
"He looks friendly," Ian commented.

"Ahaha, yeah. You can experience his 'friendliness' with your genitals hanging on his achievement board," Eric replied with a smirk. Ian instinctively protected his groin, and Eric burst into laughter. Afterward, they both focused on selecting traits to counter the predator.

"Eric! Do you know what the predator was earlier? I didn't get to see it."

"Well, that's annoying, isn't it? I saw it, but no, I won't tell you. Good luck."

"Shit!" Ian muttered under his breath, which made Eric chuckle.

"Of course, why would Eric tell me? Stupid of me to ask."

"Can you display the predator again?" Ian asked, not expecting much but glad he tried.

[Of course.]

The screen showed a creature that was a combination of a Jaguar and a Harpy Eagle. The main body resembled a Jaguar with yellow-brown fur and black spots forming rosette patterns, allowing them to blend in well with dense rainforest vegetation. It also had the wide, powerful wings of a Harpy Eagle, enabling it to stay airborne for extended periods.

"Hmm, I'm not too familiar with tropical forests, but I guess the vegetation density is high, as is the humidity. The wind is probably not very strong, which means the air will be hot and humid. So, I shouldn't choose an animal with thick fur. What prehistoric creature would be the most suitable for such an ecosystem?" Ian paused to think, then quickly selected an animal with traits he deemed most appropriate.

"Yeah, this should work. I not only have to survive but also be able to attack because now my opponent is not just the Apex. I can't play it safe anymore."

[Time's up.]

The large dome opened, revealing tall and densely packed trees. Ian observed that it was unlike any forest he had known. Tropical forests seemed like layered pyramids, with each layer having its vegetation. The top layer consisted of tall trees, including meranti, kapok, and mahogany. The second layer was a combination of epiphytic plants and ferns, followed by shorter trees and a thick layer of leaf litter covering the forest floor. Ian stepped onto the leaf litter, which felt warm and ideal for the growth of mushrooms as the ultimate decomposers.

'Enough with your analysis, Ian. Get back into game mode!'

Ian dashed through the dense forest, searching for a comfortable place to transform. His feet, which had previously been shod in shoes, now became thick, sharp claws. Feathers covered his legs from his knees to his thighs, extending upwards into a long, fan-like tail. His hands transformed into broad, wing-like appendages, while his head took on the appearance of a Smilodon (saber-toothed cat) with two large fangs protruding from its muzzle. His ears resembled those of a giant bat (Acerodon jubatus), capable of capturing even the faintest sounds.

Ian had become a chimera, a combination of Microraptor, Smilodon, and Acerodon. Once his transformation was complete, he soared into the air at high speed.

"Hey, not bad," Eric greeted him through their communication link.

"Where are you?" Ian asked.

"Like hell I would tell you," Eric retorted.

"Yeah, right," Ian shook his head, never giving up on trying to befriend Eric, who clearly regarded him as a rival.

'If Eric can see me, then so can the other participants. Okay, this is a good spot.'

Ian perched himself atop a mahogany tree, intentionally positioning himself in an open area so that he wouldn't have trouble finding or being found by his pursuers.

"Whoa!" he shouted in surprise as a proboscis monkey with its large nose approached him quietly from behind. Its long arms swung and clenched with full force.


"Ouch! That must hurt. Feel the consequences of your actions earlier," Eric commented smugly, referring to Ian's punch during their transition phase.

The punch had landed on Ian's right jaw, sending him spiraling down rapidly, hitting branches along his descent.

'No! Don't hit the ground!' he urged himself, quickly regaining his composure and maneuvering back up. His broad wings extended, but instead, they got entangled in the vine tendrils, preventing him from flying.

"Hahaha... You're dead, man!" Eric's laughter echoed in Ian's ears.

"Uugh... You're not helping, man..." Ian grumbled as he tried to free himself from the entanglement.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ian noticed the arrival of two other participants, their grins evident on their faces. 'Uh-oh! I'm toast!' panicked Ian, 'And it's only been a few minutes.'

A loud roar echoed from above as the proboscis monkey, infuriated by the notion that it was supposed to capture Ian and claim Bartwin's reward money, launched its initial attack. To Ian's right, a rice paddy snake hissed menacingly, warning its competitors, while a barn owl on his left let out a shrill hoot before flying towards the rice paddy snake. The proboscis monkey, having reached Ian's location, also joined the fray.

While the three participants were preoccupied with their skirmish, Ian seized the opportunity to escape from his entrapment. Utilizing his sharp claws and fangs, he attempted to tear through the vines of the liana. He succeeded in freeing his wings from the entanglement.

Ian had indeed escaped the snare, but now his body was descending back to the ground. However, an enormous hippopotamus opened its mouth wide, ready to capture Ian's body! Ian was well aware of the deadly bite force of a hippo, which could exert pressure of around 1,800 pounds per square inch or more, approximately 8,000 newtons per square centimeter. If Ian's body ended up inside the hippo's mouth, he would become history.

Once more, Ian spread his wings and flapped frantically to arrest his fall. "Uugh!!" His efforts were arduous but successful. He soared back upwards, only for something to bite onto his long tail with a single snap. "Crap!! Damn tail!" Ian cursed as his tail got caught in the hippo's jaws.

With a single tug, Ian was violently slammed to the ground. "I could watch this all day, hahaha..." Eric's comment revealed his enjoyment of the situation.

THUD! The sound of heavy footsteps landing near Ian's fallen body filled the air. The hippo, which had been biting his tail, released its grip and hastily fled the scene.

"Oh, dude, your fate is sealed..." Eric whispered, and Ian found the Apex observing him closely, its front legs flexing, ready to pounce!