Fate of Sogo Part 3

Kett and Sada stand at the Northern border across a sea of fallen Fire Nation troops. A Sogoian spearman arrives on horse-wolf back. Sogoian spearman: "Sada, our city has been breached?" 

Sada questions, "How?" 

Sogoian spearman: "Keme's guard was breached, and he has fallen."

Kett sighs. Sada: "Oh no! Keme was a treasure to this village." 

Sogoian spearman: "Indeed, the prisoners were released. These killed multiple Sogoian warriors nearly endangered some families."

The Vindicated Avenger shakes his head, "Not all can be like me. Not everyone will change." Kett somewhat abhors the idea of having to put down personal past allies. 

Sogoian spearman: "However, some in-fighting took place between them. Some of them did stand up for Sogo, Duyako's program seems to have had some effectiveness. Now they are battling each other." 

Kett: "Please don't interfere until the fighting has stopped between them. That will give our troops some time to figure the situation out. Have archers encircle their perimeter but don't move close enough to be easily detected. Have spear warriors, swordsmen, and waterbenders on standby. I will go there myself, after Hurayo is delt with." 

Sogoian spearman: "There is another thing, I'd heard reports that one of them is moving alone. She's a bit more talented than the others." 

Sada looks at Kett, "I'm going to look into that."

Kett: "Then I'll guard this area for now." 

Sada: "Ok (to Kett). Send some warriors to assist him (to the Sogoian rider)."

Sogoian spearman: "Certainly, but I can only spare a few. They will watch his flanks." 

Kett assures, "That will be enough. I'm that tired and I've regained a lot of stamina during this break." 

Meanwhile a Sogoian spear warrior strolls on a rooftop when Sunia grabs him by his neck and snaps it. The Fire Nation trooper gently puts him down and slowly creeps to the edge of the home as she stares at the government building. 

Two spear guards chat near the rear entrance of the structure. Sunia hops down and double kicks an explosive flame between them. The flame implodes and knocks both men down. The young woman blasts the back door open and runs in the hall before she notices it is empty. 

Sunia thinks, Of course they aren't trying to be obvious. Although it would be easier to mount a defense hear, it would make them a clear target for enemy troops. They must be hiding somewhere else. As far away from the main battle but still somewhere reasonably safe. 

Sunia runs back outside and sees three Sogoian warriors. One has a sword, the other wields a spear, and the third one is a waterbender. Swordsman: "Ha, you thought Duyako was here! But now you've run yourself headlong into a trap!"

Sunia: "Your troops are spread too thin to worry me. The three of you won't be enough."

Female spear warrior: "We'll see about that."

Sunia: "Sogo started giving women a chance, your people must really be desperate."

Female spear warrior: "What are you talking about, you're a woman?"

Sunia clinches her fists, "But that isn't the way of your people. You water women are too weak and don't have the tenacity of Fire Nation girls."

Waterbender: "Enough of this, dispatch her!" The waterbender blasts two water beams at the Fire Nation combatant. Sunia rolls right and quickens her movement with a light fire blast. Sunia flings two orange-yellow fireballs at her foe. The waterbender raises a wall of ice which shatters from the attacks.

The waterbender rises with a mound of snow and fires a volley of ice projectiles down at her. Sunia sprints and dives left before desperately hurling a fire sphere into her airborne opponent. The man is sent flying from the blast through a hut. Sunia turns and notices the spear woman who leaps down at her with a straight strike.

Sunia turns and grabs her spear. With a second, Sunia realizes the Water Tribe woman is physically stronger. Sunia uses convection bending to transfer hear into the weapon which burns the woman's hands and causes her to drop the weapon. Sunia kicks a flame into the Sogoian's stomach which knocks her into a haystack. 

The swordsman approaches last but the firebender lops a fire cube into his upper chest which knocks the air out of him. Sunia smiles. At the rear outskirts of the village, Duyako sits with other government leaders in a wide wooden building that is a secondary government structure. It generally is used for lower-level officials and not high officials. 

The cornflower blue and yellow Sogoian flag still hangs at the top of the building. Several warriors with spears wait outside of the building alongside a few waterbenders.

Sunia spots them with her personal binoculars but knows that attacking them alone would be difficult. With just a small team, she would be confident that she can take them out. Knowing the route is half the battle and with her leading the charge, Sunia is confident she can fight off whoever is in her team's way.

Sunia knows exactly how to get help and the quickest way to do so. If all goes as planned, this could be over within the next hour or two. The young woman turns around and decides to make her run from the city when she nears a splash of water behind her. The United Way champion Sada descends and looks across her in her Western Water Tribe battle armor.

Sunia paces in excitement, "Since I was a girl, I was raised to be a fighter. My mother wanted me to make a name for women in firebending. I noticed Azula is rising in our ranks and she seems captivating with her blue fire. But maybe this is my chance, maybe this is my great fight that will uplift my name to stardom. I don't know what will happen to Hurayo's unit after this battle but I'm not here for his glory, I'm here for mine." 

Sada laughs, "So you put people's lives in danger and threaten the history and identity of a people for your own personal glory? That is your motivation?"

Sunia mocks, "And what is yours, holy one?" 

Sada: "To protect people who can't protect themselves and if able, to equip people with the tools to do so. My people are fighting for their sovereignty, respect, and independence. I would be a hypocrite if I did not also want to see that for every tribe, nation, and people who are distressed by deluded plunderers." 

Sunia: "Fair enough waterbender, you have your motives and I have mine. There is no real arbiter of our decisions. There is only what we want and whoever is stronger to manifest their destiny will be justified."

Sada: "I feel sorry for you. There are greater forces, light and dark, both serving a purpose. But ultimately, there is accountability and true justice shines through and beyond the darkness. That is why, causes like yours never rule for long. In time, you will find that haughtiness, will leave you empty." 

Orange and yellow flames spark behind Sunia, "Enough of these feeble words, let's get to the ACTION!" The red armored woman shifts her body and sways at a shocking rate as he pumps three fireballs at Sada. The waterbending hero raises her arms and lifts herself with a spout of water. 

Sunia stretches her right arm and launches a catapult of fire into Sada's water. The catapult explodes and Sada's water evaporates. The young lady falls but lifts herself up with a stream of snow just as she hovers seven feet over the ground. Sunia rotates her right leg and kicks a fire rod at her.

Sada shifts her hands right, and dashes left with a swirl of snow. Sunia unloads a payload of four rapid flames at the United Way fighter again, but Sada flies right with a river of snow. A frustrated fire wielder pulls her right hand back as she generates a tottering ball of flames at Sada.

The waterbender slides forward as the ball explodes behind her and leaves a black crater in the ground. Sada slides an adjacent three feet from the imperialist. Sunia turns and punches three fireballs at Sada. The first flame glides at Sada's head and the other two hover toward her breasts.

Sada ducks and swipes a water whip through the two lower flames. Sada steps an inch closer and shoots a ray of scorching water at Sunia. The ambitious firebending killer lifts her hands and blasts herself eight feet in the air. Sunia looks down at Sada as she directs her own beam of orange-yellow flames back at the Western Water Tribe bender.

Sada raises a large ice wall to intercept the shot. The blast cracks the wall in two and it falls back toward Sada. The waterbender launches herself forward with water at 40 miles an hour. The ice wall crumbles and smoke flows as Sada rises in the air at 30 miles an hour with a second blast of water. 

Sunia, while capable of using a limited form of rocket propulsion is not able to stay in the air. The firebending starts to fall from her meager height as she sees Sada flying at her like a meteor. Sunia scowls and hurls a brick of flames back at her. Sada lifts her hands and pops a rectangle of fire into Sunia's blast. 

More smoke flows which briefly limits Sada's vision. Sada unknowingly flies into Sunia, and they both hit each other right in the head. Both fall toward the ground, but Sunia stops her fall with a cushion of snow while Sunia lands on her back. Sunia groans and Sada smirks.

The firebender takes a second to breathe and gather herself before she backflips into a battle stance. Sunia points, "You are impressive, but your form is flawed."

Sada: "Too bad you aren't good enough to break it." 

Sunia counters, "We'll see about that!" Sunia steps forward with her right foot then pivots her left foot and swats a fireball at Sada with a left hook. Sada raises a small ice mound with shatters on impact.

Sunia punches a flame at Sada's stomach but the waterbender lowers and extends her hands as she as she hurls a swirl of water that puts out the flame. Sada shifts her right hand as she manipulates snow and shoots six ice knives at Sunia from that direction. 

Sunia stomps her right leg and a wall of fire absorbs the shots. Sunia turns and transforms her wall into a beam of fire. Sunia pushes her stream of flames in Sada direction. Sada gather snow, water, and ice before sending her own stream into her foe's. 

Both warriors gaze at each other. Sunia's eyes flicker with selfish desire, greed, and contempt. Sada's eyes glow with hope, compassion, and passion. Both warriors briefly stop as their strikes cancel each other out. Sada: "I'm ending this now!"

Sada extends her arms, manipulating the ground below and raises a column of ice around Sunia. The firebender engulfs her body with fire and leaps through the column which collapses it. Sada extends her right hand a long snow-ice fist extends from the ground and pounds Sunia in her gut. 

Sunia bends, "Ugh!! What's the?" 

Sada mutters, "Homefield advantage.." Sada punches three 2-feet-wide and 2-feet-long ice cubes at her. Sunia gasps and hurls a fireball into the first ice cube, imploding it. A second cube cracks Sunia in her breasts and the last one nails Sunia in the face. The firebender hits the deck and passes out. 

Sada: "How's that for a waterbender?" Sada ties up Sunia's wrists and ankles with ice chains then lowers her body temperature with convection bending to reduce her ability to fight back when she wakes up. Sada is careful not to lower Sunia's body too greatly, so she won't freeze to death.

A few minutes later, two Sogoian guards arrive. Sada points at Sunia, lock her up. No one will be able to save her this time. Sogoian warrior: "Are you sure about that?" 

Sada: "As sure as I've ever been, Hurayo is going to have his hands full pretty soon. If things get out of hands with those prisoners, then I'm stepping in personally. I won't let any more Sogoians die because of them. They've already been given a second chance."

Meanwhile a sword-wielding prisoner cuts another's head off with a horizontal slash. Another prisoner leaps in the air and kicks a fireball into a spear prisoner's chest. Others fight and clash with it being difficult to tell the sides apart. 

Jannik kicks Dux out of the home and down the front entrance steps in the midst of the fighting. Jannik points at his former ally with his dual swords, "You dare choose the welfare of these savages over your own people!"

Dux holds his blade dearly, "The Fire Nation didn't even approve this attack, they ordered us to retreat. Don't act like you are in compliance for this unsanctioned battle."

Jannik: "Betraying your brothers for the livelihood of enemies is far worse. If you really cared about their ordinances, you would have left and fled altogether. Allowing us to have our glory as you starved or froze to death in isolation." 

Dux: "It's not too late to turn back and leave this alone. I'll let you leave if you want."

Jannik: "I've already made my choice. The difference between you and me is I'm not sparring you. I have already decided to take your head for your sickening and treacherous mentality!" Jannik leaps at Dux with a diagonal strike. 

Dux spins back and right as he parries the strike. Jannik horizontally swings at Dux's neck. Dux crouches and Jannik strikes low. Dux stumbles back before rising to his feet. Jannik strikes high and diagonally but Dux shifts his blade to check the blows.

Dux blows another two strikes before getting in a sword lock. Jannik viciously stares through Dux. Jannik heats up his blades which burns Dux's arm. Dux tries to maintain his grip but the swordsman uses his strength to hurl Dux's blade out of his hands. Jannik hops toward him with bloodlust, "You're outmatched!" 

Jannik swings down with his right sword at Dux. The reformed veteran pivots right and turns his body sideways as he avoids the hit. An annoyed Jannik swings his left sword horizontally at Dux's neck. Dux ducks and Jannik's weapon zooms past him. 

Jannik pulls his blade in toward Dux's back, but Dux runs forward and performs a spinning flip as he avoids the second strike and lands on his feet three feet diagonally right of Jannik's position. The Fire Nation loyalist frowns, "You are persistent, I'll give you that." 

Jannik glides at Dux with a horizontal spinning strike. The soldier backflips behind his armed opponent. Jannik rotates his body and hastily attempts to slash downward at Dux but the redeemed warrior latches onto his hands.

Jannik's eyes widen in surprise and Dux knees the duelist three times in his groin. Dux squeezes Jannik's left arm and pushes it out of his hands onto the floor. Dux let's go of Jannik's hands and pivots behind him as he elbows Jannik in the back of his head. 

Jannik rolls two feet back and rubs his head. Dux wastes no time as he dives and grabs Jannik's other weapon. Jannik rises to his feet again and both lock eyes as they plan their next move. Jannik charges as he holds his weapon low and swings up diagonally at Dux's forehead. 

This trick is meant to throw Dux off and breach his guard. Dux sees Jannik's stance and anticipates his maneuver. Dux quickly charges his guard by rotating his sword and holding it with a reversed grip, which is a risky move.

Dux blocks the strike which Jannik doesn't immediately notice that Dux blocked the strike. Within half a second, Dux rotates his weapon and changes his guard to a more orthodox one. Jannik turns and just realizes Dux's maneuver.

Jannik attempts to pull his blade up to straighten his guard or counter, but Dux diagonally slashes Jannik's upper chest before he can do anything. The firebender duelist gulps before falling to his knees. Dux looks astonished as he realizes the fatal blow he landed.

Jannik falls backward but Dux catches him before he can hit the back of his head. The other warriors stop fighting and the armed duelists drop their weapons. The firebenders also cease their violence. Dux: "Jannik, I'm sorry it had to come to this." 

Jannik coughs, "No, don't apologize. You made your choice, I made mine. Just burry me with my brothers who died in battle." Jannik dies. The other prisoners stop fighting. 

Dux: "Let us remember the cost of this violence. This is no reason for pointless fighting and violence. Glory only goes so far; it must have a purpose. When one man returns to the ground, when one young man is claimed by the elements, his family loses him."

Dux continues, "Perhaps he will be seen again, perhaps not. But how will he be remembered. When we die, what is left of us for others to bear is our legacy. You may all think of yours, but I don't want mine to be one of misery and sorrow." Several Sogoian warriors close in as the fighting stops. 

Sogoian Waterbender: "Should we take them prisoner?"

Sada: "No, show them mercy." 

Sogoian spearwarrior: "Why should you decide their fate? You aren't even a member of our tribe or village!" 

Sogoian waterbender: "You know Duyako would agree. Don't speak from your pain, it has been the way of Sogo that our people take a different path and show mercy in the face of malice."

Sogoian spearwarrior: "These people are not worthy of mercy!!" A couple of Sogoians nod behind him.

Dux speaks, "Let us go in peace and I promise you we will not raise blade against Sogo again. Other firebenders might, but not us." 

Sogoian Swordsman: "Why should we trust you? You all were just fighting minutes ago. Who's to say another won't slit you throat and attack us when the opportunity presents itself?" 

Dux answers, "Do you really want any more of your people to die. Though we are looking to be honorable we won't go without a fight. If you show mercy to us, it may spill over to others in the future. New allies or perhaps a couple less enemies. We already made up for some of our sins by spilling blood from our own."

Sogoian Spearman: "Fine, I saw let them go AFTER this battle is won. Letting them run off now would be too risky." 

Dux: "Fair enough, we'll stand down and go in chains on one condition. Promise us that you all will keep your word. I was told Water Tribe members have a strong sense of honor, let's see if that's true." 

Sada nods and looks at the Sogoians who also nod in agreement. The prisoners are restrained and chained again before being placed in a large wooden building that is still guarded. 

Water spearman (to Sada): "We don't have many guards to watch this area, not now. We are still taking a risk and if it goes south, it will be on you."

Sada: "Fair enough but if I did nothing and slaughtered them it would also be on me. Everyone deserves a chance, Kett taught me that." 

While the fighting has ceased there Kett notices Colonel Hurayo emerging with one final wave of Fire Nation troops. The officer is about 15 feet away from him. Hurayo points his sword in the air, "Charge!!" Soldiers with swords, spears, axes, and battle hammers scatter as they descend into the city.

As they move several Sogoian swordsmen, spear warriors, waterbenders, and archers assemble to stop them. Hurayo looks at Kett, "Let's see if you live up to your reputation."

Kett: "I never expected to hear anything of substance from you." 

Hurayo: "I never gave a toss about useless dogma. I'm going to fight you and vice versa. Whoever wins writes history." 

Kett: "That's not even true, your allies in the Capital will spin the story to say something else happened."

Hurayo: "Correction, whoever wins this battle decides the local narrative. Whoever wins the war, writes history."

Kett: "That still isn't right, the people of Sogo would never accept whatever you say."

Hurayo asks, "Have you forgotten that my army intends to completely wipe them out?!" 

Kett: "Oh, point taken." A glimmer of sunlight shines through the clouds. 

Hurayo pulls his sword and it shines before slamming it into the ground and blasting an avalanche of flames at the Vindicated Avenger. Kett pulls his arms down as he looks to settle the flames but is forced to step a couple of feet back as he barely puts it out. 

Hurayo shouts and rotates his sword as he uses the sunlight to direct three orange-yellow fireballs from it at Kett. The fireballs glide at Kett in an erratic nature and in a way that is distinct from how firebenders attack when using their fists or feet. Kett simply raises a wall of light flames to avoid them altogether. 

Kett flings his incendiary barrier at the colonel who uses a fire enhanced jump to hop past it. Hurayo yanks his particularly long and heavy blade right as he slashes a whip of fire at Kett. The VA leaps over the strike and pops two fireballs at the tyrant. Hurayo blocks both shots with one diagonal block. 

Hurayo vertically slams his blade against the group and shoots a stream of orange-yellow fire at Kett. The Vindicated avenger buzzes left with bright fire and Hurayo returns to swatting three fireballs from his sword at Kett. The former 31st soldier twirls right and raises his arms to block the third flame. 

Kett punches his own two flames back which the colonel blocks. Kett presses his hands together and shoots a beam of light orange-yellow flames at the officer. Hurayo deflects the beam with his sword and the fire is redirected into a distant mountain. Hurayo points his weapon forward and a beam of flames glide out of it. 

Kett runs forward and right but Hurayo sways his hand so that his beam catches up with him. Kett blocks the shot with his arms. Hurayo swings low and a whip of fire flies at Kett's legs. Kett jumps over the strike and kicks a fire rod at Hurayo.

The colonel slams his sword into the ground and a wall of flames overtake Kett's shot. The wall accelerates in the Vindicated Avenger's direction and the armor hero launches himself left. As Kett narrowly avoids the blast, he tumbles and lands hard on his right shoulder. 

Hurayo chuckles, "Come on now boy. I want to kill you on your feet!" Kett rises and hurls three rapid fire bricks at him. Hurayo blocks the first two shots and sways as he avoids the third one. 

Kett: "I seriously doubt that, I've seen all your tricks."

Hurayo grins, "Have you now?" Kett pushes a ray of light orange fire at Hurayo. The colonel reflects the beam back at him but the avenger dives onto the ground. In a flash, Kett rises and punches two more fireballs at Hurayo.

Hurayo bobs left to right as he dodges each. Kett runs closer and knocks a whip of flames at the officer's face. Hurayo ducks and swings horizontally as he pushes a line of fire at Kett. The VA leaps over the flames and pops a double-shot of flames at Hurayo. 

The caped leader blocks the shot but spins backward from a rougher-than-expected impact. Kett aims low with his left arm and shoots a stream of fire at Hurayo. Hurayo twirls his weapon and knocks the beam in a different direction. Kett pumps two quick flames at Hurayo but the wicked colonel blocks both.

Now Kett is eight feet away from Hurayo. The colonel points his weapon at Kett and shoots a bolt of volatile fire at him. Kett spins left but an ensuing explosion cause his ears to briefly ring. Kett waves his right hand to discard smoke. 

Hurayo holds his sword up and generates an explosive fireball then hurls it at his opponent. Kett jumps right and forward. A loud explosion knocks a deep hole in the ground. Hurayo holds his blade back and fire flows from behind the colonel's body. Kett raises his eyebrows (though this can't be seen due to his helmet) as Hurayo launches himself at Kett at 60 miles an hour. 

The vindicated fighter launches himself over the strike with his own gust of flames. To avoid being fried by Kett's flames, Hurayo readjusts his location and glides left. A long line in the ground is scorched due to the colonel's theatrics. Kett looks down at him, "Well, you have some impressive abilities but can you do this?" 

Hurayo rolls his eyes, "I don't have to." The colonel raises his sword as he generates three swirling balls of fire around him. 

Kett glides in the air with flames holding him up and laughs. Kett: "That's it?" Three bricks of fire and three fire pyramids generate. Hurayo starts rotates the shapes and they spin at an incredible speed. Kett: "Aw, great."

Hurayo points at Kett and the nine fire shapes accelerate at him at 90 miles an hour. Kett comments, "Ok, let's play." Kett launches himself forward at 50 miles an hour as the shapes glide behind him. Kett shoots two fireballs into a couple of fire cubes, causing them to explode. 

Two fire pyramids buzz at Kett at an even greater pace but the VA blasts them with accurate fire rays from his hands. The third cube buzzes directly behind Kett's back. The Vindicated Avenger sways left to right, but the deadly cube follows him. Kett glides toward Hurayo when the colonel directs a sphere at his face. 

Kett quickly flies downward and the sphere collides with the cube, blowing both up. A Two fire spheres and one fire pyramid remain. They all glide at Kett form different directions. One sphere is on the left, the pyramid moves on Kett's right flank, and another sphere glides from above toward Kett's stomach. 

Kett rotates and blasts the sphere above him first then turns and shoots a beam of fire into the pyramid. The final sphere buzzes past Kett's legs and hits him in his butt. Kett screams, "Ahhhh!!" A loud explosion knocks the hero out of the sky. Kett falls from about sixteen feet, face first into the ground. 

Smoke flows from Kett's buttock as he lay limp. Hurayo cheers, "YEEESSSS!! Your death will be a necessary precursor before I impale your friend Sada. That cursed waterbender has caused trouble throughout the Fire Nation."

Kett gets up and rubs his butt, "It's a good thing I have armor." Kett's armor took most of the blow and the cushion within his armor limited the blunt physical damage that he took. Interestingly enough, the armor of the Vindicated Avenger was made to be more resistant to certain bending attacks than against advanced metallic armor-piercing weapons like Hurayo's sword.

Hurayo: "Don't worry, there will be more where that came from." Hurayo raises his blade and generates three fire blocks then hurls then down at Kett. The Vindicated Avenger shoots a large beam of fire into the first two columns, creating a massive explosion that emits dark grey smoke. 

The final column glides through the smoke down at Kett. The Vindicated Avenger uses a limited form of rocket explosion to launch himself five feet in the air, right above the collum. The Kett uses a unique application of his staple ability, fire redirection. Kett grabs the fire column and hurls it back at Hurayo. 

The column glides through the smoke before the colonel notices it. As it closes in, Hurayo widens his eyes and rolls forward. The column explodes a couple of feet behind him and the blast knocks the colonel three feet forward. Hurayo is careful to not drop his weapon or to hold it in a way that he will cut himself. 

Kett steps until he is only four feet away from the colonel. Hurayo laughs, "Not bad but why do you insist on getting close. Just because I am a better ranged fighter, doesn't mean I'm not great up close. And for a combatant of your notoriety, you aren't that good at fighting on the inside." 

Kett: "We'll see."

Hurayo: "My sword says differently." Hurayo leaps in the air and swings down at Kett with a fiery diagonal blow. Kett rolls forward and right past the swing. Hurayo swivels his blade. Kett jumps and kicks the colonel in his nose with his right leg. Hurayo spins one foot back and his nose turns red.

Hurayo runs at Kett and viciously swings at his neck. Kett ducks and pounds the colonel twice in his stomach with fiery punches. Hurayo swings vertically at Kett but the VA shifts behind him and grabs the officer's right hand. Kett uses his metal armor to tighten his grip which brakes Hurayo's hand.

Hurayo hisses and drops his weapon, "Awwwwaahahahahah!!" Kett grabs the villain and Hurayo attempts to run but Kett nails him in his face with an overhand punch. Kett hits Hurayo in his nose and blood floods out. The colonel collapses and his entire face redden from the blow. 

Hurayo falls and hits the back of his head, killing him. Kett is surprised by the damage done by the punch. Kett: "Sometimes, the spirits have their way with things." On the frontlines of Sogo, a watertribe spearman throws his weapon through a Firebender's heart. A United Way Northern Water tribe duelist leaps behind an army swordsman and thrusts his blade through his enemy's back. 

Sada glides into battle and shoots two hot water beams into firebenders. Another waterbender shoots three ice knives into Fire Nation troopers. Another waterbender smacks three Fire Nation troops aside with a water tentacle. A Fire Nation Captain shouts, "NO RETREAT, fight till the last man!!"

A Water Tribe archer shoots an arrow through the man's stomach. Several other warrior are shot down by arrows and hit by tossed spears. Bodies cover the snow and parts of it turn red with blood. Sada shouts, "Stop you fools, this is pointless!!" Several Fire Nation troops disregard her statement and still charge, they are knocked down by ice bricks, water balls, and water beams.

Seconds later, every single Fire Nation trooper has been put down. Meanwhile, a Fire Nation lieutenant rallies with the remaining artillery catapults. Lieutenant: "Forget it, we'll finish the job ourselves. Even if we can't kill them all, we'll take as many with us as possible. A lot of their remaining forces are concentrated around the border our shots are lined up. Get ready to hit them." 

Five Sogoian riders emerge on wolf-horses. Two of them are water benders, another is an archer, one is a swordsman, and another is a spear warrior. The archer immediately shoots an arrow through the lieutenant's forehead.

The two the waterbenders rotate their hands and creates a snowy flood which knocks over the catapults. The few survivors attempt to climb out of the snow but the waterbenders freeze the snow and the soldiers within it. 

The Great Celebration

A couple of days later, there is a grand celebration in Sogo. Sogo's flags reign all throughout the village. A picture is mounted of a sea of dead Fire Nation soldiers in the snow and the people of Sogo standing triumphantly.

Locals of all ages are cheering, playing games, eating, dancing, and praying. Kett, Sada, Teshiki, Rokairo, and Brothomu all stand together. Rokairo pats Kett on the back, "Good job, you proved all ashmakers aren't bad."

Brothomu warns, "Rokairo, that's a very bad word, please don't say that to him."

Kett laughs, "He's a child, he doesn't know any better."

Rokairo: "Hey, I CAN know better, I just didn't. Kids aren't any less intelligent than adults, we just lack the experience. Give me a chance and I'll learn. Don't judge me and I'll also stop judging you, ok?"

Kett: "Deal."

Rokairo: "Let's shake on it." Kett and Rokairo shake hands. Rokairo: "But I really didn't mean any offense, you are basically my hero. I never imagined a firebender would be my hero. So, what are you going to do next big guy? Are you just going to stay in and protect Sogo forever?" 

Kett: "Well, I haven't thought about that. As much as I've come to love Sogo, I don't plan to be here forever. I need to take the fight to the enemy."

Brothomu asks, "Will you return to the Fire Nation?"

Kett: "That sounds too dangerous, but I believe I can have the biggest impact there. I would have to research where to go and what to do." 

Rokairo: "Would you ever consider helping the Earth Kingdom, like how you helped us? You would at least have more allies there."

Brothomu: "Not necessarily, he hasn't earned their trust yet." 

Sada interjects, "He might, if he comes in through the United Way. Perhaps you should consider that Kett, be one of my agents."

Kett laughs. Sada: "Seriously, we can help you. We can give you intel on the enemy and help you make an informed decision. When the time is right, you can strike with us. Your odds of success will be so much greater." 

Kett crosses his arms, "Ok, maybe it isn't that bad of an idea, but I won't be one of your agents. Instead, I want to be an independent contractor who works with you all, obeys MOST of your rules when working with you, and if I figure out you all aren't helping me fulfill my journey, I can break that contract any time I want and go on my own missions."

Sada: "You must obey ALL of our rules when working with us, that isn't negotiable."

Kett replies, "Ok fine, obeys all of the rules agreed upon before a particular mission and all of your general rules if I read them and feel they are tolerable. However, if I don't like a mission, I have the right to turn them down which makes me different from one of your agents."

Sada: "Ok, fine."

Kett shrieks, "Really."

Sada nods, "Really, you can meet with our team at Sogo later this week. We'll give you the details and you can decide if it's right for you. If it is, then we'll see you on our next mission." 

Sada shakes Kett's hand, "But for now, nice working with you, prospective partner. If it wasn't for your help, Sogo might not be standing." Sada walks off. 

Rokairo: "I guess she had enough of the celebration."

Brothomu: "Of maybe she's planning something."

Kett: "You know I also want to thank you both."

Brothomu: "Thank us, we owe you so much more."

Kett waves his hand, "No, honestly, thank you both for having my back. Thank you both for giving me somewhere to stay and teaching me so much about Sogo. If all goes well, I will make sure you both are invited to my future home. And if nothing else, I will always remember you two."

Rokairo: "Awww, let's hug." The trio hug each other then watch people dance during the celebration.