Chapter 13 - The Top Girl

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FLASHBACK — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — THE TOP GIRL — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

*7 months ago… In another University…*

"My lady! Your armchair is clean!"

"My lady! I spent all night doing all this homework for you! Please accept it!"

"My lady! Here is your daily hot cocoa!"

"My lady! I'm glad to be the resting podium for your feet!"

This is Sylvester Aura University. With every student wearing gold on their uniform, this is the place for me.

I'm the top girl in Sylvester Aura University. And no, I won't be telling you my name. Peasants like you don't have the RIGHT to know my name. You people can't keep a secret, so I won't tell you. I will never tell you my name.

"Thank you, my lovely boys." However, every boy in this place is under my control. With the power of money, they do everything I tell them to do. I'm UNSTOPPABLE!

"Welcome, my lady!" Ahh… I love it… The sounds of happy boys just serving me. I feel so enlightened! I took a sip of my hot cocoa to enjoy the moment of bliss.

And yes, the girls are jealous of me. I can see it from all of their faces. But what can they do with the boys under my control? I'm shielded with all of them.

The teacher arrived as the class began. Oooooh, this should be fun.

"For today, we have a quiz. Prepare a ¼ sheet of paper." Perfect.

"Oh my… I got no paper~" As I said that, every boy handed me a piece of extra paper.

"Take mine!"

"No, Take mine! It's less crumpled than his!"

"Mine is higher quality compared to the rest of you!"

"Mine literally cost me $50 for high quality paper, amateurs!"

"What a scam! At least I am honest about my price, $0.1!"

"Who sells paper for that price, dunderhead?!"

The voices of men fighting over me to see which one will win… The competition is tough, but they all just warm my heart~

I just picked one random paper, and it's from the dude wearing glasses.

"I'm satisfied with this one but I appreciate your support, everyone!" I waved my hand to all of them.

"Yes, my lady!" They all went back to their seats happily. The teacher just ends up annoyed with my doing.

"I don't get paid enough for this stuff…" I grinned and knew what I had to do.

"Hey, teach~ I'll pay you extra if you keep your mouth shut about this and not do the quiz." I offered.

"That is not gonna affect me. You're abusing your power here." Rats… I have to convince the teacher otherwise I won't be able to continue my act.

"$5000." I just simply said the amount.

"No." Tsk. This is getting annoying. How much more does this man need…

"Double it." So I had no choice but to double it.

"Look, I won't bother for such mone-"

"Increased by ten." $100,000. The teacher went silent. I wonder if he's considering it~

"Hmmm… Only for shutting up. I still need to do the quiz or I'm fired." Can't I increase my money more?

"How about giving all of us a perfect while paying you $200,000?" I increased it again. Perks of being a billionaire makes me filled with ecstasy and pure pleasure~

He sighed and stopped writing.

"Deal. Send it to me through check or cash." Success. I managed to manipulate the teacher to stop the quiz.

"Alright, next lesson!" The girls who were SO READY for the quiz, were disappointed. And I threw the paper away, because I have no more use for it. I just love seeing what people can do for a fabulous girl and her money~

This is literally the most amazing day and I can sit back and relax as I listen to the discussion.

Spoiler Alert: I don't actually care for the lecture. All I care about is seeing myself succeed, and the people against me suffer.

That is my philosophy. Money is power, and nothing can overpower the things money has been able to buy. And I'm sitting on the throne of the world right now as I watch it work under my command and my ruling.

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*5 months later…*

Once again, I arrived at Sylvester Aura University. I'm ready to receive the daily treatment from the boys today. I entered the school with confidence.

"Oh, boys~ I'd like to be carried to the classroom~" I commanded them, hoping to see them carry me to the classroom.

But the opposite happened. They were all focused on something else.

"This Renn Alrose? Potential to be Valedictorian… That's amazing…"

"No way… He's been interviewed by the Head Principal of Education in Emerald Houston, the highest position in the Institute of Education and Learning!"

"Incredible… Wish we could be like him…"

They were literally talking about this guy. I got slightly annoyed and clapped. All of the boys noticed me.

"Ehem. I would like to be carried today by a strong man~" I then began my act again, posing beautifully with my skirt slightly lifted up, Hoping the boys will obey me.

But once again, I was ignored and they all went back to looking at social media. Talking about the person again, something with the Alrose.

I was getting even more annoyed. I had one last trick up my sleeve!

"Alright! $5000 for who will carry me to the classroom!" I offered money and the boys looked at me again.

Yes… Come on… Surrender to money…

"Have you ever tried walking?" I was surprised by what this guy just said… This guy did not just…

"You have legs." This is getting annoying... Is this other dude for real?!

"You have a brain as well, use it." I'm literally getting pissed off by their comments.

"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE SERVING ME! I EVEN OFFERED MONEY!" I shouted. I'm at my limit! Just knowing about someone literally changed them?! Have they gone mad!

"Sorry, but in the interview… Mr. Alrose said that we make a change to build ourselves for the better. He's a real role model we all must follow. He's going places and so should we." My frustration is building up... My blood is boiling... So it was this "Mr. Alrose" person…

"Renn Alrose… It's very noble and bright… Why don't we all work hard like him?! It'll be worth it!" Renn Alrose…

My spotlight has disappeared… And it's all your fault. You think you can get away by taking away my boys?!

"(No... You don't hog all the glory from me, you hear? You have gotten me mad, Mr. Alrose…)" I quickly ran to the bathroom and began to call someone.

This all has to end here.

"My lady. Why the sudden call?" I called my maid, who was the same age as me.

"I want you to transfer to this school called Emerald Houston. Renn Alrose has been the center of attention." His existence needs to be removed, I don't care how I'm going to get rid of him!

"Will do. I'll be quitting homeschool after a week. The timing couldn't be more perfect. So you want me to keep an eye on this Renn Alrose?" She's one reliable maid. I can catch him once the opportunity arrives…

"Yes. You know what happens when someone else becomes the center of attention here…" I reminded her.

"Scout for them, obtain information, and then launch the attack." Good…

"You're a good girl… Let me know once you're in…" I felt happy knowing that Renn Alrose is going to meet his end.

"Will do, my lady." She hung up. Alright…

It's going to be easy to take him down… It makes me laugh. Being smart?! Being Top 10?! What an idiot! Everyone knows that the world revolves around money! Without money you are nothing!


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— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ??? — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

*2 months later… At Emerald Houston…*

I made it in Emerald Houston as a late transferee. I pretended to be a mute student so I couldn't talk at all. I'm already good at acting, so I can convince literally anyone to be sympathetic towards me.

"So you were homeschooled. Regardless, you'll still take remedials. Is that okay with you?" I was asked by the school secretary. I nod in response to her question.

"So what caused you to be mute?" She asked me. And I wrote on a piece of paper:

"Diagnosed with mutism."

"Ah, a condition… I see… Well, at least you can hear. We have one slot left in the classroom labeled Charlie 2nd. Proceed there after you get your enrollment form here. Wait a moment." This is my chance. If Renn is not in the classroom, it'll end badly.

After the enrollment form was finally done printing, I proceeded to my classroom. I happen to also catch a teacher heading to the door. He noticed me.

"Well, hello there. Are you new here?" I gave him the enrollment form.

"Ah… A homeschooled student. Well, come in here and I'll introduce you." I went inside and analyzed every single one of the students here, and sure enough…

There he is…

"Syrra… Now's not the time to answer that… Sir C is here!" The Alrose that stole my lady's spotlight.

"I can't help it, Renn! I don't have much time left! I gotta finish this!" Beside him is a girl that must be struggling with her homework. Renn must be concerned that she'll get a lecture if the teacher catches her doing homework at school.

Not that I really cared.

I bowed and wrote my name on the whiteboard.

"Hello, I'm mute.

My name is Cassandra Sophia Centuria."

I bowed again and went to an empty seat in the middle. I kept my glances towards Renn Alrose, the very person on the media page. So… Being normal and simple will get you anywhere, you frail little dog? Well, me and my lady will tell you that you're wrong.

"(We will break you. I swear to it.)"

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — PRESENT DAY — — — — — — — — — — — — —

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — THE TOP GIRL — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

*Back at Sylvester Aura… 2 months later…*

My partner is surely taking her time in Emerald Houston, but it's quite a while. My money is of no use, and my charm is lost. Every boy and now girls are talking about Renn Alrose, now with the Phoenix Ruby Temporary Teachers' Day Event that I don't give any shit about. I remain here just annoyed with having to hear comments about him.

"It's amazing how he teaches and the advisor was very impressed with his performance." I just smile. I'm annoyed but I'm happy because he is closer and closer to my grasp. He'll be gone faster than a magic or an illusionary trick could.

"He keeps improving himself… I'm glad we made a change and followed in his footsteps, we all got decent grades ourselves." Now everyone's under the charm of hard work…

"Money isn't everything when you have a role model to follow. It's just overall better, even with a billionaire! Money can't buy happiness!" Au contraire… Money DOES buy happiness.

My happiness lasted with money, and you boys satisfied my heart whenever you all served me with every single part of you…

And now look at all of you. Now ugly… Tainted with the product of "exerting effort" and hard work.

I always liked the easy way…

Why did Renn Alrose make me choose the hard way to deal with him?

"(Why are you making this difficult for me and my partner, Alrose?!)"

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — RENN — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

*Meanwhile back at Emerald Houston…*

"Achoo!" I ended up having a cold today and sneezed on my handkerchief… Ugh… I really hate this… My head feels heavy.

"Renn, I think you should rest in the clinic while it's still lunch break." Syrra suggested.

"I don't want my partner to stay sick… Go there. Now." Jessie pointed to the direction of the clinic.

"T-Thank you…" I stood up and went to the clinic to get myself checked.

"Alrose, you mongrel."

"Huh?" I heard a voice and looked around. Am I hearing things because of the cold? Or am I literally hearing someone insult me? Either way, dwelling on that isn't going to get me anywhere right now.

I made it to the clinic.

"Oh my… Have a cold?" The nurse was quick to catch on. I nodded.

"Take this cold medicine and go to sleep. It usually helps." She gave me a pill and a glass of water. I drank the medicine and laid down on the clinic bed. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"You will pay…"

I heard the voice and sat up and looked around. Okay, it's the same voice.

"Mister, you need to sleep. The cold medicine won't work fully when you are awake. Now sleep." Regardless, I couldn't just keep thinking about it. My head was getting heavy again. I fell asleep, but I couldn't help but feel like someone's keeping an eye on me.

It feels unsettling.

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