It's just a greeting. Let's get to know each other in a different way…

Then, he found a proxy and connected to a certain website.

Even though it was not as prosperous as it would be in the future, the number of monthly users had officially exceeded 200 million. Furthermore, the 'comment' function that would only be activated in two years in his original world had also been activated in advance.

(At first, on Twitter you could only add your own opinion when retweeting. The comment function was only launched after 15 years, but for the sake of the plot, there will be similar adjustments. I won't explain it later. Please don't argue with me. After all, it's a parallel world~)

In fact, at this time, the number of users of Facebook was five times more than that of Twitter. In terms of influence, it was even greater.

He wouldn't publish any sensitive topics, so he wasn't worried.

Well, he said that he wouldn't publish sensitive topics, but after registering and casually creating the profile with an avatar of Master Yi, Wang Yi directly typed a headline, "Does this mean that Science magazine is involved in racial discrimination?"

Then, he explained the process in detail. He even attached a screenshot of the time when he was rejected. In the end, he even uploaded the proof step by step.

The main point was that his proof process was so long that they had definitely rejected it without even looking at it.

If he were to talk about the difficulty and significance of Goldbach's conjecture on Twitter, it would be useless to talk about mathematics. Who would go online to read mathematics?

Therefore, it was better to choose the politically correct topic. In any case, the proof process was attached to the back. Some big shots who could understand would naturally help explain.

Perhaps when the time came, he could directly send out some strange questions that he needed help with on Twitter to brainstorm.

After doing all this, Wang Yi didn't care what would happen and directly left the VPN.

He only wanted to achieve his goal and would not waste time dealing with those comments.

Instead, he turned around and checked some relevant information that was useful to him.

"Silver's pretty expensive."

Flipping through the information related to silver, Wang Yi muttered.

Under the influence of the European debt crisis two years ago, the price of silver had climbed to the peak of the past 30 years. Now, as China's silver production continued to soar, it began to decline and there was a certain amount of overcapacity.

Moreover, the demand for silver manufacturing had also started to decrease slightly, but at least the price was still higher. An ounce cost more than 40 dollars, which was about 10 yuan a gram.

Silver was an excellent magic metal that could be processed into mithril. With the natural mana being so lacking here, Wang Yi also needed to consider building a mage tower with high-quality materials for himself.

Wang Yi's new goal was to build a perfect mage tower, then increase his influence to make money and gather all the resources and talents in the world to pursue the truth of magic and technology.

To build a mage tower, the more silver, the better. Ten yuan per gram didn't sound expensive, but this was a gram. Just like cutting cakes, the price of a large pile was still a headache.

How heavy was a normal bracelet? Industrial usage wasn't high, but Wang Yi needed to build a mage tower. If he could turn all silver into mithril, that would be even better.

China was now the largest producer of silver, but it also consumed a lot of resources. It was a little troublesome to hoard such a large amount of precious metals. It was no longer a matter of money.

A short-term surge in demand will only lead to a spike in prices, and the currency itself had limitations.

After scanning through it, Wang Yi also felt that when he was free, he might have to make a trip to Mexico…