Chapter 29 - The Unexpected

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"Hahahaha… I remember it all so well, how Renn just got lured in the hotel…"

"It was a divine luring, my lady…"

"It takes me back… I remember introducing myself as "Angelica". He really didn't ask for my ID or anything, just went along with it! Hahahahahaha!"

And it's playing, I was near one of the stairways before the stadium.

And I was right, a ruckus happened while all of that was playing. Their attention is now focused on Feliciana and Cassandra. Jessie went down the stairway to check it, but they didn't notice me because they went down the wrong stairway.

"That's right~ I was the one who pushed Alrose to his downfall by manipulating everyone here on this Earth to reject his entire being and philosophies."

"Listen. You're just a pawn in the world of my lady. If you don't want to suffer the same fate as Alrose, you better do as we say."

Anyway, the audio will keep playing because I locked the sound room from the inside before I left. They can't pick that door so I can just come out and give myself a proper introduction.


And speaking of introductions, now is my cue. I came out of the stairway, and I clapped. Slowly.

Everyone's gaze went to me. Good… Good… Keep the attention coming… I grin to see all this happening on this faithful day.

"A person in a hood?"

"Who is this?! And why did this person interfere with the graduation?!"

"Settle down! I'm more concerned about the audio!"

I stood in the center. Right between all of them.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU EVEN PLAY THAT?!" I smiled at her, approaching me.

I pulled out my own microphone, and pulled out a decent-sized speaker out of my bag. My confidence rose and I opened my mouth.

"Happy afternoon, everyone. Sorry for ruining your graduation but I can't help but want to show you all the TRUE characters of these two individuals: "The Top 1 of the 9th Graders, and her speaker.""

Everyone took a gasp after hearing my voice. The ones who are the most shocked, however, are the two in front of me and Jessie along with her group of friends.

"That voice… He sounds like… No… You can't be…"

I smirked and took off my hood to reveal my face and black hair. I looked at the two characters with confidence.

Seeing them scared like this… Gets my blood pumping…

"That's right… I have exposed them with every cent of my being! I'm Renn Alrose, and you all better listen to what I have to say!"

That's right. I'm Renn Alrose. Yes, it's been 3 months since I've been active like this.

How'd I get here, you ask? Well…

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FLASHBACK — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

*4 hours ago…*

I've been isolating myself over the rest of the world. Syrra offered me to help her defend that I'm innocent, but I didn't want to bring any more burden to her… So I stayed behind in this house.

Today, I heard knocks on the door. I stood up slowly to go and check who it was.

I opened it to see Serra.

"Oh... What are you doing here..." I asked her.

"So it's true. You really wasted yourself here..." I wasn't expecting her to show up.

"I already have nowhere to go... What else is there to lose..." I just turned away from her, not feeling any ounce of emotion...

"What about your friend, is she okay to lose?" I turned my head to her slightly.

"Elaborate." I needed an explanation out of her.

"Syrra. She is in a wheelchair." And at that point, my eyes finally widened.

"That's not true... She's all alive and well..." I tried covering it up and denying what she just said.

"... You're really going to lie to yourself now... After all she did for you, you're just going to leave her in that state? What happened to make a change? You've changed for the worse. You went from pest to worm." After hearing that from her, I knelt down... I couldn't bear to hear that from her of all people...

Why, self?! Why?!

"Now is not the time to sit around and cry like a baby, you worm. Now is the time to think about your friend." I looked at her as she turned around.

"… I chose to disobey my parents and left for you, Syrra chose to stay and help you while in the wheelchair, all while you are doing nothing to change yourself. Are you happy?" She asked.

I was stunned, speechless. I looked down, disappointed.

She's right.

If I acted some other time, I would have prevented this… I would have prevented Syrra's suffering… I would have lessened her injuries…

"If you're going to be satisfied, then stay there. I'm done with you." Serra walked away. I took a little of her full trust and now it's gone from me... Syrra's now injured so much because of me...

This whole thing started because of me... And I will end this...

I'm now determined.

I quickly called Vance. I hope he picks up quickly, because I need to get there soon.

"Renn? Weird of you to call me at this time."



"Jeez… No need to shout… I'll be there in 30 minutes due to how far I am. Sit tight." He hung up and I got ready. I took a quick shower and began cutting my long hair to a style I am comfortable with. I then wore a red t-shirt and jogging pants, along with a big grey hoodie.

I was all set.

Syrra… Sorry for being late, but I'm coming for you…

Serra, I'm sorry I had to disobey your orders... I'll do all I can to help you all...

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — PRESENT DAY — — — — — — — — — — — — —

"I must admit, you both have been getting good with your manipulative tactics. Sad to see you get caught in the act, though…"

They were furious at me, but since they were in front of the entire graduating students, parents, teachers, and the principal, things are now heating up against them.

Oh, how I love the sweet taste of strawberry karma… Makes me smile...

"Ever since you violated us, you're just nothing but a nobody! That's all you'll ever be!" I also love it, the sound of someone losing…

Music to my ears~

"Unfortunately, the audio just disproved your statements. It leaked out that you, Feliciana, used a fake name, Angelica, to prevent me from finding out who you really are. Good thing that Cassandra, or should I say Ari, made things easier because she was in the school ever since 3rd Quarter." Doubts are increasing, I can hear the other students and parents now questioning the two characters.

"It may have been Renn Alrose in the photos but… There must be more than meets the eye here…"

"To think it was the other way around this whole time…"

"What a disgrace! Targeting one of our wisest students?! What's the goal of these two girls here?!"

It feels good to hear them doubt the ones who manipulated them in the first place…

"Everyone! Wait! He literally violated us! He said it himself that-"

They shrieked as I went awfully close to them, still smirking at their attempt to talk their way out of this one.

"That what?~" I decided to play with them.

"That… You… Wanted to… Violate… Us…" Do I sense hesitation in her voice…

"You're one delusional bitch. You think that I would immediately change my character and go violate my students after tutoring? That would bring shame upon the Vaxley and Alrose name… And I wouldn't want to tarnish that name, would I? I never even did any touchy-touchy with Jessie while we were a thing... What made you suddenly think of me that way~" They couldn't speak anymore. They can't talk their way out of this situation now that everyone here has heard the audio.







Hearing that chant made them scared. It has no intention of stopping and they felt overwhelmed by the doubt created against them.

"Well, you two… Looks like you both have nowhere to run. Why don't you just turn yourselves in? Or better yet, kneel down and apologize to me so that I can make your punishment less severe?~" So what will they choose?

They eventually chose the second one. The chanting stopped as they knelt down to apologize to me.

"We're sorry…"

Good girls, especially Cassandra where she finally spoke in front of everyone here for the first time.

"Choosing the latter, eh? Good choice~ Okay, now to take them out of here. Principal, please do the honors~" I gave way to the principal of Emerald Houston, as approached the two girls.

"Fraudulent post, fraudulent photos, falsely posing a mute person, falsely accusing Alrose for having sexual desires with women. An act of manipulation. You two are to stay in the van until we arrive back to the school for proper punishment. Security will watch you both on all sides!" And just like that, Cassandra and Feliciana are dragged out of the stadium.

The ceremony is ruined thanks to me, but not all is lost. Everyone else seems to be happy to see me. I cleared the doubts in their hearts and I'm able to approach the principal. I bowed to him.

"3 months, Alrose… These 3 months have been a disaster in our school. There was a decrease in the grade numbers of the majority of students here… All caused by this now-resolved incident. It's good to see you again. You've grown to be a fine young lad, even during all this." The principal was happy to talk to me again, it seems that all is worthwhile.

"Thank you so much, Principal. I've been isolating myself for the past 3 months, feeling empty and all that… And today, I realized something… I couldn't stay in my house for longer, I realized that I'm still needed." And it's all thanks to Serra Myers for confronting me this morning. If she didn't show up, I'd remain in my house. I'd let my friends remain in danger.

"And with that, I have a favor to ask you. Please continue the graduation ceremony for us. And after that, give us your closing remarks. Consider that as an apology, on behalf of the school." The principal bowed to me. I turned around and saw everyone else also bowed to me, giving respects to my return.

I am relieved and happy to be here again.

"I shall accept your apology by continuing this ceremony. Let's finish the ceremony today, for a better tomorrow!" Everyone cheered after I answered.

"Places, everyone! Back to the last name we left off, let's go! On the double now!" I shouted to my portable mic as I went to the stage and stood behind the podium as I kept calling the names of the junior and senior high graduates.

I've been blessed by clear skies, this day has been one of the best days of my life.

It's all thanks to everyone who believed in me, and I'm proud…

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SYRRA — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —


"Places, everyone! Back to the last name we left off, let's go! On the double now!"

I woke up to hearing that voice… Oddly enough, it's a voice I'm comfortable with. I looked down to see myself…


HUH?! WAIT, WHAT?! I'm confused… I

I swore that I was lying down earlier, how the hell am I back here?!

Darn, I can still feel the pain… But I looked around and noticed Serra beside me, still unconscious.

"Serra? Serra, wake up." I called out to her to wake her up.

Serra woke up grunting.

"Headache… Intense headache…" Serra's awake, that's great…


I was shocked that I wasn't hallucinating… That voice…

"Serra! Push me to the edge and let me have a peek!" I really wanted to make sure it is who I think it is!

"Don't tell me twice…" Serra pushed my wheelchair to the edge and slightly carried me up to see more.

The ceremony seems to be ongoing and…

Wait… On the podium is…


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