Red String of Fate

Red Thread

"You..." I whispered, not expecting them to find me in such an open place and in such a short time.

"Yes, it's us," the twins replied cheerfully, their grins matching their simultaneous response.

They both had straight, shoulder-length blonde hair and were about the same age as me. Their slender figures were clad in sleek outfits—a maroon-red vest with an expensive brand pattern, layered over a dark blue long-sleeved shirt. It made me suspect that they were not from the lower economic class like us.

They were identical twins, but Finn had a black streak of hair on the right side, unlike Camden, whose hair was entirely blonde.

Meanwhile, Darwin had short, wavy black hair. Bright, light brown eyes with freckles dotted across his T-shaped face. He only wore a polo shirt and long pants. He looked at us, hands hidden in the pockets of his trousers.

I recognized the logo printed on all their clothes. It was a clothing brand that only served customers who made reservations in advance and had a certain amount of deposit in their accounts.

Roe and Josh woke up along with me earlier, and we exchanged glances. They knew who these three uninvited individuals were and signaled to me if I wanted to leave or not.

I shook my head. These people wouldn't dare make a scene in public like this. We, who worked on the streets, had never heard of them, which meant they were not the kind of people who sought trouble in the open.

"Why? It seems like you're so interested in me. Jealous? Magenta no longer interested in you?" I said mockingly, curious to see how well they could maintain their reputation.

"Hah?! Darwin, look at how arrogant this kid is!" Finn exclaimed.

Darwin didn't respond, instead sitting next to Josh and staring at my face, his hands still in his pockets.

"Hmm... I know you're sizing us up right now. You must know that we're not just ordinary people."

"So? I don't care where you spoiled brats come from, but I'm hungry, and seeing your faces kills my appetite. If you don't have anything important to say, it's best to leave this place immediately. The seats are taken."

"Hey, watch your mouth, you little brat!" Camden became emotional and seemed ready to confront me, but a glance from Darwin made him stop immediately and compose himself.

It was clear to see the hierarchy among the three of them. They respected Darwin, who was not much older than us. So what was it? What made them respect him? Social status? Intelligence? Or was it from their organizational hierarchy? I remembered they wanted to replace Darwin in the Hexad Squad. What on earth was that?

But one thing was certain: they were not trustworthy. Their relationship was fragile, and behind the scenes, they were plotting ways to bring each other down. I had no interest in getting involved in such a complicated world like theirs.

I guessed that they never slept soundly because there was no one they could trust.

"I admit defeat this time, Ian Worth. And we came here to show our sportsmanship," Darwin said, tapping his fingers lightly on the table, creating a rhythmic sound.

"Enough, cut the nonsense. I know you don't like me, even though all I did in there was as simple as surviving."

"Tsk tsk tsk... You don't realize that you've disrupted the course of the game. We were about to find the 'key,' but you reset the system. We have to start from scratch again. Thanks to you."

"The key? What key? Is this another one of your meaningless talks?"

"Come on, guys, our meeting ends here." Darwin stood up from his seat and gestured for Finn and Camden to leave without giving me an answer. He had successfully piqued my curiosity.

"Just so you know, Ian, we're not like Bartwin, playing around like pigs, aimless and only concerned about money, money, and more money. We're different, we have a mission. But why should you even know, right? Your class is the same as those low-class criminals!" Darwin left, leaving me with a puzzle.

I could hear the twins laughing, having successfully captured my attention. Damn it! What key were they referring to? Was that what Magenta requested yesterday? The mysterious request that I had yet to unravel.

After their figures disappeared from sight, Roe spoke up, "What the hell was that about? They have nothing better to do!"

Josh told Roe to be quiet, his eyebrows pointing at me, lost in thought about their words.

What lay within the game system? One thing was certain: the RPG within that system was unlike any technology known to our society nowadays. It was more advanced, yet shrouded in secrecy. I couldn't help but believe that if this game were to become widely known, it would become a weapon of mass destruction, causing controversial outcomes.

Hmm... Was that what they were searching for? What was the purpose behind the creation of this system? And who was the mastermind behind it all?

".... Ian? Ian!" Roe patted my arm, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? What is it?"

"Let's eat." Roe pointed to the spread of dishes in front of us, dismissing my earlier conspiracy theories. It was time to eat!

Not much conversation escaped our lips as we focused on satisfying our growling stomachs. We were so famished that even well-done meat and watery sauces didn't warrant any complaints from me. The entire menu swiftly vanished into our bellies. Josh's belch echoed across the room, drawing disapproving glances from other patrons who deemed him lacking in manners.

"So, shall we head back?" Roe suggested.

"Yeah... I'm feeling incredibly sleepy..." I replied, and we made our way out of the establishment.

Near the cashier, I discreetly slipped two £50 notes into their tip jar. The server's eyes lit up with excitement, and they graciously thanked us, saying, "Please come again dear!" Their demeanor had completely transformed since our arrival. Money truly had the power to buy someone's respect.

As we walked halfway back to our flat, Josh veered off course. "Where are you going?" I asked.

Josh didn't respond, only gesturing for us to continue home. He must be searching for illicit substances again. I gritted my teeth, unsure of how to make him realize the severity of his addiction. He was a good person, just a little lost. I felt like an ineffective friend, but I had no authority to stop him.

"Roe, if I'm not around, you have to take care of that stupid big bear," I said.

"What are you talking about, Ian? You're not going anywhere."

"I said, if... If I'm not around."

"You know I'll pull you back from hell, don't you? You can't have fun there alone."

"Hmm... Of course, you're right. I won't go anywhere." I gently rubbed his bowed head, trying to hold back my tears at his silly remark. Sensitivity, that's Roe for you!

"BED!!!" I shouted in the small room I had chosen, running towards it and throwing myself onto it. The scent of the bedsheet caressed my senses, lulling me to sleep quickly.


Josh walked home, carrying a black plastic bag in the pocket of his hoodie jacket. He passed through the grimy alley he had traversed countless times. Walking past several homeless people lying in makeshift tents made of cardboard boxes.

The stench of sweat and human waste filled the air, but Josh's nose no longer registered it. He hurried along, eager to indulge in the joint tucked in his pocket. He was craving it intensely, especially after the tense night he had just experienced. His adrenaline was still pumping, demanding release.

As he neared the end of the alley, he saw a young woman approaching. He tried to avoid her, but she blocked his path. Her face was hardened, tear stains visible. Josh tried to sidestep her, not wanting to get involved in any unnecessary trouble.

"Wait. You owe me. Your name's Josh, right? That's what those people said." The woman pointed to the homeless individuals nearby, who pretended not to notice.

"I've never felt indebted to anyone! Go away, you whore. I'm not interested."

SLAP! A hard slap landed on Josh's cheek, leaving him dumbfounded. Who was this rude woman?!

His hand instinctively moved to slap her back, but he froze when he noticed a gun pointed at him.

"What the hell is this?! Get rid of that thing if you don't want to make a grave mistake!" Josh's face grew increasingly terrified as he realized the trembling arm of the woman. He didn't want to die foolishly!

"Tell me! Tell me who killed Baba!! My Baba!" The woman sniffed loudly as she uttered those words.

"What?! Who?!! I don't know anyone named Baba!! You clearly have the wrong person! Now put that foolish thing down!"

"My Baba! Mr. Cheng!! Don't tell me you don't know him! He used to talk about you all the time."

"Oh..." Josh was at a loss for words as he realized that this was Mr. Cheng's daughter, the baby in the photos he had shown. She looked so different now.

"That's right, isn't it? You know him! Now tell me who killed my Baba?! Huwaaa..." The woman's loud cries made Josh panic, looking around anxiously, not wanting to be seen as an assailant.

"Shush... Quietly, I'll tell you, but not here, it's too dangerous. Come with me."

"I don't want to!! Tell me now!"

"Do you want what happened to your father to happen to you too?! You don't know how harsh this city is, do you? Are you new here? So if you value your life, just come with me."

The woman seemed to weigh her options for a moment before lowering her weapon, and Josh breathed a sigh of relief.

Now his task was to figure out how to explain this situation to the woman and also his companions. And was it safe to bring her to their new hideout? Josh scratched his head in frustration.