
Xijiao University stood up for the ghost hunter?

What kind of scene was this?!

If it wasn't for the fact that this was his true believer group, Xue Chuan wouldn't even care. He would have retorted that this was impossible.

However, he knew how much these people trusted him. To put it bluntly, even if there was an individual betrayal, it was impossible for so many people to say it together.

After replying to the message with "Keep calm," he sat in front of the computer and opened his battlefield again.

After finding the official Weibo account of Xijiao University, he looked at the news that they had pinned on the top of the list. And it was actually real!

"Goldbach's conjecture has been proven by a scholar from our country! It has been confirmed as the Fields Medal next year! Let us congratulate this Master Yi. He deserves the title of Master!"

Although this Weibo account did not have many fans and could not be compared to Xue Chuan's, Xue Chuan knew the importance of this.

Domestic top universities usually exceeded their international rankings.

Although studying abroad was quite popular now, slowly the recruiters discovered that the quality of these students that were sent overseas to be gilded was not as good as their own domestic Chinese university students.

Xue Chuan had criticized many people in the academic world, but out of all those who were criticized, even the professors of certain universities, some would only respond to him personally. The school institutions had never personally participated.

This time, Xue Chuan felt an unprecedented pressure.

Prove Goldbach's conjecture?

Next Fields Award?

Stop joking around!

Are you guys crazy?

The person in charge of the official Weibo account was bribed?

This was the greatest possibility that Xue Chuan had thought of.

In short, it was more likely than the information brought by this message!

Coupled with the uncomfortable feeling of punching cotton previously, Xue Chuan was filled with evil thoughts. He sat in front of the computer and started typing.

"As a well-known university in the country, shouldn't the official announcement be more stable? Lock down the Fields Medal directly? Complete the proof of Goldbach's conjecture directly? Has it received international recognition?"

Originally, Xijiao University's official announcement had just begun to ferment. After all, not many people paid attention to the university's Weibo. Preliminary reposts and comments had just begun to appear.

After Xue Chuan personally went down, there was an immediate explosion.


The university's institution has announced it?

However, wasn't the university proclaiming it too hastily?

The first to charge out were Xue Chuan's 'believers'.

"The Fields Medal is the Nobel Prize in mathematics!"

"You gave out the Fields Medal? Ridiculous!"

"Talking too much."

"Don't say it was hacked again!"

"This is one of the top universities in the country? The difference is really too great!"

Thanks to Xue Chuan's explanation, his fans already knew what the Fields Medal was, so they kept criticizing Xijiao University's arrogance.

However, in the face of such criticism, the organizations that usually did not reply directly chose to fight back as quickly as possible.

A large number of professors and associate professors of the Mathematics Department of Xijiao University had opened Weibo to explain the situation and the process of calculation.

A lot of people even uploaded proof papers.

"We didn't believe it when we first received the news, but mathematics doesn't lie."

"After the 16 teachers of our math department checked through the night, I can proudly announce to everyone that the Goldbach Conjecture has been proven by our countrymen!"

"Why do we dare to say with certainty that he will be the next Fields Medal winner? Because if the Fields Medal is willing to slap our faces, we welcome it!"

"We also saw the original post and were rejected instantly. This is indeed academic discrimination!"

"Our compatriots, our compatriots who can complete the proof of Goldbach's conjecture, and our compatriots who can win the Fields Prize, are sent back without even looking at their academic results. If this isn't academic discrimination, what is?!"

"Embarrassed? It's indeed embarrassing, but it's embarrassing the entire Science journal and even the entire Western academic world."

"He's bringing glory to the country!"

There were six professors and ten associate professors on Weibo. The school officials supported them.

This sudden scene stunned Xue Chuan.

At this moment, he finally had a bad feeling.

No way, this guy didn't really complete the proof, did he?

But Xue Chuan really couldn't understand it!

However, to Xue Chuan, stubbornness and double standards were his usual characteristics. He immediately continued to retort.

"This is just your one-sided story. It has no international recognition at all. It's invalid."

Then, he wrote another one, quoting Wang Yi's previous sentence that he had hit on cotton.

"Look at what he said! He preached feudal superstitions. He said he's a ghost catcher, okay?"

However, very quickly, Zhu Biao, the younger associate professor, replied to Xue Chuan alone.

"This Master Yi doesn't look very old. The young people on the Internet like to brag, but look how much you care about it. I believe him when he says that he's catching ghosts. He must be using mathematical methods to catch ghosts scientifically."

And then an old professor posted something.

"I've already called many professors in this major. I can't confirm this person's identity yet, but his workplace is indeed blank. It's possible that he's not currently employed."

Just as things were getting more and more intense and everything was at a disadvantage to Xue Chuan…

Suddenly, a post copier sent out a screenshot.

It was a screenshot from the other side of the ocean. It was a screenshot of an official announcement late at night on the other side of the ocean.

Several professors in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Arts and Sciences had finished the preliminary verification. The Goldbach conjecture proof on Twitter had passed the verification.

"We now invite our peers to confirm."

They also made an official announcement.

"Regardless of whether Goldbach's conjecture has been proven or not, can a paper with such a clean and concise format and layout really not pass the preliminary review? Just because the other party's name exposed his ethnicity? Racial discrimination in academia really exists."

Just a few minutes later, the Science journal officially issued a public apology letter to Master Yi!

Judging from the time, it was very likely that the University of Pennsylvania had informed them in advance.

Let them be mentally prepared.

Apologizing immediately was the best way to minimize losses.

Moreover, it was conceivable that this storm could only be said to have just begun because it involved political correctness.

Now, they could only try their best to cut their losses in advance.

It was only at this moment that Wang Yi, who had completed a section of the basic structure, took the time to take a look on Weibo.

At the same time, after seeing the commotion on Twitter and Weibo, he targeted Xue Chuan on Weibo again and posted a screenshot of the apology letter from the journal Science that he had received in his email.

"Mr. Xue Chuan, does this count as the international recognition you want? It doesn't matter if it doesn't. I can wait. I believe there will be more voices soon."

After sending this, there was another sentence.

"PS: Mathematics to catch ghosts, science to catch ghosts. Everyone, you have to believe in my strength. If you have any relevant questions, you can leave a message. There's still something else I have to do. I'll go offline first. Bye~"