The Fire Dreams

Suri opened the door and saw Grace standing hugging her rabbit doll half asleep.

"Grace? What are you doing here alone? Where's Hope?"

"Sissy, can I sleep with you tonight? Hope is already asleep."

"Oh, Grace … of course you can."

Suri invited her sister to enter and closed the door again. Previously she saw the guard who was at the end of the hall. That person had seen Grace coming into the room. So if their parents were looking for Grace, they could tell that Grace was visiting her room.

"What's wrong, Grace?" asked Suri.

She asked her sister to get on the bed. She pulled the warm blanket so Grace could also feel warm. The little girl immediately closed her eyes as she lay back down and rested her head on the pillow. Suri smiled looking at Grace's beautiful face.

Grace's face was so beautiful, just like Hope. Like... the gods and goddesses were happy when they created them. Suri winced as she felt deja vu on her own thoughts.

"Suri?" called Grace with eyes still closed.