Vanessa and Yanna woke up early in the morning, and prepared to get started. They said goodbye to the other teams and went into the forest on the left side of the island.
As they walked, Vanessa took out the map to determine the route they should take. However, she noticed that her surroundings seems too quiet so she turned her attention away from the map just to realize that Yanna wasn't by her side.
Vanessa was at first worried upon realizing it, but then she calmed down as she thought that they had just entered the forest and there are cameramen following them. She calmly looked around for Yanna then she found her squatting beside a tree.
Out of curiosity, Vanessa carefully walked towards Yanna and squatted beside her, "Ms. Rivera, what are you doing?" Vanessa asked quietly
"Ms. Rodriguez, I found a mushroom! Look," Yanna exclaimed, holding up the mushroom "Do you think it's edible?"
Vanessa examined the mushroom for a moment,"Yes, it's edible,"
Upon hearing Vanessa's confirmation, a genuine smile spread across Yanna's face. It was a smile completely different from her usual smile when she greets people or when facing the camera which makes people who are watching them like the program team stunned.
They can't believe that Yanna can smile like that. It's like seeing her again for the first time.
Vanessa observes Yanna for a moment, and felt that Yanna's unrestrained smile is more beautiful which distracts her momentarily. It only took her few seconds but she knew the Director might put it into final editing however she can't do anything about it as it also happened yesterday because Yanna who was supposed to be an Alpha is very gentle and soft-spoken ever since they met, different from the typical assertive and dominant nature of Alphas.
It's not like she haven't met one or two kind of gentle and warm Alphas but the aura she felt to Yanna gives her an approachable vibe. She can only keep her face more stern so people won't think too much.
While everyone have different thought, Yanna have different thought, the fruit they ate last night wasn't enough for her. She remembers that unlike in her original world, even if she eats a little, it would be enough. But now, her body consumes much more energy than a normal person.
Yanna thought being a Beta is really much better, and she felt envious for a moment. Now she's going to have some trouble to adjust with her diet.
Yanna shake her head to not think negatively about being an Alpha," That's good, then I'll take some more,"
For the record, Yanna didn't ask Vanessa if the mushroom was edible or not because she didn't know, the truth is she asked because she wasn't sure if only genders here is divided differently, but thankfully aside from genders there's nothing to worried about as everything is the same in her previous world.
Knowing that her previous knowledge is still useful here makes Yanna more excited but she restrain herself again upon seeing the camera nearby. Although she said she will live the way she wants and won't care about anything, the habit is really hard too cure.
Vanessa thought that Yanna may not be familiar with mushroom," Good, just be careful and let me look at them later,"
She stand-up but she was about to to take a step she suddenly got worried again ' What if Yanna became curious and bit the mushroom? What if it's poisonous? What if I'm not around? ' Vanessa's mind became like a roller coaster full of worries, but her face still looks cold.
Vanessa instructed to Yanna, "Don't eat anything, and even if you are curious about what it tastes like, don't bite. I will see it later if what you get is edible."
Yanna looked at Vanessa, she wants to say that she can recognize the edible mushrooms or not edible but for safety she decided that it's still safer to let Vanessa take care of it later.
" Alright, I'll go look for food too," Vanessa decided to set aside the map and look for food first since Yanna already started it
" Mark the trees along the way so you can avoid getting lost." Yanna advice unconsciously as she knew that the heroine is bad with directions
When the two part ways, they both realize something. Vanessa shook her head, wondering if she had heard Yanna correctly
' Did Yanna say, "So you can avoid getting lost"? Did she think I am incapable of finding my way back? ' Vanessa shake her head and dismissed the thought, thinking that Yanna is just saying it out of consideration
Yanna stopped picking the mushrooms and decided to follow Vanessa and just continue to look for food along the way. ' It's not like I'm really worried about her getting lost with camera around, this is just for convenience so we won't need to wait for each other later '
As Yanna watched from a distance, she noticed Vanessa collecting herbs and edible plants along the way. She look at the mushrooms she collected then to Vanessa's, she realized that she might ended up eating leaves alone.
Yanna wants to satisfy her hunger and she knew it can only be satisfy by meat. Meat gives Yanna more motivation, she put down the mushrooms and quickly find a long stick, and a stone with a sharp edge.
She sharpened the edges of the stick although she it took time but it wasn't hard as she expected, she felt satisfied with her work and she look at her hand ' Thanks to my strength as an Alpha, I guess well, what can I say? Every gender has their own disadvantage and advantages '
Meanwhile, other teams were also busy searching for food as cameras started rolling and the live broadcast began. Despite the early morning rush hour, numerous viewers tuned in to see how the participants would fare without a script. They were excited to catch a glimpse of their idols' true personalities.