-Fairy cottage journal-

3 years later...

Sage opened his memory box, full of stuff he held onto for years just because it gave him that feeling of nostalgia.


Oh, he'd forgot about this one.

He pulled out an old dusty book with a brown cover, with a label that had been taped on that read 'Fairy cottage journal'.

This was from way back when he had first discovered his powers and joined that online fairy school. And his final assignment was to go to a cottage that once belonged to fairies, oh he was so stupid back then.

He made such a horrible decision.

And he couldn't wait to re-read every mistake he made.

He opened up the journal, memories flooding back to him as he read it.

DAY 1:

"I'm gonna be re-doing this in a different notebook before I hand it in so this journal is just for me. :)

Currently sitting in the car, these roads are super bumpy so my writing's gonna look bad. Still can't believe I convinced my parents to take me here, it's far away though, so this is gonna be a long drive."

"We're finally at the cottage!! And I can actually see that it's built the same way as the houses I saw in the fairy village, I took lots of pictures of the front of the cottage to put in my journal assignment as proof.

So far I haven't found anything 'left behind' or whatever, and these plants are just plants. Although I found out how to do something new!! I went up to a normal flower, and I held my hand over it, and I made thorns appear!! Just like I did to those vines back at the fairy ball, although I don't know how I grew those vines, or how I made them move like that..."

"Omg I went to start putting my stuff in my room and there was a spider over my bed!! He was huge!! I don't know how I'm gonna sleep here. You'd think with all the magic in the world fairies would have come up with some kind of spider-repellent."

"Unpacked all my stuff, then we went on the canoe, the sun started to set and it reflected in the water, made it feel like I was sailing on the sunset. Something weird happened though, I think I touched a fish? I put my hand in the water to feel how cold it was and I felt something brush against it underwater. If it was a fish, it must have been a big fish. Maybe I can catch it next time we go fishing. Oh and then we had supper, and now I'm lying in bed writing in this journal. I really should have brought a flashlight, I'm using my phone light to see what I'm writing right now. I can't wait for tomorrow, when we have all the time in the world to do whatever we want. Goodnight!!"

DAY 2:

"There are no fish in this lake. Whatever brushed against my hand clearly wasn't a fish. I have had no luck in catching any fish despite fishing all morning. Fishing is truly an art of patience, and I do not have much patience. Just standing on the dock with my line in the water for hours is a drag, but I refuse to accept defeat. That's why I'm writing in my journal with one hand and holding the rod in the other, makes it less boring. Oh, it's lunch now, bye."

"Something bad is happening...

I went to wash my hands before I ate lunch, right? So I walked into the bathroom, and I waved my hand to flick the lightswitch with my telakenisis...and nothing happened.

It's like I didn't have powers at all!!

It bothered me so much I spent like a good 10 minutes just trying to flip the switch with my powers. I let it go for a bit and had lunch like normal, but after lunch I went back behind the cottage and tried flying.

Guess what? Can't fly either.

It weird how fast I got used to having powers and how weak I feel without them... but why? Why are they gone? What's happening? I don't have cell service, I can't call my teacher and ask what's going on...


I'm scared."

"Update: my head hurts.

I've never had a headache this bad, mom says it's a migraine, which makes sense since every light is too bright for me right now. I had supper inside with all the lights turned off, and now I'm going to sleep without a campfire. This sucks.

But hopefully I'll feel better tommrow, goodnight."

DAY 3:

"I feel awful.

I feel too weak to even move from my bed.

I told my parents I still had a migraine and I was gonna sleep in so they wouldn't worry about me but this is horrible. I'm gonna miss my own vacation. Worse than that, I haven't seen a single magical plant or a fairy-like anything since I got here, I was supposed to wow my teacher with this journal but so far I have nothing to write about.

I guess I'll fail this like I failed my other classes."


I can't belive what I just found!!

So I went downstairs to eat lunch with my family and pretend like nothing was wrong, then I needed to lie down again so I went back upstairs, but I suddenly felt really weak and I fell onto the floor.

So I was staring up at the ceiling, wondering when I was gonna feel like myself again...when I noticed something...

The ceiling had a square of wood that was a bit more elevated than the rest of the ceiling, and the more I stared it I noticed...

It had a handle.

So regained my strength, got up, and went over to the closet. Sure enough, there's a latter in there just tall enough to reach the ceiling. I set up the latter, climbed up to the top, and tried pushing the square peice of wood up... and then I was in the attic!!

Now let me tell you first hand, the attic is gross. I thought there were spiders before? Nah, I hadn't seen the attic. God, they were everywhere. Because the attic was a lot more gross than I'd imagined I was going to close it, but then I saw something, I saw a book.

Dude, I love books.

So I made it my mission to retrieve this book, it could be something 'left behind' after all. I crawled into the attic, and went as quick as I could, grabbed the book, shook off a spider that was holding onto it, and escaped down the latter again.

The book was really dusty and spider web-y, so I made sure to clean it off with a towel. But when I did, I could see the label...

'Fairy cottage journal'

I thought that was weird...that's the name of the journal I'm writing right now.

But then I opened it up, and it said 'Day 1. Just arrived at the cottage! I can't believe my parents are letting me stay here alone, this place is huge. I don't know what Ms. Diamond meant by 'magical plants' so far all I've seen is flowers.' And it went on, but it said 'Ms. Diamond'!! That's MY teacher!! This could be a journal from someone who went to the same class. This could be the answer to all the questions I've been having, they could have gone through the same thing!!"

"I read a bit more of that journal, it looks a lot like mine. It's about this fairy named 'Lizzie', and how she went to this cottage alone, looking to write her journal for the same fairy class I went to. She got really sick like me, and then she said she was drawn to these pink roses along the path leading up to the cottage. I went up the same path and I felt drawn to a patch of pink roses too. And then just like her, when I touched the rose petals, I felt better. I feel way less sick, and just a minute ago I flew again!! Shame I missed out on most of my vacation, but at least I found something left behind, and I definitely found a magic plant. Tomorrow I'll leave this place, aw I kind of miss it. Even though it nearly killed me, hah."

DAY 4 (last day):

"Now I'm driving again, almost home. But ho-ly I cannot believe what just happened to me. So this morning was like any other, I woke up before the rest of my family this time, I went out to the dock, and just admired the view, and how beautiful this cottage was. And then, I saw something in the water-"

Sage closed the book.

He couldn't bear to read any further.

He could imagine himself sitting on that dock, not knowing he was just about to meet the most important person in his life.