Princess Grace And Princess Hope

Maxieno quickly held Prince Rowan's hand which covered Edna's mouth. Simultaneously, another young man behind Prince Rowan was about to pull out his sword but Prince Rowan held back. Edna also reflexively held her master's hand so as not to break the prince's hand in front of her.

"Take it off," Maxieno ordered Edna. He still wanted to break the young man's hand for covering Edna's mouth so harshly.

"I will let my hands go if you let go of Prince Rowan's hand too, sir."

"This is all really unnecessary," said the prince who then let go of Edna's hand and then brushed Maxieno's hand off to stop touching it.

"Lord Maxieno, it's really a surprise to meet you in a place that is … surrounded by humans," said Maxieno greeting the red dragon. "And you too, Eden."

"Your Highness," Edna greeted politely.

"Hey Eden. long time no see! How are you?" Edna turned and saw that the young man Prince Rowan was holding was none other than Eleazer.

"Eleazer, you are here too I see."