
If you asked where was the best place to develop the high-tech industry from scratch, there was only one answer—China!

This was because this place had the most complete industrial chain, the best power, logistics, and other foundations. There were also policy preferences and protection.


As the only superpower in the world, it relied on absorbing the talents of the world and plundering the resources of the world…

The strong would always be strong, and the winner would take everything. Relying on the advantages accumulated, they would continue to expand.

When all the capitalists thought that this overlord could continue to sit on the throne, no matter how chaotic and rotten his internal affairs were, as long as the world experienced turmoil, this place would become a natural haven. Coupled with a rise in interest rates, it would naturally allow global capital to flow in.

In fact, just like stocks, when everyone agreed that they would rise and started to surge in, even lousy stocks would still rise. In fact, those who did not want to enter would be swept in to ensure that their assets would not shrink. They would allocate American dollars and assets, forming a snowball effect.

However, this harvest itself was different from the stock market. This was because a large amount of capital had fled. Once other countries could not withstand it, it would definitely cause an economic avalanche. The high-quality assets of the countries in the avalanche would spiral down to the price of cabbages, attracting the hyenas' encirclement again.

However, Wang Yi relied on magic to make a living and was not afraid of others trying to choke his resources. Although for the sake of convenience in the future, he would definitely use an offshore company as his parent company in the future, it was natural for him to maintain a good relationship in the country.

This conversation was quite satisfactory for Wang Yi.

A Goldbach conjecture, although it was in the direction of pure number theory, it was a world-class problem after all, which gave him a certain amount of preferential treatment.

And this level was just right!

It just so happened that he could receive proper care and convenience, but there was not enough interest to the extent where they would have to keep an eye on him, so that Wang Yi had enough space and time to move around.

As a legendary mage, he did not lack time. He could take it slow…

While Wang Yi solved some of his problems, the other side of the ocean entered a vigorous academic anti-discrimination campaign.

Many people even hoped that Wang Yi could join them and become a spiritual leader.

However, it was obvious that Wang Yi was too lazy to waste time on this. Even if there were some invitations for academic reports, he was not prepared to go for the time being. He politely replied and rejected them.

He only wanted to greet everyone and invite them to help solve some problems.

Now that he was famous, he could ask for everyone's help.

After returning to his rented apartment and sitting in front of the computer, Wang Yi did not continue to program. Instead, he considered the difficult problem he had encountered.

Because he was now famous for his number theory, the difficult problem he chose became a mathematical problem after some evolution.

It was a mathematical problem that did not seem practical at the moment.

If Wang Yi had thrown out such a thing when he was still an invisible person, no one would have played with him.

Mathematicians were very busy. Often, experts in other fields would seek help from mathematicians.

However, now that he had thrown out a mathematical problem related to spell formulas, he could still attract a lot of attention.

In the overclocking state, Wang Yi could crush everyone in terms of his own brainpower, but he needed inspiration to trigger it. He sent it out to see if anyone would point out a direction that he had not noticed before.

'It doesn't matter if you can't prove it. You can give me some hypotheses. I'll naturally follow the direction of those hypotheses!'

'You guys are only responsible for bragging. I'll fulfill it myself!'

After posting all the relevant difficulties, Wang Yi left a last sentence on Twitter.

"Recently, I've been struggling with this problem and can't extricate myself from it, so I'm really sorry for rejecting some invitations."

A new mathematical star who proved Goldbach's conjecture was stuck on a mathematical problem, which naturally attracted a lot of interest.

Mathematicians actually had the predilection to compete with each other. There were definitely many people who were willing to try.

Putting everything else aside, after completing Goldbach's conjecture, some mathematicians would have fewer directions to write a fluff-filled thesis. Now, wasn't there another one?

It didn't matter if they didn't prove it. The most important thing was participation!

Many unproven conjectures gave birth to many useful mathematical tools during the proof process. This was a direction.

Although the question Wang Yi left behind seemed useless, who knew what he would gain from the process of proving it?

Wang Yi conveniently threw out what he needed and used it as an excuse to reject others. Then, he logged out of the outside internet and logged into Weibo to take a look.

At this moment, the situation overseas was still getting more and more intense, but the popularity in China had already decreased.

After all, it was only a math problem. Most of them could not understand it and knew only that it was very awesome. However, after bragging for a while, everyone still liked to read some gossip.

This was an era of entertainment to the utmost.

The topic of Wang Yi's 'mathematical exorcism' was also taken as Wang Yi's own self-ridicule and as the counterattack against Xue Chuan.

Under such circumstances, there were a lot of replies about supernatural incidents under the post. They were all made up by idiotic netizens.

They all said it so seriously that it was magical, but Wang Yi knew that they were wrong with a glance.

Some of them might that might be real were not in Shudian City, and he did not plan to run around for the time being. He only replied with some small suggestions.

In this world, there was a lack of free mana. The birth of vengeful spirits was very difficult, and they were also weaklings. Other than some valleys where the mana might be relatively loose or where it had accumulated for too long, ordinary people already found ways to deal with newborn vengeful spirits.

For example, buying some mirrors to refract the sunlight into the house during the day. Although this wouldn't destroy the vengeful spirit, as long as the person was not the target of the vengeful spirit's obsession, it was not a problem to chase them away.

However, it could only be reflected by sunlight, not ultraviolet lamps. This was because the sunlight contained a portion of the light mana and could kill Yin-type monsters to a certain extent.

This was also why there was almost no news about vengeful spirits in this world. Most of the natural environment would be harmonious.

After getting no useful information, Wang Yi could only lock his gaze on Liu Xiaoke and Ma Dong, his neighbors.

The underlying structure was getting more and more perfect. Now, it was best to arrange the 'core' as soon as possible. Then, according to the compatibility of the server, the various problems encountered in the network would begin to be adjusted.

At the very least, he had to find one that was more useful. Otherwise, he would have to let Li Yao suffer in this silly situation. It was quite inhumane.

Tap, tap~

After hearing Liu Xiaoke go upstairs, Wang Yi also opened the door.

Liu Xiaoke, who had just come up, was shocked by the door that Wang Yi opened. Then, she patted her chest and complained.

"You scared me to death. Open the door gently."

Wang Yi glanced at the other party's frightened pretty face and was slightly surprised.

He only opened the door normally. This could only mean that Liu Xiaoke herself was in a nervous state. When she thought of what he had asked her to do, he asked curiously,

"Why did you suddenly become so timid? You went to inquire about the situation and got scared?"