The First Task

Mission information emerges in front of your eyes——

[Task Content]: Obtain an NBA contract (time: within one week)

[Task Reward]: Lucky Wheel once

[Mission Punishment]: Do not lift your lower body for one year

There really is no free lunch in the world.

I haven't used it yet, so I have to give myself a one-year suspension period.

This punishment is a bit inhumane.

But Ye Fei didn't have a chance to refuse, the system forcibly issued the task to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei would rather die than obey, and decided to resist a wave.

Summers next to him poked Ye Fei and said angrily, "Hey, it's your turn to play, boy."

Seeing Coach Fisher waving at him, Ye Fei quickly stood up.

"Coach, I'm sorry, I'll be right here."

Fisher was a little upset. He came to participate in the trial training and didn't hurry up to study hard. How dare he get distracted?

Based on his physical measurement data and scouting report, he didn't want to keep Ye Fei in the first place.

If he hadn't promised Jim-Boeheim, he wouldn't even have given him the chance to practice 5V5.

Seeing Ye Fei approaching, Fisher waved his hand and said, "You go up, take position 3."

Ye Fei was assigned to the blue team.

He took off his jacket, revealing his blue training uniform, and walked quickly onto the field.

The game has progressed to more than 7 minutes into the first quarter. The score between the blue team and the white team is 16 to 32, and the blue team is beaten badly.

The White team is the starter and an important rotation player in the team, but now the starters are resting off the court.

The white team's lineup is: point guard Grant, scoring post Galloway, small forward Derrick Williams, power forward Porzingis and center Atkins.

The blue team has five players on the field: Wesley Sanders, Lance Thomas, Ye Fei, Kerry Antonio Li and Louis Amundsen.

Ye Fei played against Derek Williams.

Seeing Ye Fei come on stage, the players resting on the sidelines all started whispering.

Anthony said with a smile: "Where did the team find a newcomer? If he wants to come, I think Chris's team's most handsome position must be given up."

Lopez continued: "You are so handsome, you can go to Hollywood, why come to play basketball, isn't this to steal our jobs? If you really become teammates with him, it is not a good thing, all the beautiful women are attracted to him ."

Vujacic also said happily: "Derek hates this kind of player the most. Let's see how he beats this little boy."

Calderon echoed: "That's right, we must teach him a lesson and don't let him enter the NBA."

They didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and they booed together.

The game continued, and the ball belonged to the substitute team. As the point guard, Wesley Sanders didn't have Ye Fei in his eyes at all. He had to perform well and buy himself more playing time.

Ye Fei played very aggressively and came over to cover him. After dismantling it, he was already misplaced. Ye Fei had a good chance to open, but Sanders didn't pass it. He chose to rush to the basket by himself and was slapped by Porzingis. .

The ball fell into the hands of Grant, and the white team failed to make a quick break and fell into a positional battle.

Derek Williams pulled out, took the ball from the three-point line, and didn't even lift his eyes. Facing a rookie like Ye Fei, as a veteran who has been in the league for many years, he didn't pay attention to him at all.

"Rookie, watch it!"

Take a step forward and use his body to force him. With 109 kg, he has an obvious advantage in his body against Ye Fei who weighs 100 kg.

"Little white-faced rookie, you can't guard against me! I advise you to go to Hollywood, maybe you will be spotted by an older female star, they like you the most."

There was a fierceness in Ye Fei's eyes. On the court, he was no longer so gentle and refined, but a beast that chose to eat people, and provoking him would be fruitless.

The blue team's offense still has nothing to do with him.

He just passed the ball once, and Amundson ended this offense with a strike.

Porzingis got the rebound, the white team organized the offense, Ye Fei defended close, Derrick Williams received the ball with difficulty, and was almost intercepted by Ye Fei's mad dog defense.

"Boy, it's not bad, watch how I bukkake you!"

Wanting to save face, he dribbled the ball continuously and took a sudden step back, trying to humiliate Ye Fei with a three-pointer.

Pulling out his hand, Derek Williams moved quickly.

But Ye Fei is not slow either.

The moment he shot, he rushed over.

Derek Williams, who threw the ball, is full of confidence, this goal will be scored!

But Ye Fei jumped up suddenly, and the super block skill was triggered. When the ball just started to rise, he slapped the ball hard, and a volleyball cap slapped Derek Williams' shot.

Sanders grabbed the ball, unguarded in front, and scored an easy layup.

Ye Fei's block boosted morale a lot.

The players on the sidelines were all surprised by Ye Fei's block.

"Little boy is fine, this cap is good."

"Hey, let me tell you, Derek, can you do it? Even rookies who haven't entered the league can humiliate you."

"Good job! Another one!"

Derek Williams was a little uncomfortable on his face, and in the next round, he took the initiative to pull out and ask for the ball.

Everyone's height is 203CM, but the opponent's weight is dominant.

He used the most rogue way to attack the inside line with his back, but Ye Fei was not afraid and pushed forward with all his strength, but he still let him hit the inside line.

Derek Williams took advantage of the opportunity to turn around and try to end the offense with a dunk. His timing of the jump was good.

The moment when he smashed the ball to the basket with one hand, Ye Fei finally got the best chance, and also jumped high.

Ye Fei pressed his hands firmly on the ball and sent the ball flying hard.

Ye Fei tried his best.

After the two confronted in the air, Derek Williams fell hard to the ground.

Ye Fei made another block.

This cap-pressing was even more wonderful than the block just now, and once again amazed the audience.

Anthony and the others jumped up from their seats.

"Cheat! I underestimated this little boy, what's his name?!"

"Cool! How are you, Derek?"

"This lad is full of drive and blocks shots very well!"

"One more, please."

Even Coach Fisher, who has always been down on him, shines.

Ye Fei did a good job defending both times.

Next, Ye Fei surprised him even more. No matter who he was facing, his defense was so desperate.

He is very active on the field, and can always appear in key positions at the first time to defend the opponent's offense.

Although he doesn't shoot much.

But Fisher is willing to give him more time, and he already likes this player more and more.