Fate of Sogo Part 1

The morning comes and Sogo's flag flows in the wind. It is about 5.55 Celsius (42 degrees Fahrenheit) making it warmer than the last day. The winter storm has finally ceased. Colonel Hurayo looks around at his camp with his fellow Fire Nation soldiers.

A lieutenant greets Hurayo, "Sir, the weather is warmer! Our men feel fitter than ever!! They might not be 100 percent, but the sun is shining and we could deal out more damage than before."

Hurayo: "Wonderful, while our tanks would have been a game changer, this will surely do. Send in everyone and everything. I will divide our units up to hit every inch of the city. While it is morning, we still aren't at our strongest. By midday the sun will peak, this gives us several hours to rip their city apart. That peak will still leave us strong until dawn. I expect our opponents to be toast well before then."

Lieutenant: "Absolutely sir. The battle is ours for the taking."

In Sogo, Kett stands with Sada and several Water Tribe members as they prepare for battle. Captain Keme, Kett's biggest critic looks him in the eyes. Keme: "I was wrong about you firebender, you are worthy. Through your actions yesterday, you've clearly proven that. Even when your own would not stand beside you, that's admirable. You stood by us because it was the right thing to do rather than doing what was easy."

Keme pats Kett on his shoulder and Kett pats him back. Kett: "Come on then, let's call it a hug."

Keme: "Hmm, very well." The duo briefly hug.

Kett: "I learned that from my past commander, he was a big hugger. It's a sign of bonding."

About thirty minutes later, dozens of warriors stand together outside for a briefing. Kett stands a few feet left of Sada and Keme is a few feet right of her. Mayor Duyako risks himself by being in the briefing as well, though he does not plan to participate in the fight, does not have a plan himself, and is merely present for moral support.

The cold winter has left several thick layers of snow over the soil and much of that snow has now hardened. The snow is not slippery like ice but is heavier than what initially falls on the ground. Even with the warmer change, it will take some time for most of it to melt.

Sada: "So, we should break up in teams to defend the city. I will watch the western flank. Keme will guard the east. We will have a front line of troops ready with some of our versatile and talented warriors performing several tasks. Some troops and benders will wait on reserve in case an attack happens. We will need to be on guard against their artillery which still seems to be in full force."

Sada continues, "As they begin to strike, some of our reserves will need to flood into our main line as some of our main line warriors will use snowbending to travel past enemy lines and close the distance on their catapults. Only a pair of skilled benders besides me are aware of how to detect enemy footsteps when they stand over snow or ice."

Sada: "Because of that, I have written several routes and passages benders could take to flank and ambush enemies. It is an educated guess since they might not know for certain where the firebenders are but depending on where they attack from, they can make a guess of how far they might be and when they need to rise up to the surface."

Kett: "But if we strike, we need to make sure we don't lose too many frontline forces. Our reserve are also limited in number a moderate blunder could make a catastrophe for our entire defense."

Sada: "He's right, which is why I'm asking all of you to fight with your entire being and soul. Fight for your people, your homeland, your families, fight with valor!! If you must fall, know that you stood for Sogo! To the few United Way members who accompanied me, we also must be willing to give our lives. For if Sogo falls in this manner, our clans or villages could be next."

The crowd shouts, "For Sogo!!!"

Sada adds, "For Sogo and it's people!! Long live the Water Tribes!!"

Kett: "And with that being said, let's move out. We have limited time." The Sogoians and Water Tribe warriors quickly gather their weapons. Men grab their spears, sharpen their swords, others strap on their bows, and several tie their boots.

Snow and Ash

Three swordsmen, three spear warriors, and two waterbenders stand at guard at the frontline over Sogo. A looming blast of fire swoops and pulverizes two swordsmen. A second blast incinerates a United Way waterbender. Three Fire Nation swordsmen charge with two spear troopers, three firebenders, and two archers moving in behind them.

A Sogoian spear warrior leaps in the air and pumps his weapon through a Fire Nation swordman's belly button. The spear warrior pulls his weapon back as a firebender pops a fire blast at him. The nonbender hops left and the blast knocks snow about.

Another spear warrior hurls his weapon into the firebender chest, "emmmm!!" The warrior switches to a dagger as he runs into action. A Fire Nation spear warrior lunges at a Water Tribe warrior who rotates his weapon left to parry the hit before he shifts his weapon and swings it horizontally from the right into the man's abdomen.

As the fight continues, Captain Keme keeps watch with two waterbenders, two spear warriors, and a dual swordsman. This area has several straw houses in the background. On the other side, the Fire Nation corporal Sunia steps forward with two firebenders, two duelists, a firebending lieutenant, and a spear warrior.

Captain Keme orders, "In formation!" A Sogoian spear warrior rolls forward and pivots his weapon left as he impales a Fire Nation swordsman. A FN swordsman runs at the man as he appears open, but the spear warrior rotates his weapon and thrusts the butt of his spear into the swordman's nose. As his opponent falls, the spearman slams his blade into his down foe.

A firebender pumps a flame at him but a waterbender raises a gust of water which intercepts the shot. The waterbender flings an ice projectile through the firebender's neck. Another firebender pumps a flame a waterbender who raises an ice wall which is shattered from the blast.

The waterbender extends his hands and the fragments of the ice wall are launched back into the firebender; knocking him down but not neutralizing him. The Fire Nation spear warrior hurls his spear though the other waterbender's right nipple. The man cries as he falls.

The FN spear warrior switches to a short sword and charges but is pounded in his face by an ice brick. The dazed firebender hops back to his feet as the fire lieutenant and Sunia step beside him. Keme stands boldly with only one casualty. Keme: "You all are clearly outmatched; it is not too late to surrender."

Sunia grins, "You underestimate the tenacity of firebenders!" Sunia winks and the fire lieutenant leaps left while he diagonally kicks a disruptive fireball into a spear warrior's chest. The man's body flies eleven feet back and hits a tree. The tree cracks and falls toward Keme. The captain rolls forward as he dodges the natural object.

Sunia hurls an accurate flame with an amber-red exterior and a marigold-orange interior into the waterbender, "Oooouuf!"

The firebender punches two flames into remaining spear warrior, "ugh!" Keme and his warrior with dual swords stand side by side.

Sunia: "Now it is you who are outmatched."

Captain Keme: "This battle isn't over yet." The captain pulls his spear down and launches an avalanche of snow at the lieutenant and firebender. The lieutenant raises him hands and hurls himself five feet in the air and left of the blast. The firebender is overtaken by the shot and is swept aside.

The swordsman jumps down toward Sunia with a spinning strike. Sunia rolls past the attack and hurls a fireball into the duelist's chest. The man drops his swords as he hits the ground but Sunia leaves herself exposed as her back is turned. Keme extends his right hand and shoots a hot beam of water at her.

The Fire Nation lieutenant assists his companion by pushing his own ray of fire into Keme's water shot. Keme's water is vaporized and steam flows as Sunia turns to face her opponent. Sunia: " It's not too late to surrender."

Keme shakes his head, "To you, please. A Sogoian has more honor than that."

Sunia: "Then DIE in HONOR!!" Sunia punches two red-orange flames at Keme. The Sogoian captain pivots right and raises his right hand as he blocks a flame with a mound of icy snow. Keme slams his spear into the ground as he forces a shock wave of snow in her direction.

Suina pulls her hands up and generates a powerful flame which she slams into the ground, colliding with and stalling Keme's snow blast. The firebender lieutenant Punches two orange flames at the captain and kicks a third fireball at him. The warrior rotates his staff and blocks the shots.

Keme leaps in the air and a swirl of snow generates beneath his legs which propels him forward and left. The lieutenant strongly punches two fire torpedoes at Keme who buzzes side to side as he avoids the heavy eruptions. Chunks of snow and ice scatter and melt from the discharge.

Keme leaps from his swirl at blinding speed as he plunges his spear through the lieutenant's gut, "ack!" The man falls and the bottom of Keme's blade is stained red from his blood. Keme pulls his blade back and Sunia looks across at him.

Sunia: "Ok waterbender, you have my respect. It's just you and me, let's see who is strongest." Keme shifts his blade from left to right as he uses it to direct two ice blocks at her. Sunia kicks a flame from her right leg which blasts the first ice block and turns as she fires a fireball into the second ice block.

However, when Sunia fires the block is only two feet away from her. Half of the block shatters and the other half slips over, landing just inches from her. Sunia gasps in relief as Keme rotates his staff causing snow to glide over his head. The waterbender stretches out his weapon causing the snow to turn into several ice swords.

Sunia gasps again as the ice swords are launched in her direction at a whooping 70 miles an hour. Sunia blasts herself seven feet high and four feet right at avoid the swords. Keme sways his staff and the swords are redirected in her direction. The firebender slams her hands against the ground and a tall wall of flames absorb them.

Sunia directs the remaining flames back at Keme. A storm of blistering amber-red and marigold orange fire burns up snow and parts of the soil below as it glides in the Sogoian's direction. The Sogoian raises both of his hands and gathering surrounding white snow and ice-blue water to cancel out the blast.

Keme: "Face it, you cannot beat my experience!"

Sunia yells, "My hate knows no bounds!" Sunia flips in the air and kicks a blaze of fire at Keme. Keme spins backward and raises an ice wall which crumbles as it takes the shot. Keme raises his staff which pulls up two ice bricks beside him. Sunia runs forward and punches two fire circles into the bricks.

Sunia extends her right fist and hurls a fire column at Keme. The captain jumps over the column and pulls down his blade as he sends a diagonal ice attack in her direction. Sunia performs her own diagonal fire slash which cancels Keme's attack out.

The firebender kicks a beam of fire at Keme but he shifts left. Sunia follows up by swinging a firewhip from her right hand at his legs. Keme hops over the whip and Sunia punches a fireball from her left hand into his upper stomach. Keme falls and steam flows from his punctured robes.

Sunia smiles, "Now I'm going to find that prison of yours and use them against your people. Sogo is hopeless!!"

Keme mutters, "There is always hope, even in turmoil."

Sunia: "Still spouting Water Tribe fables. If only I let you live, so you could see their suffering a little longer. No matter, soon you all will be forgotten." Sunia hurls a fireball into the back of the man's head, finishing him.

Meanwhile two spear warriors stand guard at the rear entrance of the "prison camp". A waterbender waits a few feet beside them while an archer stands guard. The archer uses a telescope to see if any enemies are encroaching his position.

As the guard looks around, Sunia stands behind the Water Tribe fence. She had already spotted the archer before he noticed her by using a more advanced small pair of binoculars commissioned by the Fire Nation that was given to her by Hurayo. A short time after, Sunia launches herself over the fence with a spark of fire.

The waterbender shouts, "Intruder!" Sunia kicks a fire rectangle into the man's midsection.

Sunia (smiling): "Come on waterbenders, make this interesting for me." The archer shoots a metal arrow directly at her neck. Sunia rolls on the ground as she avoids the shot. As she rises back to her feet her sees two spear warriors running at her.

The corporal punches two red-orange flames into the warriors. The archer looks down at her and fires an arrow. Sunia rolls forward again and out of his line of sight. Water Tribe archer: "Oh great!" Sunia hurls a blast of fire from below his position through the roof and into the sharpshooter. The warrior is burned to ash.

Sunia makes light of a prejudice slur against her people, "How's that for an ashmaker?!" Sunia kicks the door open using fire to enhance her blow.

She notices that security seems very light, "The ignorant waterbenders have nearly abandoned this base, they must have thought focusing on other areas was more important. A laughable miscalculation."

Several Fire Nation prisoners lean on their cells as they notice Sunia's arrival. Jannik gets up out of his bed, "Get us out of here. The key room is three halls down on one right." Sunia advances and sees two spear warriors. The firebender easily pumps two fireballs into them.

Sunia scoffs, "This is easier than my high school training." A waterbender sits in the key room while one of his companions stands outside of the door. Sunia tackles the man's friend while he is sitting in his room cluelessly. Sunia tackles the man from behind and stabs him in his neck with a knife.

Sunia kicks the door open. Keyman: "Kudoke, what is it man?" The keyman pants when he realizes a firebender is standing across him. Sunia punches a fireball through his stomach. Sunia grab the man's keys and runs back the cells. Sunia rapidly starts opening cells and several prisoners break free.

Sunia: "Use your numbers and might to overwhelm them!! They will be no match for us." Dux exits his cell looking confused. Sunia looks at the man, "What are you waiting for?? Get out there!!"

Dux reluctantly runs behind a few prisoners. Some of the prisoners are gun-ho to fight while others just follow along. Soon dozens of men charge toward the weapons room as a waterbender and spear warrior notice. Waterbender: "The prisoners have escaped somehow!!"

Spear warrior: "So much for trying to convert them. Fall back!! We don't have the manpower to handle an uprising."

Waterbender: "Exactly, let's inform the warden. We should reinforce some of the nearby positions, so they won't be caught off guard when our enemies suddenly have enough forces to ambush them." The Sogoian warriors flee the hallway and the prisoners do not pursue them.

Sunia comments, "Why didn't you idiots kill them?! I know some of you can bend, no one even tried."

Jannik supports her, "Yeah, stop hesitating. We have a job to do." Sunia uses her keys to open the weapons room which reveals several spears, swords, and a couple of axes.

Sunia orders, "Nonbenders, take what you will so we are ready to dish out what we can against our enemies."

A few minutes later the masked Sogoian warden stands with four spear warriors, two waterbenders, and Teshiki at the top of a hill. Teshiki: "What a shame this is, I did everything I could to change them."

Warden: "We are going to need to spread out to assist some of the other teams at risk, but I need to make sure our counselor and cook get to safety."

The warden points at one of the waterbenders and spear warriors, "You two, you both know the way. Take our noncombatants to one of the evacuation points where villagers are being held." The warrior due to delay and take them on the path to safety.

The Warden looks at the remaining three spear warriors and waterbender. Warden: "The rest of us will split up into teams of two. I'll take a spear warrior with me and the rest of you warn the warriors along the reserve right flank about an ambush. We will warn those at the reserve left flank."

Spear warrior: "Sir, our reserve don't have the troops for a big, prolonged fight. Even with the Vindicated Avenger and Sada's assistance it won't be enough to respond to being hit on two fronts at once. Especially since we are already outnumbered and outgunned."

Warden: "I know trooper, but we will have to hope something comes around our way. Regardless we fight. Perhaps they are still rusty from their recent inactivity."