Author's notes: I'm backkk. Thank you everyone



As the Emperor listened to General Lazarus' report regarding the arrival of the Coalition Army, veins started popping out of his forehead.

It was insulting how they entered the Empire's soil without asking for the imperial family's permission.

"Ambassador," growled Emperor Sylvius. "What's the meaning of this?"

Even Ambassador Reginald looked surprised by King Lark's sudden arrival, and this infuriated Emperor Sylvius further.

The ambassador even momentarily forgot imperial etiquette and was now openly looking at him.

"Didn't you bring those Blackstone Knights here as reinforcements for the Empire? But now, your king has come here, bringing an entire army with him! Without permission from the imperial family! What's the meaning of this! Answer me!"

Reginald did not expect this sudden turn of events, but his decades of experience leading the merchants of the kingdom enabled him to come up with an answer immediately.

"Please do not be mistaken, Your Majesty."


"Captain Symon and I, together with the Blackstone Knights, are the reinforcements from the Kingdom of Lukas," said Reginald. "On the other hand, King Lark came here as the leader of the Coalition Army. The two positions aren't one and the same."

Reginald's answer was a wager. This was the most plausible reason he could give the Emperor right now.

He'd heard of the alliance with the dwarves before, but this was also his first time hearing about the elves.

"Don't play word games with me," said the Emperor angrily.

"I wouldn't dare, Your Majesty," said Reginald.

"Then tell me, what's the reason that damn Marcus brat brought the dwarves and even the dragon with him!"

The last part seemed to be what infuriated the Emperor the most.

The Empire could probably handle the dwarven army, but it was an entirely different matter if the war involved the dragons.

Back when he was young, the Emperor had read in several books about how a single dragon was capable of destroying cities on its own. It was an absolute existence even Master Harris would have a hard time defeating.

Hearing the Emperor call Lark a 'Marcus brat', Reginald openly showed displeasure.

"Please choose your words carefully, Your Majesty," said Reginald fearlessly.

"This damn—!"

"—Your Majesty."

The Chief Royal Advisor, who'd been silently standing near the Emperor all this time, spoke.

"The lack of sleep these past several weeks must have taken its toll on you."

Emperor Sylvius understood that this was the Chief Royal Advisor's way of indirectly telling him to stop and keep his mouth shut for now.

Although the power of the Emperor in this nation was absolute, Emperor Sylvius always made sure to listen to the words of the Chief Royal Advisor.

Emperor Sylvius looked at Reginald, at the Chief Royal Advisor, then back. He cleared his throat.

"You're right," said the Emperor. "I didn't mean to call him a Marcus brat. As Galliart said, I must be tired."

It was no apology, but Reginald was satisfied with this for now.

It would be near impossible for the Emperor to utter words of apology or bow his head to anyone. Retracting his words was already a miracle by itself.

In a calmer voice, the Emperor said, "Tell me, ambassador. Why did King Lark bring that army here? What do they plan on achieving by coming all the way to my Empire?"

Reginald didn't know the full extent of Lark's plan, but he knew what his intentions were. And knowing it was enough for now.

"I do not have the authority to represent King Lark and his coalition army. And I have no authority to tell anyone the purpose of the army's visit," said Reginald.

Seeing the dissatisfied look on the Emperor's face, Reginald added, "But I can assure you this, Your Majesty. King Lark does not wish for the Empire's downfall."

The Emperor rubbed his chin as he pondered over the ambassador's words.

"Lazarus, as someone who'd met them personally, what do you think?"

"King Lark said the same thing, Your Majesty."

"Is that so?"

Emperor Sylvius looked at the Chief Royal Advisor. And after receiving a nod, he said to the general, "Lazarus, I want you to escort them to the throne room. I shall make an exemption and meet with their leaders immediately."

"As you command."

"And the two of you," said Emperor Sylvius to the two princes kneeling before the throne. "I shall allow you to stay, but you are forbidden from speaking. Do you understand?"

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty!"

"We understand, Your Majesty!"

The First Prince looked pale as he was starting to realize the seriousness of the matter. He realized of how important the existence of Reginald Vont was. The ambassador was going to be enlisted under the army of Fifth Prince.

On the other hand, the Fifth Prince looked thrilled by the sudden turn of events. He kept glancing at the ambassador expectantly.


"Your Majesty."

"Call Jacob Fraser and the two Princesses here. And summon Sword Saint Isaac Segarus and Master Haldor."

"I shall be done immediately, My Emperor."

An hour later, Jacob Fraser, Princess Kiera, Princess Luna, the Sword Saint, and the Master of the Fourth Tower of Mages arrived at the throne room.

And after another hour passed, the leaders of the coalition army entered the imperial capital.


Escorted by General Lazarus, the Ancient Fire Dragon Vulcan, Commander Khuumal, and Lark entered the capital.

Vulcan was in his half-polymorphed state, openly showing the scales on his skin and his slit-like pupils. It was his way of telling everyone in the Empire that he was a dragon, and that they should revere him as such.

Commander Khuumal wore an elven cloak on top of his leather armor. Strapped on his back was a quiver full of arrows and a large wooden bow.

The four people, who each represented different nations, sat inside the same carriage. One of the windows was open, revealing the structures of the imperial capital.

"As expected of humans. Despite their limited lifespan, they still managed to build a city this big."

Even Vulcan was impressed by the size of the imperial capital. It was seven times larger than the capital of the kingdom of lukas, and around two times larger than the capital of the dwarven kingdom.

"But their defenses seem lacking, don't you agree, King Lark?"

Vulcan didn't care even if General Lazarus could hear his remark as he said these words.

"Don't compare it to your Lair, Vulcan."

Vulcan crossed his arms and smirked, "Should I compare it to your nation's capital then? Even your kingdom has better defenses than this place. Those walls we passed through – I can probably blow them off with a couple of spells. But the barrier protecting your city? I wouldn't be able to break them easily even if I fire my strongest breath attack at it."

General Lazarus heard from their intel that a large barrier was currently enclosing the capital of the kingdom. But he never expected that the dragon considered that barrier to be more formidable than the defenses protecting the imperial capital.

Hearing how strong the barrier was straight from the dragon's mouth made General Lazarus look at Lark in a different light.

Throughout their journey to the imperial palace, Vulcan would comment on things he saw every now and then, while the rest of the group just listened.

The elven commander, in particular, remained silent.

"We're here," said General Lazarus.

The carriage entered the imperial palace's gates and came to a stop.

For several seconds, the general hesitated.

"Uh… esteemed Lord Dragon, Commander Khuumal, and King Lark," said General Lazarus. "Regarding imperial etiquette…"

Vulcan snorted.

"What? You want us to bow to your Emperor?"

"N-No, w-well… that's not…"

"We'll show him respect and proper courtesy, general. Don't worry," said Lark.

Hearing this, General Lazarus sighed in relief. He was really glad that King Lark was sensible at least.

"Thank you, King Lark," said General Lazarus. "Please follow me. The throne room is this way."

The group traversed the long, wide halls of the imperial palace. And after walking for half an hour, they finally arrived at the throne room.

"Tell His Majesty that the leaders of the coalition army has arrived."

The four knights standing guard outside saluted, and one of them contacted their fellow knights to relay the message.

"The Emperor has granted all of you permission. You may enter the throne room."

Vulcan was displeased by the choice of words, but he followed Lark inside regardless.

Upon entering the throne room, they were greeted by a grand carpet that led all the way to the throne. Dozens of high-ranking imperial knights stood near the walls, and right below the throne stood several familiar faces and officials. Sitting on the throne was a fierce-looking old man with ashen hair. His well-kept beard accentuated his purple garb filled with golden embroideries and jewels.

The grand chamberlain announced their arrival, "The leaders of the Coalition Army, His Majesty, King Lark, Commander Khuumal of the Elven Kingdom, and the Ancient Fire Dragon Vulcan, have arrived!"

Just hearing the titles of the three people who'd arrived made the air in the room heavier.

No one even dared to whisper, as the presence of the dragon made everyone tensed and on guard. Even Sword Saint Isaac looked unsettled as he warily gazed at them.

Lark, Commander Khuumal, and Vulcan stopped ten meters before the throne. Unlike others, they didn't bow or kneel.

Only Lark and Khuumal greeted the Emperor.

"It's an honor to finally meet you, Emperor Sylvius."

"It's an honor to meet the Sun and Moon of the Empire."

"Welcome to my Empire," said Emperor Sylvius. "We finally meet, King Lark."

"I finally get to see you, Emperor." Lark smiled.

The Emperor studied Lark's face for several seconds. It was a strange feeling that he was finally meeting the young king who'd managed to repel their previous invasion. His gaze then moved to the elf and the Dragon.

"You must be the elven commander, and the one next to you is the esteemed fire Dragon."

Vulcan looked displeased after hearing the Emperor casually call him. Had it not been for Lark requesting him not to cause a commotion here, he would have immediately reprimanded the Emperor for not showing him proper reverence.

"I heard from Lazarus that you brought an army here," said Emperor Sylvius. "Tell me, King Lark. What's your purpose in coming here? And why did you bring this army with you?"

Lark didn't hesitate as he replied, "I'm here to make an offer, Your Majesty."

"Hooo…" The Emperor's eyes glimmered with amusement, "an offer?"

"Become a member of the Coalition Army, Emperor Sylvius," said Lark. "In return, we shall help defend the Empire against the demons."

It was a bold offer. Something only those who wield absolute power could say.

"Do you understand what you're saying?" said Emperor Sylvius. "You're asking the most powerful nation to come under your wing?"

"Come under our wing? Hmm… it's true it might come off that way. But this is not coercion, Emperor. This is an offer. And we're not asking the Empire to be our subordinates. Just think of it as a reciprocal relationship, Your Majesty. The members of the coalition shall provide supplies and manpower in exchange of protection. It's an offer that will surely benefit the Empire in the long run."

The Emperor understood what Lark was saying.

In exchange for supplies and a pledge of allegiance, they could preserve the Empire's fighting forces. Although the coalition would also ask the Empire to provide soldiers, they wouldn't be fighting alone. Moreover, they would be under the protection of the dragon.

The Empire's wealth was immeasurable, and providing supplies for the army would hardly hurt their treasury at all.

Entering the coalition was the logical thing to do, but the Emperor disliked the idea of being under someone's wing, especially if it was someone the same age as his youngest son.

Emperor Sylvius would have ruminated about it if the Dragon made the offer.

"Eighteen cities, thirty-one towns, and countless villages," said Emperor Sylvius. "My Empire is vaster than you can imagine, King Lark. And you're saying you can protect it?"

There was a mocking tone in the Emperor's voice, but Lark simply dismissed it.

"It's impossible for the coalition to protect all of the territories, of course," said Lark calmly. "But it is possible for us to come to your aid and protect strategic points, preventing the demons from encroaching your territories further."

"King Lark, your claims are too bold," said Emperor Sylvius. "Only those who wield absolute power can protect even the strong."

"Haaa… I can no longer listen to this!" said Vulcan annoyedly. "King Lark, why are we even entertaining the words of this stupid old man!?"

"You! What did you say?!"

Several imperial knights pulled out their weapons after hearing the insult uttered by Vulcan. Although they knew the opponent was a dragon, they fearlessly rebuked him for mocking the Emperor.

"You've crossed the line!"

"Slandering the Emperor warrants—"

"—You are too damn noisy."

With a single word imbued with dragon fear, the entire throne room turned dead silent.

Before coming here, Lark requested Vulcan to suppress his dragon fear as much as possible out of respect for the Emperor. And now that Vulcan openly showed the characteristic aura of a dragon, the imperial knights who pointed their swords at him froze.

"You dare look me in the eyes? Even the Dwarven King has to tread carefully when I'm around! You damn, impudent humans!"

The dragon fear oozing out of Vulcan intensified, and soon, the imperial knights who pulled out their swords started kneeling on the ground. They did not want to do it, but an invisible force coerced them to do so.

The entire throne room was engulfed by Vulcan's dragon fear. And even the Emperor started to have difficulty breathing.

"What are you doing?"

The cold voice came from Sword Saint Isaac Segarus. He was among the few people in the room who remained unaffected by the dragon fear of Vulcan.

Slowly, Isaac Segarus walked toward Vulcan.

"Don't me make pull out my sword," said the Sword Saint angrily. "Stop this instant!"

"You're ordering me around?" Vulcan bared his fangs. "You? Do you seriously believe you'll be able to injure me with that toy?"

The Sword Saint lived by the sword his entire life. And hearing someone call his weapon a toy, even if it was a dragon, was utterly insulting.

"Want to try it then?"

The Sword Saint unsheathed his sword and started imbuing mana into it, sharpening its blade severalfold.

Everyone knew that if they did not stop these two, a fight would soon break out.

"That's enough, Vulcan."

Upon hearing those words from Lark, the dragon fear exuded by Vulcan immediately died out.

Vulcan clicked his tongue.

"That's enough, Isaac."

Emperor Sylvius also asked the Sword Saint to step back.

"Consider yourself lucky, human," mocked Vulcan.


"I know, I know."

Everyone looked relieved after Lark and the Emperor de-escalated the fight. The only exemption to this was the Master of the Fourth Tower. Master Haldor looked disappointed, as though he was looking forward to the Sword Saint and the Dragon killing each other.

"It seems I need to discipline my people more sternly."

The words uttered by the Emperor were no apology, but it was close to it. Those who heard this couldn't help but be surprised, as it was the first time they heard the Emperor make a compromise.

Although he did not openly show it, the little show of Vulcan must have affected the Emperor somewhat.

"Let's proceed to where we left off, King Lark."

"Of course, Emperor Sylvius."

After that, Lark and the Emperor continued to have a discussion regarding the Coalition Army. It's scope, the number of soldiers, power, and the terms of the alliance.

The Emperor didn't expect that even the United Grakas Alliance was part of it. And upon hearing this, he started considering the offer more seriously.

"This is unprecedented…," said the Emperor in a low voice. "Even the Beast King is involved…"

The Emperor said to Lark, "Why didn't the United Grakas Alliance send soldiers here? Based on the reports, only the dwarves and elves came with you."

"The United Grakas Alliance suffered the brunt force of the attack," said Lark. "One of their key territories was wiped off the map and tens of thousands of their warriors died. They insisted on sending warriors here, but I adamantly refused. I believe it'll be better to give them time to recover for now. It'll be beneficial for the Coalition Army in the long run."

This decision showed how much leeway King Lark had. It showed that he did not lack power, as he was not that desperate for the participation of the beastmen.

"I understand that the dwarves follow the Dragon's will, but the elves?" said the Emperor. "Is the elven king fine with sending his soldiers here, dying in another nation's soil?"

Commander Khuumal spoke, "Coming here was our own decision, Emperor. All of the elves who came with me volunteered on their own. Our kingdom is now starting to recover, and if we could prevent bloodshed in our kingdom, we do not mind perishing far away from our homeland."

After having a lengthy conversation with the leaders of the coalition army, Emperor Sylvius started seriously considering joining the alliance. The benefits greatly outweighed the risks, and had it not been for his pride, he would have readily agreed to it.

While the Emperor was contemplating, the Chief Royal Advisor spoke.

"Your Majesty, may I ask King Lark one thing?"


"King Lark," said the Chief Royal Advisor. "You said the Coalition Army promises to protect all of its members. But you also said that the demons are capable of duplicating the portal to the demon realm."

"That's correct."

"Then, please answer this. In the event that the demons opened portals to the Empire, the United Grakas Alliance, the Kingdom of Lukas, and the Elven Kingdom at the same time—"

The Chief Royal Advisor paused, looked Lark in the eyes, and said, "—Who are you going to prioritize?"

It was a tricky but valid question. As expected of the most intelligent man in the Empire.