Trip to Endinga Part 1

The airship the Ombudsman is parked in the Water Tribe town Fancu. Kett walks through a hall in the airship, Calveko strolls alongside him. Calveko wears his typical teal Eastern Water Tribe robes. 

Kett has on light grey robes with light blue markings which represent his Vindicated Avenger armor. Sada steps in royal blue robes with dark yellow armor plates, similar to her traditional battle armor. Sada steps with a slip.

Kett peers over, "I haven't seen you all day."

Sada darts her eyes back at him, "That's because I was busy getting information about our next assignment."

Calveko: "Oh great, what is it this time?"

Sada: "Strange activity has been occurring at the town Endinga, an Earth Kingdom village located in the Eastern Ferro plains."

Calveko: "What kind of activity?"

Sada: "There have been several undocumented raids conducted by Fire Nation soldiers."

Kett: "What makes Endinga so special? I get the feeling this isn't just a routine run."

Sada: "Because your spiritual awareness is growing. Endinga is not located near any Fire Nation bases or major control points. The United Way doesn't know how they're getting hit. To make matters worse, no one from their government facility notified us, word actually got out from a local villager who sought out a UN ambassador herself."

Kett: "Then the locals must be hiding something."

Sada nods, "Exactly, we need to figure out what's really happening. But first, we must go undercover, we can't make your identify too obvious. The people of the Earth Kingdom are suspicious of firebenders."

Calveko raises an eyebrow, "So what do you propose we do?" A few days later, Kett, Calveko, Kashen, and Sada travel together as they stroll to a visit a local enchanter. Sada knocks on the door of a pale blue home. The home has multiple silver petals that lead to the front entrance.

The door has a silver knob and is made of faint brown wood. Kashen scratches his head, "I don't feel good about this, are you sure we should seek out this kind of help?"

Sada: "It's the best way to conceal the way Kett actually looks. They might discover Kett has gold eyes and that he is a firebender. This woman can fix that." A middle-aged woman with curly brown hair, thin eyebrows, thin lips, a pale-yellow skin tone, a curved nose, and wide hips props the door open.

Sada: "Salene, Kett needs his eyes to look like that of a waterbender."

Salene: "Sure, I can make him look like a waterbender, follow me to the Korsu Springs." Kett, Sada, Calveko, Salene, and Kashen travel to a cave just twenty minutes from the town. Kett lights a lantern to guide the group. Salene holds a bucket.

Salene dips the bucket in the water and swishes it around with her hands. Kett wonders, "What is she doing?"

Sada: "She is calling the spring rodent; it conceals and protects beings."

Kashen: "I'm telling you guys; this is a bad idea."

Sada: "It's ok to get spiritual help, that's a Water Tribe tradition, especially in the West"

Kett is unsure of what's happening, but he's eager to embrace new spiritual opportunities since he wants to make best of his new identity, "Alright, I'm the Vindicated Avenger, let's do it."

Salene continues to sway her hands, "Spring Rodent, conceal the Vindicated Avenger, make his eyes like ours." Salene splashes water on Kett's face and his eyes turn from gold to crystal blue.

Calveko's eyes light up, "What the heck? That actually worked?"

Sada grins, "Now we are ready to go to Endinga."

Kashen whispers, "Kett, how do you feel?"

Kett turns, "The same." Kett looks at his reflection through the water. Kett: "Wow, she wasn't kidding. I'm legit now, no one will suspect this."

Sada puts her hands on her hips, "Exactly, you are ready to go. They will think you're a Water Tribe visitor." Kett travels with his team into the Ombudsman. 

Kashen: "So what should our team be called? Sada never came up with a name."

Kett: "The Justice Diplomats..."

Sada shakes her head, "No, that's too generic."

Calveko: "The virtue paragons..."

Kashen: "Calveko are you serious, that is way too philosophical."

Calveko: "Kash, everything we're saying and doing is philosophical now."

Kashen sighs, "I miss when life was so much simpler." The cook Zumbako steps in the hall. 

Zumbako: "Dinner is ready. I made pork meatball soup with lentils and carrots."

Sada: "Thanks Bako."

Zumbako: "And I think Honor Envoy is legit."

Kett: "Woh, that has a nice ring to it."

Kashen: "Ugh, that sounds so pompous."

Sada: "We need people to take us seriously, I like that to. Let's vote by raise of hands. All for honor envoy." Kett, Sada, and Calveko raise their hands. 

Kashen: "Then I guess that is what it has to be."

Kett replies, "Majority rules..." The Ombudsman lands about twenty kilometers outside of Endinga on a hilltop. A few United Way ambassadors stand around the site. Two carry spears, one has a sword, and one is an archer. All of them wear violet robes with light blue and yellow markings. 

The UW ambassadors come from all nations. Kett looks at the ambassadors, one has green eyes showing his Earth Kingdom lineage. Another has hazel eyes and another brown. Kett wonders, "Why didn't the United Way just send one of these guys to go instead, someone who isn't from the Fire Nation?"

Sada: "Because they wanted to test you Kett."

Kett: "Haven't I already shown my capabilities and where my heart lies? I gave up everything to help this movement back at Sogo."

Sada: "We know Kett, but you haven't gone on a mission in the Earth Kingdom yet."

Kett: "I get the feeling you had a little more to do with the selection of this assignment than you're leading on."

Sada quips, "That doesn't matter Kett."

Calveko: "Soooo, can we go already?"

Kashen crosses his arms, "Well, someone's impatient."

Calveko: "Yeah, I, I just want to get something to eat and see how the Endingans cook up a meal."

Sada: "That won't be necessary just yet. I already have packed stuff."

Kashen: "Aw great... Crackers? Dried cheese and fruit? Dried meat? That stuff gets boring Sada."

Sada: "You're gonna have to deal with it, Kashen." The Honor Envoy departs from their position while the United Way ambassadors guard the airship. They hike across safari-like tall green-yellow grass. Kashen draws his blade as he cuts down some tall grass that gets in their way. 

Kashen pulls out mosquito spray as he attempts to blast away critters. Kashen: "Ugh, I can't stand this climate. I miss the Water Tribe already."

Kett: "Seriously, I'm glad to get a break from the cold."

More than one way out

Kett, Sada, Calveko, and Kashen continue their hike as they stroll upon the entrance to Endinga. Tall straw borders encompass the village which holds many sand-colored huts that are made from a clay-like substance. A band of men play flutes and men walk on stilts during a circus-like act. 

While the Honor Envoy closes in, a man in his early fifties steps forward. He is bald, has light brown skin, pickle green eyes, teen that are yellowing, thick yet short dark brown eyebrows, and a goatee. His name is Fulipo and he has an opulent emerald-green cape.

Two Endingan guards stand beside the Earth Kingdom representative. They have emerald green and flint grey robes. Fulipo flashes his eyebrows, "Welcome, you must be the visitors from the United Way that I heard so much about."

Sada: "Yes, we are here to discuss future plans for the war. We could use your village as a staging area to assist villages that have been occupied by the Fire Nation." 

Fulipo smirks, "Absolutely, that sounds marvelous. We have much to discuss. Please come and drink. We will celebrate tonight after sundown. Until then, my guards will show you where you can stay in the meantime. What do you call yourselves?"

Calveko exclaims, "We are the HONOR ENVOY!!" Kashen cringes.

Fulipo: "Yes, guards, show them to the guest quarters." The team is taken to a wide hut structure which has smooth waxed caramel brown floors and walls. It is lit up by multiple encapsulated lanterns. The hotel comes with hot tea, sudoku sets, ironing boards, and tatami mats. 

The team sits in a longue on light brown bamboo chairs with cushioned leather seats and back pads. Kett glances at Sada, "So, what exactly are we doing again?"

Sada sighs, "Kett, I already told you."

Calveko: "Let me remind him. We are going to act like we are here to negotiate things legitimately, because we are. But while you and Sada talk, me and Kashen are going to do some probing. Because you both are the big names, no one will ever suspect us."

Kashen raises his hand, "Objection, I don't think Cal is qualified to probe anything."

Calveko rolls his eyes, "Of course he would say some nonsense like that. I'm going to be the person who carries this mission."

Kashen: "You mean like last time when you..."

Sada cuts them off, "Just be diplomatic Kett, we'll take care of the rest, and I'll cue you when it's time to act."

Kett: "I hate diplomacy. I'm just a commoner from Nyarri."

Kashen replies, "We're all commoners Kett, quit being so dramatic." Later that evening, Kett and Sada stand alongside Fulipo as he promotes his local services. 

Fulipo: "We have some of the best wine in the region and amazing roasted hog."

Kashen and Calveko stroll around. Two cute women smile and laugh. They glance at the Water Tribe warriors as they pace around in their robes. Calveko's heart throbs. Kashen whispers in his ear, "Shsssh, I can hear you breathing."

Calveko grunts, "You are so odd man." Kashen looks beyond the event and notices some rugged huts on the edge of town. A few older villagers are still outside as they attempt to farm and get a few crops. The ground looks depleted, like something is off.

Kashen points, "Hey, you see that?"

Calveko: "Yeah, something is definitely off. This town is giving me all kinds of weird vibes." The next morning, Kashen bursts Kett's door open. Kett is still lying in bed.

Kett rubs crust out of his eyes, "What the blazes are you doing?!"

Calveko: "Kashen and I found out something. We have to tell Sada." Kett sighs, why did Sada recruit these knuckleheads. 

Kashen bangs on Sada's door. Sada slowly opens it, "What is it Kashen? Is there some kind of emergency?"

Kashen: "Not yet, but there will be soon enough."

Sada asks, "Then why did you bang on the door?"

Kashen ignores the question, "I saw some old peasants working out in the fields late at night."

Sada: "And?"

Kashen: "They were broke, come on, old peasants... At night... That never happens."

Sada: "Kashen, you have to try to explain things more clearly."

Kashen catches his breath, "It looked like their soil was burned. Something is very off, that's what Calveko said."

Sada squints, "What? I'm still confused."

Kashen puffs, "Let's just go out there." The Honor Envoy goes where the local farmers are. They notice what seems to be a major drought. Villagers are working extra hard to make ends meet. One man is sweating profusely while he plows his field. 

Kashen runs out to him, "Sir, sir, excuse me." The man glances at Kashen then ignores him and keeps working. Calveko steps to an older lady who is on her front porch. The lady gets up and slams her door closed.

Kashen walks in another villager's direction. The man immediately yells, "Go away!" Kashen pivots in the other direction back to his team. 

Kashen whines, "Uhhhhh, I can't believe these people." Kett doesn't react. 

Sada: "Just be patient, eventually we'll find someone who will crack."

A young man signals them. He appears to be around eighteen. Calveko steps to him. Young man: "Hey, are you the people from the United Way?"

Calveko: "Yeah, they call us the Honor Envoy."

Young man: "Oh, uh ok."

Kashen crosses his arms, "So what did you want to tell us?"

Young man: "I can tell you what's happening out here. But if I do, I need you to promise you will do whatever it takes to solve this issue. Endinga is in shambles right now."

Sada nods, "We WILL help your people." Sada is truly determined to make a difference for whoever needs her support. The United Way personally transformed her life, and the Fire Nation took a lot from her. 

Young man: "Alright, name's Jona by the way." Jona has a flashback and remembers the Endinga fields. It is a vibrant sunset, and the sky is beaming with cobalt blue light. The sun is yam orange. Peasants are raking leaves and cultivating products.

Jona's father Henzai and his uncle Rowton are laughing. Henzai pats his brother on his shoulder, "Man, you are welcome anytime. I brewed the best beer in Endinga last week, you seriously need to try some."

Rowton: "And I make the best jam in the region, that'll never change." Jona sits outside on the front porch as he plays with a yo-yo. Suddenly Jona hears horns. Jona looks up and wonders what is going on. 

Multiple Fire Nation soldiers storm forward in camel-horses. They have ruby red armor with cinnamon brown patches. They wear grey helmets with faded yellow masks that have red feathers at their tip. 

These troops have swordsmen, spear warriors, and archers. Several hold torches and drop them into the ground. Flames rapidly stretch across the landscape. Jona's body perpetrates from the fumes. Rotwon bellows, "RUN!!!"

Chills travel down his spine as Jona stampedes away from his home. A rider gallops as it's beast kicks Rowton down. Henzai sprints while multiple villagers are battered and encircled by vicious raiders. Jona hears screams from every direction as he hears the loud stomps from the camel-horses getting closer.

The youngster sees a barrel and lifts the top. It is filled with yeast, and he immediately jumps in. Jona closes the top as he hears the soldiers getting closer. One of the guards gets closer and Henzai is trailed by a Fire Nation duelist.

Henzai happens to be an earthbender. He pumps his right hand forward with a low strike as he pumps a brick into the man's gut. The swordsman falls over but another trooper with a mace sneaks behind Henzai and holds it against his neck. The earthbender wiggles free and uppercuts the man.

The blow hits the bottom of his mask, popping it off his helmet. Jona hears the commotion and peeps his head from the barrel. He sees the soldier open his eyes and they are green like that of an earthbender. Henzai hesitates at the realization and the soldier impales him.

Jona wants to scream but he restrains himself. He sits lower in his barrel and encloses the top. The soldiers continue their task as they snatch crops such as beets, corn, peas, carrots, and rice. The marauders also slaughter deer-sheep and goat-oxeas for the taking. 

Eyewitnesses are blindfolded so they can't see what's happening. The raiders load up bags of stolen goods before they pull out. As Jona concludes his flashback, Sada takes notes with a quill and notepad. Kett presses his index finger against his chin, "So, the raider had green eyes, he is probably an earthbender..." 

Calveko: "Well, obviously Kett."

Kett sighs, "So, people from Endinga might be up to this, or do you think it's just other random earthbenders?"

Kashen: "That's a good point Kett, does Endinga have any rival towns that it competes with?"

Jona: "I have no idea, for all I know they could be some gang or something."

Sada puts her hands on her hips, "They could be a gang, but they seem to be extremely organized. If they are just a gang, I'm not sure why such an organized one would come to a seemingly insignificant village like this, no offense."

Jona comments, "None taken."

Kett: "But they are very coordinated, as Sada said. That gives me the feeling that this might be an inside job."

Jona: "You mean like people in the government are behind this?"

Kett: "Have you seen anything suspicious lately with the local officials?"

Jona ponders, "Well actually, yeah. The top officials seem to live well. They claimed they got hit by the raids too, but they tend to have better security. They have nice gold, silver, copper, and bronze watches. They have fine diamond necklaces, and their wives have silk garments."

Kett looks at Sada, "How are we gonna address this?"

Sada: "Let me check with the United Way ambassadors. I want to inform them on what we know so far. They can dispatch a message to some local officials so we can plan this more clearly."

Kett: "Aww, why can't we act fast. The longer we wait, the greater the chance they figure out what we're doing, and we overstay our welcome."

Sada: "Fulipo will give us some time, they want donations. We can't give them that, but they also want to save face. They will act like they want more information about the war. But the truth is, they are in a location that is far away from most Fire Nation bases and the town isn't of enough value to get hit at the moment."

Jona: "Everything makes sense now. Please don't take too long, I'm in danger as a whistleblower. I've never heard anyone else even talk about it. I don't know if anyone else knows, except my dad. I told him, but he doesn't mention it at all. He told me to just let it go, he said it isn't worth the trouble."

Sada commands, "So just sit tight everyone, I'll update you all before the next two sunrises."