The Last Chance

"Maxieno, we are still in the process of building our friendship. We haven't fallen in love with each other yet," Suri whispered under her breath. 

Falling into panic, her heart raced as though it would burst out of her chest. She didn't like this feeling. The mixture of embarrassment and joy collided when Maxieno touched her. She wanted to take things slowly, but her heart seemed to say otherwise.

Suri didn't want to rush into love. She wished to get to know Maxieno more deeply before committing to a relationship. After all, the man was still a bundle of mystery to her.

Love? Why were people around him so keen on love? Wasn't knowing that he was her mate enough? Maxieno wasn't even sure about the true meaning of love. He grew tired of being surrounded by these romantic fairy tales called love.