Chapter 15 - The Date

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*6 days later…*

I know what you're thinking… Yep, today is the day. And I am now currently...

In the mall with my step-siblings.

But you might ask what I am doing here in the mall right now. Come on, don't tell me you don't know how to prepare for a date? Anyway, Vance and Cherry are accompanying me today in the mall to buy clothes for the date.

"Vance, have you been on a date before?" I asked.

"Only now you just asked me that? I'm an expert for a reason! I've been on tons of dates, don't you worry! I'll make sure you're very properly ready when nighttime arrives!" Vance with his confidence today…

"Translation: He has no idea what he's doing and he has been single his whole life." AAAAND Cherry ruined it with her smug comment.

"CHERRY! LET ME HAVE MY MOMENT!" Vance frowned at her. He really wanted to be the big man for me. Chill out, bro. It's just a date.

Cue the reader about to say: "BUT RENN, IT'S A FANCY RESTAURANT!"

I'd say: "Yes, it's fancy. But being over the top is just too much for the eyes, you know."

But today, Vance insisted that being simple and plain shouldn't be the way to go for me.

"The first thing you'd want for a date is to look HANDSOME. And getting a FANCY outfit is a good start." He says while pointing to the department store.

"Shouldn't it be a haircut first, before the clothes?" I asked since hairstyles are also important.

"Renn, your hair is already fine as it is. No need to change that." Cherry fixed my hair. She thinks it's good enough, so I guess it's fine.

We walked in the department store and looked at the variety of clothes. We stayed near the formal clothes section. There were polos, pants, and blazers. There were even full sets of tuxedos.

However, I'm not really sure what to pick. On one hand, it looks great… But once I wear it, it will get itchy after a while. On the other hand, it's comfy but I don't think it will look appealing. It's one or the other really, there's no in between.

"How about this set?" Vance picked a long-sleeved, checkered, red polo and white pants. I took it and went to the fitting room to try it on.

As I was done, I walked out and let Vance look if it matched.

"Renn, are you going out on a holiday?" Cherry commented.

"Cherry, come on… He literally looks good in it." Vance gave a disappointed look to Cherry.

"I don't know… Yes, he looks good and all… But be honest, you wear THAT on dates?" Cherry kept judging him about the outfit selected.

"Then what do you suggest?" Vance asked, and Cherry showed what she picked. It was a red plain polo and brown pants.

"Try this on for size." She gave me the set she picked and I tried that on in the fitting room. I went out and showed them.

This time Cherry was happy, but Vance was still judging silently.

"Now THIS is a date outfit!" She felt proud of what she picked.

"It's missing that… Pizzazz that I'm looking for…" Vance seemed to be looking for a charm on the set. He either is blind or just isn't fashionable enough to see it.

"But it's better than yours." Despite that, the proudness of Cherry knows no bounds. her smile says it all.

While they were arguing on which of their choices was better, I went and looked for the perfect set. Something I'd wear on the date. My eyes land on a particular tuxedo. It's a set of a white polo, blue blazer, blue tie, and blue pants. Not only is this my favorite color, but this also seems like something I could wear.

I quickly went back to the fitting room to wear the tux. I tried it on. It feels great. I even tied the bow myself. I knew how to tie one when I was a kid attending an important party.

I went out and showed them. They both looked at me. They were in shock.

"Renn, you picked that?!" Vance asked.

"I thought it'd be nice to wear something of my favorite color." I did a turn for them to see more of the tux I'm wearing.

"That's perfect for any formal events… And a date is one of them!" Vance felt happy seeing me wear this.

"I feel like I'm about to faint… Who are you…" Cherry acted like a damsel and almost fainted, good thing Vance caught her. I guess that's a seal of approval then.

"Alright, that settles it! This is what I'm going to wear on the day of the date!" I felt happy and changed back to my original clothes. I gave the tuxedo to Vance.

"Next on the agenda… Perfume. You have no perfume in your room, so let me buy you your first one that ONLY YOU can use. And remember that it should be just right. Perfume too strong will make you itchy." Vance led the way to the perfume section. I tend to be serious about this date, and don't want to disappoint Jessie.

We went to the perfume section to buy perfume, then the beauty section to buy hair gel to style my hair for later. I didn't pick hair clay because I felt like it goes all over the place when I apply it. Cherry then picked lotion for my arms and legs, she said that healthy skin is the best skin to show off for any important occasion. They literally have helped so much prepare for the date.

We are now having lunch in a Japanese themed restaurant. Vance and Cherry ordered the chicken katsu plate, while I ordered the simple omurice. The food's good, glad I wanted to try this place.

"Thank you two so much for guiding me today." I thanked them for helping me out for my date later.

"You're our brother, of course we're helping you be the best!" Cherry smiled.

"And I want to see Mr. Alrose to be more impressive than he is right now." Vance told me his expectations. I won't let him down.

"I won't let you both down. And I'm glad Cherry finally accepted me for having a girlfriend." I smile at Cherry.

"Don't give me too much credit, Renn… It's all Vance… But thanks." She's just so cute and must be protected at all costs.

We then continued eating our food, and I have a date to prepare for later.

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*6 hours later…*

It's later, I'm fully dressed in my tuxedo for the date tonight. I sprayed myself a few times with the perfume and applied hair gel on my hair and combed my hair to the appropriate look to match with my tux.

I was ready to go. I left my room and slowly went downstairs.

"Good luck, Renn!" Cherry hugged and then gave me a sweet wave.

"I shall drive you to the restaurant. What restaurant are you going to meet her at, Mr. Alrose?" Vance asked.

"El elegante bistró." That's the name of the restaurant we agreed to meet up in.

"Ah, I never heard that one before. I'll put it on my GPS." I went on ahead as Vance followed. I hopped in Vance's car.

He set the coordinates in the GPS and he started driving his way there.

While I was chilling and fixing my attire, my phone rang. It was Jessie.

"Partner, where are you?" I answered.

"I'm fully dressed and my family is going to drive me to the restaurant." So she's also ready.

"Great timing! I'm also on my way there!" The timing could not have been more perfect.

"Oh wow, you're still cursed with being an early bird~" I then got slightly annoyed... She did not just…

"Please… Don't…" I didn't wanna hear any more of it.

"Heh. Alright, I'll see you there! Goodbye, partner!" She hung up.

"You got your hands full. Being a student, tutor, AND a relationship partner at the same time is just a lot to work with." Agreed, Vance. Like it's just so much, but I'm happy because it's all worth it.

"Hehe... My job is never done. Have you ever tutored someone before?" I asked him while he was concentrated on driving.

"Truth to be told, I tried once… I ended up stuttering before I could begin. I'm that nervous when it comes to teaching. I'm only good at scripted stuff." So Vance is more on acting… I see…

"But you're already doing fine, maybe try again?" It wouldn't hurt to try again.

"No… I'm not cut out for it, unlike you. I may be in college but you're already on a whole different level than me." He smiled with a slight punch on my shoulder. I smiled knowing how proud he was.

After a while, we made it. And at the same time, Jessie's family car also arrived. We both went down, as Vance escorted me to Jessie. Jessie was escorted by her family. She's wearing a glittery, elegant blue dress. Dresses like those suit her.

She bowed in front of me.

"Pleasure to be here, Mr. Alrose~" She greeted, slightly lifting her skirt in a polite fashion.

"Likewise, Madam Frederica~" I bowed. I took her hand as we went right inside.

We sat down on a two-seated table. It looked clean and formal. I dragged Jessie's chair backwards slowly to give her space to sit down on.

"My~ Such a gentleman~" I let her sit down and I sat down on my chair.

"It's a special day, of course I have to be the gentleman for you today~" Vance taught me proper manners in a restaurant date, this was one of the first ones.

"As expected of Mr. Alrose… You never disappoint~" She happily remarked as the menu was delivered to the both of us.

"By the way… I'm curious about when you left… During the two years I haven't seen you, what were you doing during those times?" She brought up the time when I left while browsing the menu.

"All I did was read textbooks. A lot of people felt like I was unapproachable, so they just left me alone." It's really hard for her to make any friends... I feel her pain.

"That's not true. You're very approachable, very reliable, always there when they need you. Oh, and remember the strawberry cake? I remember that and it reminded me of you… I'd buy it once it's on sale." I giggled. She made that cake as a memory instead of just a dessert.

"It's just that great, too bad the school I transferred to didn't have it…" I made a disappointed look knowing that. Yeah, that was just cruel.

"Excuse me, are you ready to order?" We looked at the waiter.

"I'll have the beef steak please." I told my order.

"I'd also like the beef steak please." She also picked the beef steak?

"Why, of course. 2 beef steaks, coming right up in 10 minutes! Enjoy your stay!" The waiter went to the kitchen to get our orders prepared.

"You like beef?" I asked her.

"My favorite… I can just eat beef all day due to how juicy it is…" I guess I might need to learn more about beef cooking to impress her.

"What kind of beef do you prefer? Rare? Medium? Or Well done?" I asked.

"Medium Rare or Medium. Anything above or below that is inedible to me." She answered straight. She also hates overcooked or raw meat like me.

"I'm the same here… I'd like my beef cooked inside as well.". I mean, I don't judge if you like rare, medium-well, or well done steak but that just doesn't feel right to me.

"Anyway, what about you? Have you made any friends while I was gone?" And now for her side, after I transferred. I got curious.

"A group of girl friends approached me and I was part of the "Power Flower" group! It was fun, we were drawing, playing, and even went on playdates at a friend's house sometimes!" Wow, glad to hear that she got more friends!

"Ooooh, sounds fun~ What kind of games did you play?" I continued.

"So other than tag, hopscotch, and leapfrog… We played a game that's like "tag", but when you get caught by the "it" player, you have to freeze in place! If you move while you're frozen, you're the next "it" player and you'll have to freeze everyone else!" Not gonna lie… Now I wish I had people to play that game… It sounds really fun.

After that talk, the waiter came back and served our food.

"Thank you for waiting. Have a nice dinner." The waiter then walked away and we both started eating. With table manners, of course.

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I look at the two lovebirds eating, talking about one another. This is nice, just the way I imagined it would be.

"So, how are your parents, Vance?" Jessie's mother asked me about my parents.

"They are both working hard to raise each and every one of us. We wouldn't be here without them. It's nice to see the Radinne family once again, as young Frederica here has returned to Mr. Alrose's presence." I formally answered them.

"No need for the formalities, Vance. Though, it shows how you've grown so much since the last time we saw you. Are you heading to your job training soon? What training are you taking up?" The father asked.

"Pharmacology. I'll be a pharmacist and will be establishing my own pharmacy after I've successfully completed my degree." I'm confident about establishing one, because people pay so much for quality medicine when they were actually made with a lower price. Selfish people really have no regard for other people's savings…

"I'm sure you will be able to do just fine. You've been working so hard for your own future. Your parents must be proud of you. You're so close to your goal now!" The mother seemed proud of my journey so far. It's a family effort, and once I establish my pharmacy, I'll let everyone see how far I have gone to achieve it.

"Just a little more… And after that, it's Alrose's turn… I'm waiting for him to tell me his dream after graduating junior high." I looked at Renn and Jessie talking about their experiences in their classes.

Renn, you have a bright future ahead of you. I hope it stays that way…

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