The Dragon's Eggs

Rowan touched Arielle's hand, which was smooth again. The wound in his mother's hand was completely healed without a trace.

"And why doesn't the wound in Suri's hand close?" asked Rowan who saw her sister's hand still bleeding.

"Suri's blood only heals other people's wounds. She can't use it for herself."

"Then, you can't just use your power, Suri!" Rowan exclaimed sharply.

Suri just laughed.

"That's why Mama and Papa strictly forbade Suri to talk about her powers to other people or use them. Remember when Uncle Sasha was back injured after training? At that time, we already knew about Suri's power, but we chose to remain silent and let Sasha be treated by the doctor."

Suri took the bandage held by her father. Even though her mother's hand was now completely healed, to avoid the question of why Arielle's wound healed in the blink of an eye, they would be covering her hand in bandages for the next few months.