leaf man

"Will you guys stop hugging each other, you have been hugging each other close to 25min,. Raid spoke out.

Ohh. Shalom and susan quickly disengage from the hug and he went to his father ,.

And his father just smiled at him , then he gesture for him to sit ,including Susan .

You guys are really perfect for each , I remember when you guys where kids , each time shalom see's you , he is always happy , and can you believe susan shalom even make a drawing of both of you marrying each other. Huh susan was talking aback.

And shalom face flush out , hell no dad , you are lieing , even if shalom know that is dad was saying the truth, but he was just embarrassed, and he placed his face on the desk because he can't help to face Susan. And he was afraid how she will react.

After shalom remember susan , the girl in the vision, all the memories of past rush into his brain , he can now remember everything , how he was happy with his family. Including Susan .

But the only one thing he didn't remember was what happened to him during those fourteen years.

Are you shy susan asked shalom?. Huh no why will I ,stop lieing shalom you are even blushing very hard see your chick and your ear they are both red like tomatoes.

I don't know what you are talking about , all I know is that I didn't do what you guys are accusing me of . shalom shrug.

Then raid reply I still have the drawing is in my locker . no shalom quickly quiver he stop raid for showing susan the drawing. Suddenly susan and raid burst out laughing then susan spoke , the traitor confessed, and am curious how the drawing look like.

Susan can't deny the fact that the moment raised mentioned the drawing about she and shalom, she kind of have some excitement inside of her , and she just can't explain the feeling that is building up inside of her .

The rest of the day was blissful , then susan decided to go home , but shalom didn't excort her because something came up in his mansion.

But before he went to the mansion he went to his dad locker and brought out the drawing, he couldn't deny the fact that he felt something for susan then but now , he kind of still have it, even then they where still child because they where still young. But now is different. The spark was there , and he could not help asking himself is this what mature people feel at each other.

Then he drop back the drawing and zap out ,

His dad was staring at him before he zap out then he muttered to himself, be safe shalom .

In the city center in am hotel there was a middle age man sitting and chatting with his lover , that man was no other petson but ken with nora , their dinner night has come to and end and ken give her a peg before biding her goodbye, he watch her till the taxi zoom off , he was so happy because he have patch things with her. And they promise to see other parents the next day .

The moment ken was ready to board a cap a zaping sound take him aback then he saw the sound ₤ form into a man .

Oh no it another speedstar but Can it be that vodmonk has returned.

No that can't be ,shalom life is in danger and those closer to him.

But can that really be vodmonk or am hellucinating .

Ken was transfitted on it spot and watch the speedstar take something and he use his arm to create a wormhole some thing like a pothole then he jump in and vanish.

That same night sam decided to tore round the city , while walking on the street was thinking how he is going to clear his name , that the explosion was an accident, but the cops was after him thinking that he was an assassin or a suicide bormbers. Then he face to the sky and sighed , but something catch his attention, it was two people fighting each other in a roof .

Then he quickly climb the building to check, when he was fully out on top , he was even more surprised, it was two superheros fighting each other, one has a constme of a leaf and the other was in black hoodie and he is floating in the mid air, with two sword on his hand.

Sam quicky went to their minst and stop them , hey stop fighting each other or i will blow off the head of you guys .

But fighters was look at this strange guys who the hell are you , the one in leaf costume voice out.

Then sam gesture them to come .

I have been watching you guys fighting each other , am just amazed with you guys power , but at the same time I was angry why did you guys have to fight each , I don't want to fucking know the reason you ate fighting but you guys has to stop this .

A gift is giving to you and you are miss using it , why don't you guys use ur power to save others.

If you taught your power was a curse ,you are actually wrong, the real curse is those that have nothing.

Then the man that dress in black hoodie who shalom called the roofer because he was always found on the roof. Chuckled gift he muttered , cause his what I am do you have any ideal now I can't step my foot on the ground , cause if I do I will die .

Blah..blah..blah same uttered that is just an excuse start looking at the positive side of who you are now and make a new name for yourself even you don't mind I can give you guys a nickname.

Like you leaf man would you like the world calling you leaf man, that is lame , and insulting but if they called you leaf slayer , that sound cool because they feel that a hero has come same goes to you black hoodie if I called you airman, roofman, roofer it sounf lame but if I called you sky warrior the whole world will be wow .

You guys have to think of doing good before is too late , . and sam walk away from them leaving them in their own taught.

Few minutes later sam was at the mansion hut he realized that some one was inside the mansion dress in black like a ninja . who are you sam asked . but this dude didn't say anything , but instead he approach him and start throwing him some punch but Sam was quickly to dough it . good thing he was good in both combat and martial art . but men are fighting each other then sam give him a hard kick causing the man in black to fall in the kitchen , sam quickly took up a frying pan and hit him hard on his head forcing the man to blank off . sam quickly unhook the masked and he was shocked and taking aback what !!! But instantly the man in black quicky wake up and injected him with drugs ,making sam to blank out and he quickly escape from the building..