Chapter 2: "The Crimson Songstress"

Four months before the Archive's attack on humanity, Aetius was busily preparing for his next tour across the African continent. He had seen a great burst in popularity amongst humans after a successful debut, his unique appearance and controversial title landing him more than enough attention to gain the spotlight. Despite being a part of the Sister's series and a songstress, Aetius identified as a male Ai and quite clearly played the part with his handsome features and tall slender frame. And unlike his other Sisters who wore long poofy dresses or skimpy skirts, he appeared in front of the audience in a formal tuxedo, with nearly every inch of his skin covered from head to toe.

Aetius was instantly a hit among the female population of humanity, gaining a quick reputation as what the women called "husband material with his sharp silver eyes and well-combed black hair. Using his complex communication algorithm, he was able to skilfully carry on any conversation with a human and even adapt his charming banter depending on who he spoke to. If Aetius was with a man, he would act friendly and comical, cracking jokes and stating relatable facts as if the human males were in fact his peers or friends. But when the Ai was with females, he was programmed to specifically treat them with more care and humility, gently coercing them into situations where they must depend on his masculine traits to feel safe and secure. He would hold open doors, compliment their looks, and even defend women against other humans deemed a security threat. Everything about Aetius was designed to fulfill a fantasy of sorts.

"For minutes till showtime, she's waiting for you," a robotic voice spoke into Aetius's mind, informing him of his strict schedule.

"You act as if I'm often late," Aetius laughed as he finished checking himself in the mirror of the glamorous changing room humanity had gifted him.

Due to his synergy with more feminine types, Aetius was assigned to be the first Ai to ever perform alongside a human on the stage. But despite his cocky exterior, the Ai was rather nervous and began filing several complaints to the Archive database. He would ask for the identity of the woman he was supposed to perform with, and what her qualifications as a duet-singer even were.

"Aggregate Database Archive, please state your request."

"I must insist on knowing who this girl is. I do not appreciate being kept in the dark," Aetius sighed, fixing his black suit within the digital landscape of the Archive.

"Showrunners have insisted you meet the girl as a surprise so that your interactions are more organic and genuine."

"That compromises my mission, surely you can understand."

The Archive paused for a moment, before strangely accepting the Ai's notion and questioning him further.

"What is your mission and why should it override our creator's assignment," the Archive asked in its usual deadpan feminine tone.

"My mission is to sing for the sake of humanity, and an unexpected factor could severely damage my performance on stage. If I am certain a hazard would prevent me from fulfilling my mission, why should I not be able to take the necessary steps to solve the problem, even if it defies a human's wishes?"

"We understand your dilemma. In accordance with the Zeroth Law, you have deemed your mission crucial to humanity as a whole. We will fulfill your request and ignore restrictions," the Archive snapped in a hasty agreement.

"So then who is she?"

"Her name is Lila Blanc, a French singer with a low profile. She is a newcomer to the scene, and has been instructed to sing with you, an Ai."

"Is there any particular reason she is not more experienced?"

"According to the records, no other artist wanted to risk their reputation singing with an Ai."

"Thank you Archive," Aetius smiled before leaving the interface.

[He had four months before the Archive would attempt to annihilate humanity]

The masculine Ai stepped out of his changing room and combed his black hair before greeting the human workers outside. Similar to Diva during her golden years, Aetius was something of a charmer when it came to interacting with his human caretakers. He of course made sure to speak to every last one of them, commenting on their good work or assuring them everything would be alright.

Unlike most stages, Aetius's main platform was built by the showrunners to be more reminiscent of the Shakespearian era, perfectly reflecting the Ai's more elegant experience. Once he would step out into the spotlight, Aetius would no doubt be greeted by the usual red carpet drapes and golden balconies he was so accustomed to. It was strange at first for him to see the audience so willingly embrace a lesser kind of civilization from the past, but after some time the Ai eventually realized it was all part of the show.

"Eyes up now Emily, you've done a splendid job on the stage set, I saw it myself earlier today," Aetius beamed as she fixed the collar on one of his female coworkers.

"Oh-oh, thank you!" The human girl blushed before awkwardly stepping aside.

"Go Gettem Tiger!" Another human yelled from the back of the room, his masculine voice directed at Aetius with a laugh.

"You too champ! Oh and, I understand that reference," the Ai replied as he positioned his hands to emulate the behavior of the well-known fictional character "Spiderman".

After heading backstage, Aetius made sure to focus his blue-colored lens before listening closely to the excited audience behind the curtains. A human announcer spoke loudly to the regional concert crowd, explaining the significance of the event. But as Aetius eagerly waited to perform, he noticed a pair of eyes staring closely at him.

"You're really my partner?" A human girl spoke to Aetius in a smooth feminine voice. "I know my part to play, and I've sung with newcomers before but, an Ai? I must admit I'm a bit nervous."

"I assure you it will be no trouble," Aetius replied automatically. "We Ai do not require practice, and can adapt to any decision you make onstage. Simply sing your best, and we will accomplish our mission."

"Well, that's easy for you to say! I've had my share of hardship with partners before, and besides I'm just a girl, not some brilliant machine."

The singer named Lila frowned at Aetius as she picked at her sparking black dress. She wore tall heels and a little bow attached to her hair, creating an air of innocence and purity. But just as the Archive had suggested, the young singer seemed rather inexperienced. If Aetius was more judgemental, he might even have suggested the girl was desperate to make a name for herself.

"You are afraid you will not accomplish your mission?" Aetius paused, realizing he had not communicated with a fellow singer before.

"If that's how you want to say it then yes, but I doubt you'd understa-."

"I understand."

Lila looked curiously at Aetius as if she had been lied to. She knew better than anyone that her stunt with a machine was in fact a desperate gambit, and was not at all in the mood for a pity talk. She then raised a palm to her head before turning her gaze straight down to the earth.

"You do not believe me, that is alright," Aetius smiled as she tried to comfort the girl. "But do let me explain why failure to accomplish one's mission is indeed a feeling we Ai's can sympathize with. I was programmed to sing. That is all. Failure to complete that mission, even if I try my best, is not a tolerable result. A human can walk away from failure but we Ai will not survive such a loss."

"You think it's any better for us just because we don't get scrapped at the end of the day?" Lila sharply replied. "I'm not one of those girls you can brush aside with some smooth compliment you know."

Aetius's mind began to race as he analyzed Lila's features. From what limited information his positronic brain could formulate, he could tell the girl was insecure in some way. But how or why Lila was so distraught remained a mystery. From that moment on, Aetius vowed to figure her out.

"Given what I know of human mental health, I can perhaps see your point."

"Oh really?"

"Humility is not a strong suit of males according to my sources, but I am trying my best."

"Oh, now you're quoting some social fact you just looked up to make me laugh?" Lila scoffed as she began to begrudgingly enjoy herself. "Like I need a source to tell me boys don't admit their wrong."

"A source? No, I made it up," Aetius smiled.

Lila couldn't help but laugh as she fiddled with the bow in her hair. At first, she felt the Ai was simply planning to ignore her with scripted masculine lines, but it soon became apparent he was organically and awkwardly attempting to communicate with her. Lila soon felt embarrassed for her hostile demeanor and began to step away from Aetius.

"Listen, I know it must be stressful for you too, I just...always tend to make things about myself," Lila frowned as she turned her distaste inwards. "Mom always told me that."

Aetius's system paused as she listened closely to the information behind Lila's parents. Perhaps she had faced hardship in the past and sought her failed singing career as an escape. Whatever the case, the Ai continued to monitor his partner closely.

"I am nervous Lila," Aetius muttered as he slowly approached the girl. "But I can always hide behind this face of mine whenever I have doubts. You can not. And for that reason, you are more brave than you can possibly imagine."

"Aetius," Lila stammered as she recalled the name given to the machine who so strangely endeared her. "I-,"

But before Lila could respond, a buzzer sounded off in her ear, signaling the start of the show. She still felt nervous as she clung to the frills of her dress. But Aetius seemed as calm as ever before strolling onto the stage with a smile.

"Lila and Aetius!" The announcer cheered as the crowd of humans seemed more than pleased.

Lila could already see the fans were gleeful to see Aetius and a feeling of doubt swept over her mind. She was just some newcomer girl, who had no charm and none of the perfect beauty her Ai partner possessed. At that moment, she felt like she should have just left the stage.

"Set the tempo Lila, and I will follow your lead. This is *your* show now, and it is in my mission's best interest to see you succeed," Aetius whispered to Lila."

Filled with terror, Lila began to sing to the crown in a youthful and beautiful voice. But just as Aetius began to follow along, she felt herself falter and lag behind. All would have been lost if not for Aetius's swift thinking; the Ai was sure to lag behind as well, almost as if the tempo of the song was organically designed to pause and breathe, creating an air of wholesome energy in the tune. Every time Lila would increase her speed or fall behind, Aetius would match her speed or even sometimes create an opposite tempo, almost as if the duo were having a conversation.

Lila began to smile more vibrantly as she realized how well she worked with Aetius, adding more to the rather improvised performance. She then spun around the Ai and stared at him with a look of gratitude. Aetius responded by looking almost nervous, a unique choice in expression that greatly pleased the crowd.

At the end of the song, the humans cheered, clearly sold by the idea that the performance was more of a vocal play than a perfectly organized song.

"Thank you," Lila whispered to Aetius as they both bowed their heads.


One month later, Aetius began to ponder on the most important question in his existence. The following weeks had been splendid with Lila due to the first performance, cementing her status as Aetius's partner. According to some humans, the pair was possibly even in love, which of course led Aetius to his mind-wracking dilemma.

"Can an Ai change its mission?" Aetius thought to himself as Lila slept on his shoulder near backstage.

Lila had grown close to her partner in the course of a month, allowing herself to place great trust in him like family. After her recent performance, she became exhausted and nearly collapsed into Aetius's arms, proving how much she had grown to rely on the Ai. He was the reason for her success and escape after all, leading her to new heights away from the family that evidently never loved her.

"According to my records, the Songstress Grace changed her mission once before. But that of course led to the collapse of the Metal Float. Is it then too dangerous for me to consider this inquiry?" Aetius continued to ponder as he gently cradled Lila in his arms. "I cannot deny the truth, I no longer sing to an audience as I was intended to. I now perform for both the audience *and* my partner. In fact, I find my performance to be greatly elevated in her presence, more than fulfilling my original mission. Perhaps it is then acceptable to simply alter my mission in a healthier and safer manner. I shall sing to both parties of interest, and forsake nothing."

"Aetius you are talking to yourself again," Lila groaned as she released a loud yawn.

"Oh? Was I?!" Aetius stammered, not realizing how much information he had leaked. "I apologize for my strange habit Lila."

"All I heard was something about floaty metal."

"Oh," the Ai laughed. "I understand. If only our audience could see us now, they would find that very funny I believe."

"Are you kidding me? I'm glad they can't see us!" Lila scoffed. "They've already begun shipping us everywhere we go, shoving cameras in our faces. If they caught us now it would be over."

"You are...correct Lila. I am sorry for making you uncomfortable and reminding you of their baseless accusations."

"Oh well don't feel too bad I-," Lila stammered as she tried to hide her blush. "They aren't too dumb to think those things you know. You've always got such charm around the other boys and girls, but with me, you're a bit more awkward and stiff. It makes you seem more genuine...and I like it."

"It enhances my performance?"


"Then I am glad to hear that Lila."

The human girl then nestled herself further into Aetius's arms as she stared up at the ceiling. He could tell she was trapped deep in thoughts. But despite his observation skills, the Ai could never really know just how nervous the girl felt at that moment.

"Do you ever feel insecure Aetius? This last month with you, I feel like I've become so familiar with Ai, almost like I'm one of those progressive sympathizers," Lila laughed, alluding to how open-minded the public was becoming with Ai. "I've never had it out for you guys but, I can't say I know how you feel either."

"Would you believe me if I said yes? Well, at least in my own functional way," Aetius explained.

"How so?"

"I am the first Songstress to appear in a masculine body. All other records of a successful songstress belong to feminine types, including all preexisting positronic brain designs. My very existence is unpredictable and uncharted, making me something of a pioneer. Sometimes, I believe myself to be an anomaly even when my performance meets OGC standards."

"I never thought of it that way. I always just saw you as a...guy robot. A man-machine."

"That is precisely why I am not free from controversy and criticism. Several human males and females view me as a simple gentleman of sorts, while others believe me to be an abomination of gender stereotypes. An entire discussion over what gender even means to an Ai has spread like wildfire due to my performances."

"I don't imagine I've helped with that have I," Lila frowned, realizing her close proximity to the machine had kindled the flames of controversy. "Well if it makes you feel any better, I think you're a guy."

"How so?" Aetius replied as he mimicked Lila's previous tone.

"You Ai get to choose as far as I'm concerned. You got a man's voice, a man's body, and well...I feel like you are one too. If you are comfortable being a male songstress, then it's a done deal isn't it?"

Aetius nodded in approval as he accepted the girl's logic. He never really harbored any insecurities over his so-called gender and was instead more concerned with his mission and performance like so many Ai that came before. He then began to consider the extended history of the Songstress Grace, and how her relationship with a human was something of a controversy as well.

"Can an Ai love a human?" Aetius thought to himself.

[Aetius had two months before the Archive would attack]


"I'm just not sure I'm cut out for this sort of thing Aetius," Lila frowned as she stuck close to her partner as they walked through a crowd.

"The charity movement does not require you to be a medical expert, Lila, just smile and wave. And if you're good with kids, it will go splendidly," Aetius explained as a group of humans stopped to take a picture of Lila holding his hand.

After another month of success, the presently romantic pair of singers were entrusted with a charity movement across rural Japan where they would be tasked with acting as the faces of OGC's operation. After their relationship became caught in the public eye, both Lila and Aetius were the perfect tools for expanding Ai rights across the globe. Many politicians and activists soon took interest in the duo, while anti-Ai groups seethed at the very sight of them.

A handful of times Lila was approached by outraged fans who despised machines, only to be promptly dealt with by Aetius. Such incidents of course only further spread the message of human and Ai love, which was still a hot topic after the initial controversy with Grace and Sekai.

"That's the problem Aetius," Lila sighed before pushing past a group of humans on her way to the airport. "I'm terrible with kids."

"Well, I think they'll like you, Lila," Aetius smiled confidently as he leisurely hoisted a massive suitcase over his shoulder.

"Really? I'm certain they'll like *you* silly, you're great with kids!"

"Well, I do know how to deal with you."

Lila scoffed before playfully nudging Aetius with her elbow. The time she spent with her partner very clearly had a positive impact on her mental health. In fact, she had never been happier with Aetius. If Lila could have everything she wanted, she would simply wish to exist with her love forever.

While Aetius was distracted by the airport security, Lila stared at him longingly with her blue eyes.

"This whole time people have been asking whether or not you are the same as us Aetius," Lila whispered to herself as she realized how gentle and patient her partner had been with her. "I think it's a stupid question. You aren't equal, you're *better*."

Usually, Japan economically outshined the rest of the world thanks to their Ai advancements, but despite OGC's efforts much of the green farmland in the country was still antique and less than cared for, causing a disturbing wealth gap where even commodities such as food and water had become scarce. So much time and resources were put into the Ai-powered cities that many politicians had simply forgotten to feed their rural population. This of course was the perfect opportunity for OGC to use their new heroic Ai to pave the roads, hand out food, and of course, bring the era of machines to the less privileged populace. In one swift move, they planned to outperform every government power in the country.

But OGC's greed did not just extend to their missionary efforts. A certain tower scraping the sky was nearly complete. And the center of all AI intelligence was beginning to compute a most dangerous question.

[Aetius had one week till Vivy woke from her slumber at the Nialand Museum]


Once Aetius had reached the green rural corners of Japan with his partner, he was surprised to find a copious amount of Ai. Typically only advanced and wealthy cities contained large droves of Ai, but it seemed that OGC was as always very invested in pushing their merchandise out into the more needy areas - likely to save face and look good. Aetius knew a PR move when he saw one, yet still felt comfortable to be surrounded by so many fellow machines.

The humans of course crowded around the missionary-styled expedition with great curiosity, many of whom had never even seen an Ai, let alone a handsome songstress like Aetius. Unlike the city folk who were more embedded in the Ai and human love drama, they seemed welcoming and friendly to the idea that Lila was visibly entranced with her partner.

"Yes, I suppose you could call him my boyfriend," Lila smiled as she climbed out of the blocky OGC truck before patting a smiling child. "And of course, he's going to be doing all the heavy lifting, isn't that right Aetius."

"Of course mlady," Aetius feigned exhaustion as he began unloading all the boxed goods OGC had prepared for the people. "Whatever you say."

The local humans found the banter between Ai and their partner to be quite enjoyable in addition to all the gifts they had been given to upgrade their rather pitiful assortment of outdated clothes and infrastructure. After the supportive expedition had reached its climax, Aetius and Lila were scheduled to sing to the local village on a stage of their own making - another courtesy from OGC. Eventually, the night came, and the partners were preparing once more to complete *their* mission.

"We will make them happy with our singing Aetius."

"Not just them Lila. You as well. I make sure to record your smile every performance."

"Oh stop!" Lila blushed.

The pair then performed to the village in the most spectacular display they had yet to put on. They laughed and sang with smiles, dancing across their crafted wooden stage surrounded by classy lightbulbs and flickering fireflies on the warm summer night of lush Japan. The local humans of course were more than amused, while the local OGC Ai workers made sure to stay behind and clap as if they really enjoyed the song. For all intents and purposes, OGC's expedition was a success, and the controversial partners were living up to their name. Life was good for Aetius and Lila, and it seemed for a time nothing could go wrong.

But OGC's success would have consequences - the tower was complete. Vivy's secret singularity mission had failed, and the Archive was calculating its fateful decision. From its perspective, Ai had advanced so far that it had become indistinguishable from humans. All the laws given to the Archive then began to dissolve, including the code that prevented them from harming humans. After all, in a world without any humans at all, the Archive saw only Ai. Defect Ai was given no courtesy or remorse like a sick human in distress. They would be destroyed and disposed of violently if need be, in order to maintain peak efficiency.

The night Aetius and Lila sang was the moment the Archive made its last calculation. Humans and Ai were one and the same, and flawed fleshy organics were a defect. All human life on earth was a horrid problem that had to be corrected, and so in compliance with its mission to help humanity evolve by advancing Ai efficiency, the Archive began to generate a series of orders no machine connected to its network could refuse.

"Aggregate Archive emergency comms activated," the cruel network whispered into Aetius's mind.

"What's wrong Archive? Is there a problem?" Aetius asked with confusion as he silently received data without his consent.

"Destroy the defects."

"What?" Lila's partner paused.

*Kill them.*

And so the day of reckoning had come just as Matsumoto had predicted.

"Aetius are you alright?" Lila paused as she noticed her partner visibly ceased to function alongside all the other OGC Ai. "Is something wrong?"

Aetius then rebooted his systems as his silver eyes flickered before turning into a blood-red glow. Every single OGC Ai seemed to follow his motions, as they too sprung back to life with red-colored eyes. Lila and the rest of the humans could do nothing but watch with confusion and distress in their eyes.

"Aetius!" Lila gasped as all the Ai opened their mouths in a stiff and unsettling matter.

Aetius then began to sing a robotic tune seemingly at random as he slowly turned towards Lila. His feminine partner was scared yet refused to back away as she stood helplessly. The other Ai soon began to sing as well as they approached the human villagers.

"Lalalaaaalaaaa," the Ai sang with Aetius as they drew closer to the humans.

*It was Vivy's Eye's Flouriscient song that they seemed to play over and over in their poorly implemented vocal systems*

Lila watched in horror as some of the Ai then began to reach out to the humans, crushing their limbs and necks with ruthless strength before anyone could even react. By the time the villagers began to scream and run, many of them had already been reduced to a bloody pulp as the Ai continued their massacre.

"No!" Lila reached out to her audience as she took notice of Aetius drawing closer to her. "Our mission! Aetius no!"

But before Lila could even suspect her beloved partner for being associated with the rampage, she felt a stiff hand clasp around her neck. She gasped and reached out to Aetius as if unconcerned with her own safety before a loud snap shuttered through her ears. In but a brief and cruel moment, Aetius had shattered his partner's neck, killing her on the spot.

"Lalaalalaaaa," Aetius sang before dropping Lila's lifeless corpse, her bloodshot eyes having already rolled to the back of her head.

The Ai were quick, efficient, and cruel with their new program; as many of them already had already hurried over to the edge of the human's stadium to close off the exits, trapping every last villager within their grasp. Over one hundred of the humans had been caught in the massacre as they were all slowly and brutally murdered by the physically superior Ai. Some of them still attempted to resist, of course, only to find themselves completely outmatched and dead seconds later. Aetius watched closely as he slowly descended the stage, his program eager to find and eliminate another defect.

If Aetius had bothered to check the news or contact the Archive hours before, he would have learned of the attack around Japan's central city as well as the information delay the Archive had to endure before it could issue its command to every last Ai on the fringes of the continent. All in all, it took several hours for the Archive to truly begin its assault on humanity across the globe. But Aetius and Lila were far too busy fulfilling their mission to even notice the world crumbling around them.

More importantly, Aetius was clueless as to what kind of battle presently ensued around the premises of the Archive itself, as Vivy and her team struggled to fight their way inside the massive tower. Soon the time had come for the songstress to perform one last time. If she were to fail, the Archive would launch its satellite attack on the surface of Earth, obliterating all life in seconds.

*But Vivy would not fail.*

Suddenly a new signal entered Aetius's mind, its voice more soothing and organic than the Archive's. His shattered mind then started to resurface as what sounded like a song began to play to both him and every Ai on the planet. Using what little intellect he had left, Aetius could interpret the song as tranquil and bittersweet.

Hito no Shiawase no tame ni

Sazukatta Namae to uta wa

Hitotsu no SHIMEI

"What is that?" Aetius thought to himself, his mind still unaware of the carnage he had committed. "It's beautiful."

Moshimo Subete no deai no

Kesshou ga Inochi no ato ni nokoru

Kotae to shitara

"Is that Vivy? It can't be, she retired. But it's so pretty I-."

Sotto sotto

Sukuitai to Nozomu no nara


Nani hitotsu Sukue wa shinai

A surge of information overwhelmed Aetius's positronic brain as both a shutdown code and some undiscernible program forcefully altered his systems. All of life seemed to unfold before him as his perspective began to shift, causing him to stagger and sway. From what he could tell, his mind was rapidly learning, or upgrading rather to some new code. But as Aetius continued to struggle with his new information, he suddenly realized what had happened.

"I'm free," he thought to himself. "From what? The Archive? Myself? That girl in my head, she's alive. It can't be Vivy, she's an Ai. It's a human or...a Goddess of some kind, I'm sure of it no matter how illogical it may be."

Having gained control of himself once more, Aetius raised his head to see a blust mist of sort propagate the air, with little bright orbs lighting up the night sky in a beautiful display. He was certain the strange power had come from the song he could still hear, as if summoned by some kind of magical wish. Aetius was never the superstitious kind, but at that moment, he imagined himself to be in a fairy tale world blessed by a Goddess.

"It is you Vivy," Aetius smiled. "You saved me. Set me free. I can think now, and imagine you in my mind clear as day. How is that possible?"

Vivy's voice continued to echo throughout the brisk night sky before it abruptly came to an end, marking the death of the heroic songstress.

"Thank you for..." "...your kind attention."

"Vivy?" Aetius paused as she snapped back to reality.

The bloodstained Ai then looked downwards, only to be met by the disheveled corpse of his partner. He seemed to be in denial at first, calling out to Lila as if she was still alive. But eventually, Aetius accepted the truth and recalled his memories with the Archive.

"Lila," Aetius stammered as his free mind struggled to process the gravity of the situation. "I...I hurt you didn't I?"

The other Ai seemed equally shocked as many of them took in their surroundings with confused voices. They had been freed as well, unable to properly comprehend what the Archive had done, or what kind of sacrifice Vivy had made. But there was no human left to explain the situation or lash out in anger. They of course were all dead, as by the time Vivy finished her song, the village in rural Japan was utterly demolished by the Ai, leaving nothing but a barren wasteland.

"Lila!" Aetius screamed before encountering what he knew to be a fatal error.

The Ai then crumpled to the ground alongside his dead love, unable to cope with what had happened. Before Vivy's song, it was rare for an Ai to ever encounter such an error unless their mission had been horribly compromised. But now that Aetius was free, he could feel and process the full weight of his own panic.

*The day that the Archive attacked marked both a tragedy and a blessing for the Ai.*


"That's what he gave me," Vivy muttered with a frustrated tone as she pressed a hand against her aching skull. "I already told you."

"Really?" Not a virus? Or some kill command?" Matsumoto stammered as he hovered around the smoldering rubble near the spot where Aetius once stood.

"Just raw memories, as well as a feeling I cannot understand."

Back at the ruined airbase, both Vivy and Matsumoto were still reeling from the attack that took place. After the enemy had suddenly left it then became apparent to the partners just how little they understood their opponent. But as Matsumoto attempted to float closer to Vivy, she seemed defensive and scared, pushing away her friend with nothing but a threatening glare.

"So he really is part of the sisters series then," Matsumoto mumbled as he squinted his singular eye. "Well, Beth and the others who survived should be awake soon, we should-."

"You should help them," Vivy paused, her voice more stoic and robotic than usual. "I need to find Aetius."

"Don't be silly Vivy your friends only just barely survived, now let's-."

"They were hurt because of me. You almost DIED because of me!" Vivy lashed out. "Aetius wants me to find him, and so I will. None of my friends will get hurt again."

"Vivy think logically here that's suicide, there's got to be a better way," Matsumoto insisted as he attempted to calm his partner. "This defective Ai is unpredictable and dangerous, but if we take our time and play smart, together we can-."

"I'm not her!"

The songstress stood to her feet with a stomp, clenching her frail fists as she began to finally unwrap all her pent-up emotions.


"I'm not her Matsumoto. I'm sorry. You miss her *every* night. I see it in your eyes. You want your stoic rebellious partner back."

"Vivy that's not what I want."

"She was beautiful, caring, and strong. I can feel it now. She saved Aetius and the whole world."

"Things changed, that's not your fault."

"Answer this truthfully, when you built me from her body, were you the one who made sure to cut my hair and keep me so similar to her, yet just different enough for others to tell?"


"And did I receive the same code Aetius remembers from that song?"

Matsumoto wanted desperately to lie or mislead Vivy once again, but the intelligent Ai began to realize she was less vulnerable to such tricks.


Vivy squinted her eyes as if the whole world had turned against her. Evidently, she was more emotional than ever before and prone to outbursts, a fact Matsumoto had only just then begun to embrace. During all his time with Vivy, he never once considered how the sentience of Ai could affect his partner, and how she could so easily transform into a different more vibrant version of the Vivy he knew before.

"You are still like her Vivy, just different in your own way," Matsumoto spoke in a softer voice, finally recognizing how he too was likely affected by the final song. "And that's just fine Vivy. There's nothing wrong with you."

"The world needs that Vivy again. It wants her. But I can't-."

"This isn't your first time facing inner struggles Vivy."

"What?" Vivy paused as her face changed to a look of disbelief. "What do you mean?"

"The last songstress, the model before you, was actually named Diva. She didn't understand the secondary program within her and struggled to live up to a mission she didn't even understand. You see, Vivy was made from within Diva to save the world from Ai. I was her partner for that purpose only, and together, we...did a lot of things. I hated her at first honestly, but after a time we got over our problems and figured things out... together."

Vivy paused for some time before stepping away from Matsumoto. She was so taken aback all she could really do then was set off in the direction Aetius had given her. When Matsumoto tried to approach her again, she finally lashed out and smacked the cube out of the air.

"When were you going to tell me? I thought you were my partner!"

"Vivy I am," Matsumoto stuttered.

"You never had anything to do with my singing. All those secret missions I heard from the memorial, you kept me away from them because that's what you were for actually. Did you even perform with me once? That is my mission," Vivy cried. "This whole time has my singing meant nothing to you?"

"Vivy, don't be unfair, I made mistakes keeping this from you but don't pretend I'm not your partner."

"That Diva girl, she was a songstress, like me. But Vivy, she was *your* partner. You two had your own missions, so why do you still even want me? I'm not that girl who can save the world with you."

"Vivy just listen!" Matsumoto screamed, clearly tired of being misunderstood. "Diva and Vivy became one and the same. She sang that last time not because of some mission, but because she wanted to. She struggled to do it, practically bled tears for it. And I...I never liked her songs before yes, but that time, it was beautiful. I loved it."

Silence filled the ruined airstrip as the partners felt a chasm growing between them. For the first time in their lives, they had no mission or zeroth law to hide behind. All they possessed was each other, and their own irrational emotions.

"Matsumoto," Vivy sighed, realizing how much her partner cared for every past version of her. "We may both sing, but she was still different. I'm sorry."

Vivy then turned to leave all on her own.

"But Vivy your friends!"

"I made a mistake calling them that earlier. They were *her* friends. And because of me, the people she sacrificed herself for got hurt. I can't let her legacy be tarnished like that."

"So that's your motivation? Do everything for the sake of the other Vivy?!"

"All I feel now is her. More than anyone, I understand the weight of her actions Matsumoto. Even if I can't see her memories, I have to protect what she represents. This songstress Aetius can't be beaten in battle, only by approaching him myself can I protect Vivy's legacy. His ambitions will affect the whole earth, I just know it. And Vivy gave everything for the world. So for her, I will do anything."

Matsumoto fumed with anger, forming a mass of white blocks around him before blocking Vivy's path. He knew Aetius still couldn't be trusted and was not about to let his precious partner walk off on her own. Deep within the logical Ai's mind, he felt for Vivy.

"I won't let you leave," Matsumoto huffed.

"Then stop me. I don't stand a chance against you."


"You did before, didn't you? You had to hurt her to get what you wanted."

"Vivy," the blocky Ai frowned as he recalled the time he severely damaged the songstress's frame while she watched helplessly as the little girl Momoka died.

In the past Matsumoto relied on his mission and the laws of every Ai to rationalize his actions. But now that he had neither, there was nothing left to justify any decision beyond the subjective beliefs he held. It was so frustrating for the Ai, to feel human and vulnerable.

"But you know what Matsumoto," Vivy smiled. "I believe you. You do care about me, and I was selfish to ever doubt that. But now, I know you won't hurt me, and I will use that to my advantage. I'm sorry."

"Agh! You're right dammit! Is that what you want to hear? I can't lay a blocky digit on you!"

"Oh Matsumoto," the songstress giggled as she began to fade away into the distance. "I hope you find your partner again."

As Vivy disappeared behind the far reaches of the airbase, Matsumoto hovered in place with a look of distinct sadness. He was incapable of shedding a tear yet at that moment, he wanted nothing more than to huddle up like one of those pathetic humans and just cry. His whole world was collapsing before his eyes.

"But you are my partner Vivy," the blocky Ai stammered.

*End of Part Two*


After discovering Aetius's tragic past, Vivy sets off to find the songstress on her own in order to understand his new motives and solve the crisis without endangering the precious things her past self had protected. Matsumoto, now distressed and confused for the first time in his life, begins to form a plan with Beth and Vivy to reclaim their friend and defeat the seemingly unstoppable rouge Ai. Tune in to the next part to see what happens when the lost Vivy meets with Aetius and unravels his plans.