Another BAM! Moment

Ian thought he had only been asleep for five minutes when a knock on the door pulled him from dreamland. "Yeah, what's wrong?" Ian's hoarse voice asked Roe.

"Ian... Bartwin summon you. Connor is waiting downstairs."

Ian's drowsiness disappeared instantly, the pillow that had been used to cover his head was thrown away casually and landed on the floor. Ian's eyes narrowed due to the blinding sunlight outside. The sun was already scorching, apparently he had slept for a long time.

Ian sat up and gave his body time to get ready before standing up to pick up the trousers he had placed at the edge of the bed. He adjusted his black t-shirt and walked towards the door but his foot tripped over the pillow he had thrown earlier.

He remembered Yue's scolding and on his own initiative threw it back on the bed.

Roe and Josh were waiting for him at the door ready to tag along with Ian, but Ian tapped them both on the shoulder and said goodbye.

"Guys, I'm really glad you're so supportive. But for this time let me go alone, okay? I'll be sure to let you know if anything new happens."

"But we'd love to see you play!" Roe protested.

"I know, but do you want to get beat up again just because you misspoke? Just pray for my survival. That would be more helpful."

Josh, understanding Ian's point, soothed Roe who was disappointed to miss out on such an exciting event. "Come on Roe, let's go get Yue like you suggested." Josh persuaded.

Roe, who heard Josh's invitation, got excited again and complied.

Ian and Josh exchanged glances for a moment, both of them had been instinctively compelled to look after Roe who was the smallest of the three of them. Especially with Roe's innocence. They tried to get rid of anything that could hurt their little friend.

For Ian, the facts he had just learned were still plaguing his mind and he couldn't divide his attention to important situations if there were two people he had to worry about at the same time.

"Wish me luck guys!" Ian waved goodbye as he closed the exit door. With a serious face he went down the stairs to find Connor waiting for him with his grumpy face. Ian didn't even know if Connor's angry expression was his normal expression or was it his face while working as Bartwin's accomplice?

"What's with that pouty face of yours, Connor? Did your favorite pet die?" Ian joked after getting close to Connor.

But who would have thought that Ian's joke would make Connor's expression change and show his genuine face.

"Hmph... To be honest, yes. My old Gertrud is dying alone at home and I can't be with her..."

"Why? Because of me? You can go home and I'll go see Bartwin myself, just tell me where to go."

Unfortunately, when he told Connor to tell him Bartwin's address, Connor immediately returned to his serious work mode.

"No, I'll drive you myself." As he said that, Connor tugged on the hem of his suit to keep it from puckering, stood up straight, fixed his face again, and then stepped into the car followed by Ian.

"You know, Josh and Roe are bored because they have nothing to do. You can reward them just to keep your pets company." Ian's simple idea caught Connor's attention again.

"You think that would help her not be sad that I'm gone?"

"Sure, it must be sad not to have company in times of illness."

"Well, then tell your friend to go to my address here." Connor handed him a piece of paper with his address on it, Ian photographed the paper and sent it to Josh with instructions on what to do.

"Okay, done. After this, they will go straight to your house." Ian reported but his steps stopped when Connor turned around and threatened him in his usual cold tone.

"But watch out, warn your thief friend to keep his hands to themselves. I'll know if even one of mine is missing." Connor threatened to corner Ian.

"Of course, we're not that low. We still have dignity."

"Hmph! Tell that to your little friend who was so stupid as to take Sir Bartwin's bait. You guys are greedy, don't talk about dignity."

Bam! Hearing Connor's confession Ian was dumbfounded once again. All the facts he had neatly arranged last night collapsed.

Ian thought all the nets that were spread to trap him into the game were the work of Magenta alone, apparently, he was wrong. Ian's head suddenly hurt.

Connor, realizing he had misspoken immediately closed his mouth.

"Ahem! Hurry up and leave. Sir Bartwin is waiting. Shut your mouth about what I said earlier. Pretend you know nothing."

Ian nodded and with a hand gesture, he zipped his lips.

Ian sat in the back seat. They drove out of the city. 'Looks like they took me to the warehouse the other day,' Ian thought.

"Cover your head with this black cloth!" Connor ordered as he tossed a black cloth bag with a fastener at the base.

Ian complied and attached the cover to his head himself. Once in place, he crossed his arms in front of his chest, straightened his legs, and leaned his body as if asleep. His mind was busy analyzing every fact.

Why does Bartwin always change the playground? Does it depend on his mood? But why was Bartwin so secretive about the machines? I mean, who would dare steal from Bartwin anyway?

'Mm, Roe. Roe would steal from Bartwin, but that's because he doesn't know.'

Bartwin's attitude of guarding the machines so carefully, was it because they were rare? Another thing, considering Bartwin's greed, it's very strange why Bartwin doesn't force me to play every day?

There is only one possibility that can connect it all. The game cannot be entered at any time at will. And only through the intermediary of the machine.

Since when is there a game like that? Those machines... Also unnatural in this day and age, too advanced.

Another thing. Other players, where did they come from? Magenta players can also enter and I didn't see her in Bartwin's room that time, meaning there are several machines scattered in different places. Bartwin's not the only one.

If one day I'm separated from Bartwin, where can I still play?

About the bait that Bartwin was fishing for Roe... That's also very random. Did Bartwin realize Magenta was targeting me, or was it just a coincidence?

Bartwin's anger at that time when he found out Magenta was approaching me, I thought it was because Bartwin didn't want his player to be taken by Magenta. But, I think it's more than that... Could it be that these two have been at odds for a long time? If so, what is Bartwin really looking for? Money? Or victory over Magenta?

'Aaargh!!!' Ian was frustrated with his own hypotheses.

After storing the theories he had built up earlier in the storage part of his brain, he was now thinking about the urgent matter he would face shortly.

The strategy that would be used to face the Apex Predator.