The land that speaks

Kett's wagon stops and the water tribe guard standing across him signals for the warrior to exit. Kett looks up and sees a dreamy blue sky with swirling wind and white ice flakes buzzing around. The chill is intense as a hefty -14 Celsius (7 Degrees) breeze blows across the landscape.

Kett sways left to right, and his knees buckle as he takes in the blistering cold. The young firebender marches up the mountain. While he doesn't know exactly where to go, he just keeps walking. The higher Kett goes, the warmer he feels as a glimmer of sunlight shines at the peak of the mountain.

The mountain has emerald-green grass and carob brown tree bark. The trees have a strong pine scent, the land has a rich and airy smell, and the flowers have a lilac aroma. As Kett walks, he sees winter bunnies, snow-deer, fur birds, wolverine-wolves, and mountain leopards prowling in the distance.

Even the predators do not look to fight or hunt at this time, instead they merely stroll. All may change at night, as is the way of nature. Kett looks side to side at the fossil grey stones and rocks around him which are covered in pearl white snow.

Kett looks again at violet and lapin blue butterflies as they buzz across the sky. One flies on Kett's left shoulder. As he looks at it, it is gone. Kett glances right and low as he sees pink and yellow roses. Kett looks again left and notices long light green vines that grey winter monkeys climb up.

A monkey pulls peaches from a tree and eats. Kett continues his stroll to the center of the mountain where he notices stones with engraved markings. Due to the difference in language, he cannot ascertain what they mean. Kett still looks at each one as he attempts to find meaning from them.

Still all this time, the 31st prisoner has merely been looking at nature so much that he hasn't even noticed his chains anymore which still bind his hands. Day crickets sing and hum glorious melodies. Kett appreciates the simplistic beauty around him, seeing that everything serves a greater purpose. Kett wonders, If the mountain kills evil people, maybe it likes me.

Normally, he'd never consider such fables from 'superstitious' or spiritual locals. He would have considered these people as backward. But now things are different, Kett has really started to see how the world is not what he was told. Life is not basic, while everyone has basic needs, life itself is complex. In that complexity, there is loveliness.

Kett sees several bunnies run in the distance as they head north and left. As Kett continues his exploration, he views wolverine-wolves running right and north. Kett maintains his pace as he moves forward until he is just inches from the peak of the mountain. The young explorer climbs up a rocky column which brings him to the very top of the landmark.

As Kett looks down, he sees the sophisticated landscape and tundra around him. The light rains down on him and Kett is overwhelmed with joy. Tears flows down his eyes and the seventeen-year-old feels an unexplainable sensation. Kett looks up and holds his hands high which are still compressed by steel.

Kett shouts, "Awwwwwwwwaahahahahahahahhahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!" Kett: "Finally, I'm free!!" Kett looks up at the sky and a ray of light swirls toward him. The teen concentrates and that ray becomes increasingly warm and constant. The ray turns into a ray of energy which blasts Kett's chains loose. Seconds later, the remains metal crumbles off his wrists.

Kett smiles, which is not something he has done in a long time, not in months. The youngster climbs down the peak and strolls down the mountain. The sun pulls back and the day turns to twilight. The animals return to their shelter and Kett notices a cave left of him on his pilgrimage.

The teen enters the cave which is illuminated by several bright light blue crystals. As Kett steps through the cave, he sees shallow water across the dark grey stone surface. Kett walks further and notices a 12-foot-wide, 8-feet-deep, and 22-foot-long body of water separating another section of the cave.

He jumps in the water which appears to be grey in the relative darkness of the rock formation. Kett holds his breath and feels free. He never was a great swimmer but always got the job done. Still, swimming feels different this time and more liberating than usual. While the water is cold, it isn't freezing.

Kett reaches the other side and climbs back on his feet. As Kett rises, he realizes the cave is much warmer than being outside was. The firebender warms himself up using his natural abilities. Kett steps until he is in another cavern that is lit up by gold, dark yellow, and light orange stones.

The fire warrior looks in awe at the sparkling crystals until he stumbles in front of a rectangular display that encompasses a body of armor. The display has a golden base and top as well as two gold handles. Kett touches the handles but notices they are locked.

A few minutes later, Kett exits the cave and walks down toward the bottom of the mountain. As he walks down, he notices that it is dusk but still is not completely dark outside. Kett sees two locals walking down. One man seems to be in his mid-thirties and is chubby with dark brown hair, a thin beard, long ears, and fair skin.

Beside him is an eleven-year-old boy. The boy has short black hair, blue eyes, light yellow skin, and a pointy nose. Middle aged man: "Outsider."

Kett looks at the man, "What? What is your name?"

Middle aged man: "I am Brotomu. This is my nephew, Rokairo." Kett notices Brotomu has a long beige drum along with a long stick strapped to his utility belt. Rokairo has a smaller light brown drum strapped to his chest with two light sticks.

Kett: "Nice to meet you both, I was told to come to this mountain to find something. What that something is, is a mystery to me. I'm a prisoner."

Rokairo responds, "You don't look like a prisoner, where are your chains?"

Kett: "They broke off my wrists. You wouldn't believe it but this powerful beam from the sky blasted them open." The middle-aged-man and the boy burst out laughing. Kett: "I'm serious."

Brotomu: "I believe in a lot of stories, but that is ridiculous."

Kett: "Anyway, do you have any advice or idea about what I can find here?"

Brotomu: "The lower parts of the mountain are safer to travel. The further up you go, the higher chance you have of running into dangerous predators."

Kett replies, "I already saw some but none of them bothered me."

Rokairo: "Well, it gets worse at night, which is why we're leaving. If you go up there now, it would be incredibly dangerous."

Kett: "I'm not stranger to danger."

Brotomu: "I see. Well, there is one story." Brotomu ponders, "There is a legend that an outsider would come to this mountain alone, one that was not killed by a mountain. We haven't heard of any firebenders entering this mountain in decades and the last ones that did were slaughtered by winter leopards and wolverine-wolves. Granted, it was only a small team whose hot air balloon had crashed in the middle of it."

Kett: "Well, I've already traveled to the top of the mountain, the animals didn't bother me."

Rokairo: "What???"

Brotomu: "Well, it you speak the truth then... Just wait, let me finish the story. So, where was I, oh right. Yes, so that outsider would travel down to the Cave of Discovery. That is a cave in this mountain that only a few people travel to in our village since it is so isolated. That person would go there and find the armor of the Vindicated Avenger. A hero who was from the Fire Nation and aided our people during their time of need."

Kett asks, "Is there anything else to this story?"

Brotomu: "I don't think so."

Kett points, "I WENT THERE. I was in a cave. I'M TELLING YOU! I saw armor in there. It was silver with light blue markings. It even looked the perfect height to match me."

Rokairo: "That sounds silly. I'm a kid, but I won't buy that."

Kett nods, "Honestly, kids tend to be the best with those sort of games. Believe me, I was your age not so long ago."

Rokairo: "Yeah yeah."

Brotomu: "If what you say is true, then I hope you didn't try opening the display. It is there to protect the armor. Which is only meant to be opened by the rightful owner. That display if smashed or opened by the wrong person could mean death for whoever takes it."

Kett: "That's a risk but I don't believe in that nonsense."

Rokairo: "Try it at your own risk."

Kett: "Anyway, is there a way to open it that respects the local culture. Not worried about curses, what is meant to be with me is what will happen. But is there a way I can find the key?"

Rokairo: "Yes, at the center west side of the mountain there is a giant light brown buzzard. For some reason a nest is always made around that area. The mother watches after her young, the father hunts and takes what he wants, but for some odd reason the father also guards the key periodically. The key itself is on a flat stone that is located in the middle of a circular area on the mountain that is near a cliff."

Brotomu: "You'd have to climb thirty feet up just to locate it, according to the stories. Once you get there, you have to take the key without being killed. Apparently, no one has been able to do that since the key was placed there which was right after the original VA passed away."

Kett: "There is a first time for everything."

Rokairo: "A few people before said that and they always ended up dead."

Kett: "Does the bird have a name?"

Rokairo: "Not this one but the first one was called Bocarrio. The other's are nicknamed Bocarrian Knights in his honor."

Kett: "So naming birds and their descendants, interesting. Why did he decide to guard a key?"

Brotomu: "We don't know all the tales. Anyway, we need to go, it is pitch black outside." Kett looks up and sees a very dark sky.

Rokairo: "It would be better to return in the morning, it isn't safe now."

Kett: "Or maybe the bird will be asleep."

Brotomu: "Maybe but the other predators will be out and it will be hard to find."

Kett: "Something tells me it is now or never. The people of Sogo don't have much time."

Brotomu: "I don't think one more night will kill us."

Kett: "I don't have anywhere to go and I think whoever dropped me off ditched me. They probably don't even think I'll survive this."

Rokairo: "Then before your death, we could straddle you along for a bit. Stay at my uncle's cabin and get shelter for one night. Then we'll leave you to your adventure after that."

Brotomu interrupts, "No one said you call the shots little guy."

Kett: "Well, it was nice meeting you all. I'm going to try anyway and it'll be tonight then."

Brotomu: "Ok wait!! You can come for the night, I'll feel bad if I let you get yourself killed. Don't know why I'm trusting a firebender, you might try and have us murdered. But something in my gut says to do this. Come on."

Rokairo shouts, "Yes! This will be fun."

Brotomu: "As soon as we get back, you're going to bed but so am I. There is nothing else to do. Tomorrow, we take this outsider back to the mountain, then that's it." Kett walks with them.

Brotomu: "You are lucky, we have three rooms but we are low on snacks. So in the morning, you can have two pieces of bread if you like. That is all though."

After a long walk, Kett steps with Brotomu in his humble abode. The cabin is completely made of wood except for one window, a stone chimney, and a thick plank-based covering at the roof. The next morning, the sun begins to rise as a feint brightness darts across the sky. Still a few clouds hang high, and the temperature has slightly risen to -8 Celsius (17 degrees).

Kett wakes up and exits the room. As he prepares to run out Brotomu stops him, "Hey, wait up, you need to have your bread first and some water to stay hydrated. Kett nods and sits a long wooden brown table. The chair is also wooden and is thin.

Kett looks around and notices the shed doesn't have much for decoration beside a few animal skins. Kett: "I thought your people loved animals, why do you skin them?"

Brotomu: "I don't regularly skin them, but some of the more rural members of our village like to take a few skins while hunting game. We never kill just to skin but it is a by-product when we want nice clothing and for a few decorations. A warrior is never to kill more than one animal a month for reasons other than food, clothes, and shelter."

Rokairo: "You should be excited though, you get to see a giant bird predatory bird pretty soon."

Kett: "So what happens if I kill the bird?"

Brotomu: "You shouldn't kill it, the bird is a respected animal. It is a guardian of history. Nothing good comes to people who travel to a new land and kill local treasures."

Kett: "But if I'm the next Vindicated Avenger, doesn't that change it?"

Brotomu: "You have done it yet, so don't even speak like that. It is rude."

Kett: "Sorry."

Brotomu: "You would need to outsmart it or find a way to outmaneuver it to get what you want. Escape with that key and take it to the cave to unlock the display properly."

Kett wonders, "But if it's a bird, will it fly after me?"

Rokairo thinks, "Probably but I bet it can't chase you everywhere."

The Incredible Hunt

Kett steps forward in a water tribe exploration outfit, one that was lent to him by Brotomu. His robes are fuzzy, white, and have several light blue markings on them. Kett looks around with his hazel eyes sparkling in the sunlight. Kett rubs his hands together as he takes in the cold and exhales with steam flowing from his mouth.

The firebender runs up the snowy mounds of the mountain and steps over several rocks with his thick black boots. The boots vaguely slow down the movement of his feet but allow him to better and more easily navigate the rough winter ground with moderate comfort.

Kett's hair has gradually changed from light brown to dark brown over the last few months. At times it seems to be seasonal but extreme cold or heat make it dark brown. Kett continuously patrols the mountain in search of his prize but the winds pick up and it becomes difficult to see. Thirty minutes pass and still he finds nothing.

Clouds begin to cover the sky and block out the sun making it harder to navigate the area. Our hero grows weary but does not relent. Kett sighs and paces around. A few seconds after, he hears a deep breathing noise. The teen tilts his head and notices vapor from an animal's breath.

Kett thinks, That must be...

A winter leopard hisses, "Zeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiizzzzzzz!!!!!!!"

Kett turns and enters his battle stance, "Back away!" The warrior rotates his hands and generates bright orange sparks from them. A ripple in the ground occurs as a second winter leopard leaps at Kett from three feet behind. The marine rolls left and the predator falls into the cat behind it.

The two animals tumble as a third cat sprints from Kett's left flank. The lieutenant can faintly hear the commotion as the animal rapidly closes the gap between them. Kett rotates his body and pops two light orange fireballs into the creature.

A second leopard charges from behind but Kett rotates his body and pops a compact beam of bright orange-yellow flames from his right hand into the cat's chest. The feline is blown five feet back with smoke emitting from its body. Yet another arctic leopard leaps at Kett from behind at 40 miles an hour.

The soldier ducks and the creature falls into several rocks. A fourth mountain leopard sprints at Kett but he punches four flames into the carnivore and the fourth blast implodes its head. The two surviving leopards start weeping and flee. Kett wastes no time and continues his search.

The winds kick down and the environment becomes more visible. Kett notices a large wall with several rocks sticking out of it. Kett begins climbing the wall using the rocks as leverage. After traveling up 15 feet, Kett notices he is only half way there.

The lieutenant finds himself in a difficult spot where he is force to leap right to grab onto more rocks. The firebender nearly falls and hits his right fist against a rock but keeps a hold of a rock with his left hand. Kett continues to climb until he reaches the top, his right fist is red from the previous thump.

Kett exhales and bends briefly as he catches his breath. A mere second later he stands up straightly and notices a wide yet somewhat flat rock. A silver key is laying on the rock. Kett thinks, That's it, that has to be what I'm looking for.

Kett looks left to right to scan the area, he notices he is standing on a 20-foot wide and 30-foot-long platform. Left of him, seem to be a cliff and the other mountain ground behind him is 30 feet below. The area right of him seems to be at a 50-foot drop,

Kett runs after the key and grabs it, "Well, that was kind of easy." Kett hears a potent screech in the distance. Kett looks forward and slightly left as he sees a 15-foot-tall and 2-foot-wide buzzard stand across him. Kett looks up and holds his hands forward as he prepares to shoot the creature dead.

A sparkle of illumination glides against his shoulders and he remembers that he is not supposed to kill it. A part of Kett wants to slay the animal now, but he will try the difficult path, the Vindicated Avenger's way. The creature glides at Kett at around a swirling 25 miles an hour.

Kett sprints and dives left as he narrowly avoids being snatched by the bird's sharp claws. While avoiding this, he is still smacked by the animal's left wing. Kett flies three feet in the air as the creature glides past him before he hits the ground. Kett lands in a way that he hits his front arms and knees instead of his head.

Kett sighs and gathers his strength as he gets back to his feet and prepares for another pass. Kett looks forward and behind himself, with this no sign of the predator. Kett: "Come on, I know you'll be back." The Bocarrian Knight glides from his right flank directly after him with its mouth wide open for a vicious bite as it beams at 30 miles an hour.

Kett lifts his hands and launches himself in the air with a swirling gust of light orange and yellow fire. Kett outpaces the animal and lands on its back. The champion struggles to keep a hold of the animal as it zooms forward past their previous position and across the mountain. At different moments, they soar over what could be a deadly plunge or simply 20 or 15 or 30 foot falls that could be survivable.

Kett concentrates as he finally manages a steady hold of the animal. The bird spins and Kett keeps a good hold of it. The bird spins faster at 40 miles an hour and Kett still doesn't let go. His head starts hurting and he becomes dizzy fortunately, the animal also becomes lightheaded from the maneuver.

The bird stops what it is doing and more slowly glides forward. Kett tries to steer it left toward the surface of the mountain below them while it is dazed but it resists and jerks right and upward. Kett loses some of his patience, ignites his right fist with fire, and slams his hand into the animal's right wing.

The guardian screams and plunges down. Kett spirals with the animal but keeps a solid grip of it as they descend. Kett lets go of the bird and allows it to fall but notices it glides down toward the edge of a cliff. If the creature continues to glide in its direction, it will surely die.

Gravity yanks Kett down as well toward the mountain's elevated surface as he is a mere twenty feet away from it. Kett looks right and launches himself toward it like a fireball with a gust of bright flames speeding up and directing his fall at 50 miles an hour.

The creature's weight pulls it down faster and faster as it glides right beyond the mountain and down toward what is over an 800 foot drop. Kett pulls his hands back, pushes harder, and blasts himself faster at 70 miles an hour. Like a firefly, Kett buzzes under and past the super bird.

Kett rotates his body, dousing the flames that cover all of his body save his feet which are still propelled by flames. Kett waits for the precise moment for the swirling animal's center back to face him. At that time, Kett raises his hands and pumps himself forward at 65 miles an hour.

Kett ramps his hands into the center of the bird's back and the speed of his movement amplifies his strength. Kett lifts the bird but groans as he propels it just over the cliff and drops it on the mountain's surface. The animal knight rolls and gasps as Kett descends just a few feet ahead of it.

The creature sheds a tear then slowly rises to its feet. Kett enters his battle stance as he prepares for a fight, but it kneels in respect. Kett looks up and salutes the bird back. Several minutes later, Kett strolls in the Cave of Discovery where he slides the silver key into the display.

The display opens and Kett grabs the Vindicated Avenger's armor. Kett comments, "Well, let's see what this legacy really means to me." Outside of the mountain, Brotomu and Rokairo wait on their wagon with an arctic llama-mule.

Rokairo: "Why did we even wait? There is no way he's still alive."

Brotomu: "He has been gone for a long time, I was hoping he would have learned his lesson and returned by now."

Rokairo: "At least we gave him a chance to try out his dream."

Brotomu shakes his head, "No, we should have stopped this from happening. We got him killed! I don't know why I thought..."

Rokairo: "Hey look, to the right!!" A man walks with silver metal armor which has several light blue markings.

Brotomu stutters, "T-tthat's.."

Kett takes off his helmet, "The Vindicated Avenger's armor. I earned it and I'm alive and well. It seems it was meant for me. So now, I must return to the heart of Sogo, they need me. I just know they do, I can feel it in my bones."

Rokairo: "We have to take him back, Brotomu!"

Brotomu: "Wow, I never imagined I'd meet a legend like the modern Vindicated Avenger. I'll go with you anywhere, sir, it'd be my honor."

Rokairo: "Yeahhhhhh!!!"

Brotomu: "You really should stay back with your father. I knew I should have done that yesterday and not let you spent another night."

Rokario: "That's a two-day trip."

Brotomu: "I know, but I'll string you along this one time."

Kett: "I think he's been a great addition to the team, I know he's been rooting for me on the sidelines."

Rokairo: "How did you know that?"

Kett: "I don't know how, I just had a feeling."

Brotomu: "That feeling is right, without him none of this would be possible. To Sogo we go!"