Alma Mater's Reaction

"Shocking! A children's song composer actually did such a sensational thing."

"Are all children's song authors big shots?"

'Goldbach's conjecture has been proven by the children's songwriter!'

"The Nobel Prize in Mathematics has been locked in advance. The winner is actually…"

"This time, he's from our nationality!"

After a day of fermentation, especially with the news coming from the other side of the ocean, there was a huge commotion.

Even if the mathematics awards were too far away from ordinary people, he was still known as the Nobel Prize winner in the mathematics world. Moreover, he was the first Chinese citizen to do so.

Naturally, he could dominate the rankings for a period of time.

Even Xue Chuan, who was extremely stubborn, could only jump out and post an explanation.

"What I object to is that Master Yi didn't do a good job. It's obvious that he has affected the image of the Chinese on Twitter. This won't disappear because of his academic achievements! Now that he has a halo protecting him, no one can see the negative impact of this matter.

"Since you've misunderstood me, I won't reply to this question."

It was equivalent to announcing victory unilaterally and pretending to be dead.

However, just as Xue Chuan's explanation came out, a huge anti academic discrimination movement suddenly erupted in America.

Science, Nature, and Cell all announced that they would stop publication for their next issue.

Even journals like The Lancet, Clinician Cancer Magazine, and America Mathematical Society Magazine announced the suspension of one issue to support this event.

Scientific researchers came out one after another to talk about their experiences. Asian, African-American, and Latino scholars came out to talk. It seemed that they had never dared to speak while hiding in the dark before and only dared to come out now.

At this time, there were some 'insiders' who anonymously revealed a lot of insider information to the BBC and other media.

Take the American Science Association as an example. Two-thirds of the authors and reviewers were white, while the blacks, Latinos, and indigenous people added up to less than 10%. The Pacific Islanders and Asians accounted for about a quarter.

Scholars still valued referrals if they wanted to publish academic results in top journals.

It is clear that whites had an advantage in this regard, and that other ethnic groups may find it harder to break into academic circles, and their achievements were harder to notice, which lead to a lack of diversity in academia.

Due to the barriers and thresholds of academia, it was difficult to break through some political correctness in the past. However, after Wang Yi stabbed a hole in it from the inside, it immediately opened up a new battlefield.

All kinds of 'correct' people who had long conquered various industries began to launch fierce attacks on the high ground of the academic circle.

Now, it was no longer just racial discrimination. Some people also discovered that the percentage of female academic workers who achieved results was not high!

This must be the result of stereotypes towards women!

If not for Wang Yi's post, it could still be argued that academic results were academic results. However, there was indeed a person who had been rejected because of discrimination here that could directly dismantle this argument.

Did this mean that a large number of female scholars had manuscripts rejected because of discrimination in the past?

Did those women give up on their research careers because they was disheartened by the rejection of the manuscript?

For a moment, this attack instantly ignited the entire Western media. Wall Street was also shaken violently.

On the other hand, Wang Yi's Twitter post was crazily reposted as if it was a bright light that cut through the darkness.

This series of explosive news directly slapped Xue Chuan's face until it swelled. Fortunately, he had already sent a 'no more responses' post and directly pretended to be dead to stop the comments. He treated it as if the world was peaceful and nothing had happened.

Even Wang Yi himself was a little surprised. Although he had originally used politically correct topics to stir things up, it was still certain that there was a mastermind behind such a huge commotion.

However, it didn't matter. It was fine as long as everyone had a win-win situation. If their interests were the same, they would be allies…

Chinese University of Science and Technology, Department of Mathematical Sciences.

The department itself was relatively "low-key", but no matter how "low-key" it was, it could not hide its astonishingly strong foundation.

In the Department of Mathematics alone, there was a super luxurious lineup of one academician and 24 professors. The number of associate professors was actually less than half of the professors.

When they learned that the person who proved Goldbach's hypothesis was actually a student who had graduated from the their university, the entire math department was stunned.

What's going on? Why don't we know?

No one in the alumni group had said anything? Usually, it was normal for this kind of proof to spread from the alumni group. Why was it so unexpected?g

In the beginning, they were still lamenting that there was a fierce person in the domestic mathematics world, but they still did not know who it was.

In the end, we were the ones who taught him to be so fierce?

"Find out who it is!"

Academician Li rolled up his sleeves and issued an ultimatum.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he was directly undermined.

"Oh, I found it. It's not from our academy. It's an undergraduate from the Computer Science and Technology School next door…"

For a moment, the scene could not help but fall silent.

In the mathematics and science faculty's internal meeting, there were more professors than associate professors. All the big shots looked at each other, not knowing how to describe their current mood.

Some of them were professors in applied mathematics. Their research direction was indeed related to computers. This was also one of the relatively popular directions in mathematics.

But Goldbach's conjecture on pure number theory was proved by the undergraduate student of the computer science department next door?

Where are we going to put our faces!

"I'll recruit him to study under my…"

An old professor in his fifties was interrupted by Academician Li right after he spoke up.

"Recruit, the hell!"

After the interruption, he sighed.

"With this ability, if he really wants it, wouldn't he just directly sign up? Now that it's proven, let alone studying, even Princeton might send him a professor invitation."

Although Princeton University was also private, the academic atmosphere was extremely strong. It was a little different from the University of Pennsylvania.

The most profitable business schools, medical schools, and law schools had always been messy and arrogant.

It was normal for Princeton to hire this student as a professor if he could prove Goldbach's conjecture, but this professor still wanted to take him in as a student? He was dreaming!

In fact, they had also tested the proof process. It was bold and unrestrained, and the angle was tricky. The entire process was smooth and interconnected. Just proving some mathematical tools during the process was also extremely useful.

"Then, shall we invite him too?"

"Through a special channel?"

"This kind of award is very fast to report. It's specially organized!"


The Chinese University of Science and Technology was a classic example of a place where the higher-ups had connections. They themselves also had the autonomous right to judge!

Although the evaluation process was extremely cumbersome and required one to apply personally, there was still a high chance that the special case would be approved.

After all, it was a world-class problem. China had nobody who had done this before!

However, in terms of speed and efficiency, it was definitely not comparable to those private ones, but this path and direction were feasible.

"Let's think of a way to contact him and ask for his opinion first. I have a feeling that it won't be useful just because we discussed it."

Academician Li took off his glasses and wiped them.

This little guy who didn't even care about his degree might have a stronger purpose in doing things, but he might not necessarily do as they wanted…