Chapter 10 - The Answer

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*4 days later…*

Here I am, sitting outside the café I frequent. It's the weekend again. Sun's shining brightly in the morning sky and I'm happy to sit here and have some strawberry-chocolate cake.

But you might be wondering what I might be doing here on such a day that I have to tutor Syrra.

Well, she moved the tutorial session to tomorrow. Her sister bombarded her with a lot of chores. When it comes to cleaning the house, it's serious business.

"I'm really sorry about this... I hope tomorrow will make up our lost tutorial time today." Syrra said over the phone. I chuckled.

"It's no big deal. How about you give yourself tomorrow to rest instead? You'd certainly need a rest day after getting all that work done." I considerably offered her a rest day.


"Syrra, I understand that more knowledge is efficient for a more successful life... But if you do not rest, you'll end up stressing yourself. I may have studied all day but that's because I already trained myself to study for long periods of time, I don't want to pressure you doing just that." Not everyone is trained for being able to do what I do, so that's why I take note of that when it came to the other people who needed help from me. She sighed over the phone.

"You have a point... I'll take a break tomorrow." That's the spirit.

"You should. Now go and work hard over there." I cheered for her.

"Thank you-"

"That's enough time in the phone, get to cleaning the underside of the chairs!"

"I'm hanging up now, Jenna!" And she did hang up. This is the first time I'm hearing Jenna's strict side, she's normally weird. Hard to admit but that weird side can sometimes make me laugh.

I then got another caller. It's written in Japanese. I smiled, knowing who it is as I answered it.


"Hoi! Hoi! Renn-san, how are you?" I answered and I was immediately greeted by Fey.

"I'm okay, just chilling outside a café. Nothing too special today." I answered.

"Naruhodou… (I see…) Well, anything interesting happened this week?" She asked.

"You wouldn't actually believe it. So there was this girl, a close friend of mine, that was absent for a whole day." I began telling her what happened 4 days back.

"Oh? Shinyuu? (Best friend?) What happened to her?" She wanted to know more.

"I ended up getting worried about her as to why she was absent as she refused to take my calls, but there was nothing to worry about. She actually prepared a surprise for me." I answered.

"EH?! A SURPRISE?! What was it?" She's gonna squeal upon hearing this.

"It was a confession. She wanted to confess to me for a while and I didn't see it coming." And I was right, she squealed on the phone.

"She really liked you, huh? So, what's your answer?" She wanted to know what I answered Jessie.

"Well…" And now I began telling her what my answer was to that very confession.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FLASHBACK — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

*4 days ago…*

That confession left me frozen, speechless. With the way she told me how she felt, it made my heart race. I just stood there holding the strawberry crepe in my hands.

"Jessie… I'm flattered you prepared such a surprise for me. When you told me that you spent so much time perfecting this crepe, I felt proud that you're making an effort." I took another bite of the crepe to appreciate it more.

"It took me hours to get the taste that you'd prefer in a crepe…" She held my wrists, it was clear she was getting slightly impatient.

Everyone was also getting impatient as they wanted to know my answer to her confession. I took a deep breath and got serious.

"Jessie, I'd like you to close your eyes. I have a surprise for you." It was time.

She closed her eyes, and I went closer to her ear and whispered:

"Let's have fun together, my partner."

And after that I kissed her cheek. I've grown to like her after reuniting with her once again.


Everyone rejoiced, screamed, and squealed happily for the both of us. Jessie opened her eyes happily crying tears of joy as she hugged me.

"I really am glad we met…" And she clung to me, just like that.

"Me too… But I might not finish the crepe if you kept clinging to me like this." I giggled.

"Oh, right! I forgot you still haven't finished that." She also giggled as I continued eating the crepe until there was nothing left.

"Congratulations, you two!" Syrra approached us, clapping excitedly. Jessie approached Syrra and they both shook hands.

"Who'd knew that this was the plan you thought of..." Syrra nudged Jessie with her elbow.

"I'm happy... Good thing he wasn't here yesterday. If he were, he'd catch on pretty quickly. And it all started thanks to you..." My eyes widen as I looked at Syrra. Syrra was in cahoots with this?

"Hey… Syrra… You mean to tell me you were in on this?" She flinched and slowly looked at me. I was slightly frustrated that she could have told me all this time.

"U-Uhm… W-Well… She… She didn't even tell me what the plan was…" She was getting scared.

"But you knew that she liked me and she was planning it from the beginning." I approached her slightly. She began backing away and started running away. I chased after her.

"I'M SORRYYYYYY!" She kept running.

"WE HAVE SOME TALKING TO DO, YOUNG LADY!!" And I kept going after her.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — PRESENT DAY — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Fey was now laughing because of the part where I told her Syrra kept it from me and I had to have a word with her. Turned out she really did know nothing about the plan, all she knew was that Jessie was interested in me.

"She really kept it from you!" She just kept laughing.

"She really did…" Remembering that part got me laughing a little.

"But you know what? I think she did a good job. Because if she did tell you about it, there would be no surprise." She has a point. My reaction would be less natural if I knew that Jessie's planning that.

"Yeah, I realized that as I went home. Speaking of home, it got chaotic." That was one of the only times I felt like we woke up the neighbors last night.

"Because of the confession?" She asked.

"Yeah, it seems like my younger sister didn't take the news well." I was slightly nervous telling that. Can't believe how angry she was when she found out…

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FLASHBACK — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

*4 days ago…*

I made it home after a long walk as usual.

"You arrived home surprisingly late." Vance was sitting on the table that had some leftover fish and rice on it, Cherry was beside him washing the plates.

"Oh, sorry! I got held back by something." I put my things aside and sat down on the dinner table, serving myself with the leftovers.

"Oh? That's rare. Go and eat now." I went down and ate dinner.

"What held you back today, Renn?" Cherry asked as I was done with my plate and she took the liberty of washing it.

"Well, it was a surprise for me too. I went out and Jessie was at the entrance wearing an elegant dress." They were surprised hearing the mention of Jessie.

"Jessie went to Emerald Houston?! What a reunion!" You see, I told Vance about Jessie one time while we went to an arcade when I was younger. His reaction being happy to hear about her wasn't a huge surprise for me.

Cherry turned to us, wearing a poker-face with intimidating eyes.

"She's in the same section as me. Anyway, she surprised me with something I never thought would happen to me." I continued.

"And that is?" Vance was curious. Cherry was slowly looking down as if she was ready to hear my answer.

"She prepared me a delicious strawberry crepe, and confessed to me." Vance slammed the table with an enclosed fist repeatedly and started walking around the dining room, shouting with joy as he couldn't contain his excitement.

Cherry on the other hand left the dining room and went into her room. I also heard it lock.


We heard her screaming in her room, they were screaming so loud that the neighbors probably woke up from their sleep. I will apologize to them if ever they approach, but anyway it was a surprise to both of them.

"Is it true? Did you accept?" Vance asked me, feeling as excited as ever.

"I accepted her. Her feelings struck me, my heart raced and I felt the same way. She missed me so much and I missed her a lot ever since 4th grade… It's really a joy to see her again, still herself…" I blushed as I let my feelings out in the household.

"Mr. Alrose… You're growing up… I'm very proud that I'm seeing you as a man today. Treat her well, and make her the happiest she's ever been!" Vance was on the verge of tears as he sat beside me, feeling the proudest he was as he heavily patted my shoulder.

"Thank you, Mr. Vaxley…" I looked at Cherry's room. I wonder if she'll be alright.

"As for Cherry… Give her a few minutes or hours. She'll get over it soon. Focus on yourself first. I know you're mature enough to have a girl by your side." Vance reassured as he also looked up to her room. I sure hope Vance's right on that one. Cherry won't be coming out of there for a few hours or so, so I'll just talk it out when she's ready to talk it out.

"Alright, I'll head up to sleep now." I headed upstairs and went to my room, continuing to read "Shattered Hearts".

The gal eventually confesses to the guy, telling him that spending time with him has made her better and she'd like spending it with him. Although the guy wasn't ready, she was willing to wait for when he was ready for a relationship, and she gave him a ring that he will put in her finger when the time comes.

How romantic. Starting off depressing and then proceeding to have romance. Though the relatable part will come later, probably.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — PRESENT DAY — — — — — — — — — — — — —

"Your stepsister is probably overprotective… But did she ever reconcile with you and talk over it?" Fey asked.

"Sadly, she only comes out whenever I leave. Vance has to deal with her now, she still needs more time to accept that I have a partner now." I sighed, having to look up the sky and be lost in thought. I just want to know why the hell is she acting that way… Is it something I need to know?

"Anyway, back to your partner… Have you discussed with her if you'll be having a date?" Fey asked. I smiled.

"Why yes, of course! That's why I'm waiting outside the café. We're having a movie date." She wanted to see a romantic movie with me, so it's a start for the both of us.

"Ah, subarashi! (Ah, wonderful!) I hope you two have fun!" Fey wished us a good time.

"Thank you! Speaking of which, she's here right now!" I can see her walking with the same elegant dress as the day of the confession. She looks stunning in it.

"Well, I'll leave you to it! Mata ne! (See you later!)" She hung up as I put my phone in my pocket.

I quickly ran to Jessie, wearing the most formal t-shirt and pants I have.

"Did I let you wait long?" She asked.

"No, it's only been a few minutes. Shall we get going, Madam Frederica?" I positioned my arm to her, ready to let her cling her arm to mine.

"We shall, Mr. Alrose." She clung my arm as we walked to the mall, which is not too far from here. So we can just keep walking to the right.

"I saw you on the phone, who were you calling?" She asked.

"A foreigner friend of mine at Phoenix Ruby High." I answered.

"Did you tell them about me?" She said as she clung tighter onto my arm.

"I have, I told her about that day." I answered and she pouted.

"Dummy, you could have just told her I'll be your future wife." It'd be less interesting if I did, Jessie.

"I thought telling her the full story makes things easier. Besides, you were pretty cute wearing this same dress~" I complimented her, as she giggled.

"Does it suit me?" She asked.

"You already know that it does, makes you quite the elegant woman~" I complimented her further.

"Appreciate that so much, Mr. Alrose." She smiled, leaning her body close to mine.

"Just as much as you appreciate me?" I giggled, coming up with something smooth like that.

"You silly man, of course I do!" She nuzzled on my shoulder happily. Today was gonna be a great day for the both of us.

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I was buying clothes at the mall today with my mom. Ever since that confession, the whole school couldn't stop talking about them.

"(It's getting annoying…)" But yeah, thanks to that… The whole scenario is shaping to be in my favor. Alrose now has a partner and it opens a very big opportunity that will eat him alive.

As I looked out, I could see them walking to the cinema. It's time!

"Mom… May I go to the bathroom?" I asked my mom. I don't want her to hear this.

"Sure, honey. Do be careful on the way there, alright?" I quickly then ran to the bathroom and proceeded to call the lady in cahoots with my plan.

I hope she answers…

"This better be good." She answered.

"Alrose now has a partner." I relayed the news.

"Excellent news… I think it's time to trigger Phase 2 of our plan to pin him down." Phase 2?

"You don't mean…" That plan's a little much, but I'll do anything to bring him down.

"Yes, that plan." Well, no turning back here. I took a deep breath.

"We shall initiate it. Should we take action now?" I asked her if I'll take action now.

"Not yet. If you approach Alrose right now, his partner will get suspicious of our actions. Do it when the time is right." I guess my waiting game is still ongoing.

"Will do." I hung up.

I walked out of the bathroom, smiling happily while snickering at how smooth our plan is going.

Alrose, you're going down…

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