Jeyuln Daybreak

In the Earth Kingdom city Jeyuln, dozens of people run through bright cherry pink stone paved streets. The buildings are made of parchment beige gravel with thick tawny brown bamboo rooftops.

Most of the people walking wear olive green robes with apricot orange markings and mustard yellow belts. In this town, light brown sandals or grey fur boots are fashioned. In the central plaza a young man stands with broad shoulders, strong veins, curly hair, bright green eyes, and a yellowish hue.

The man has fern and basil green armor. Beside him a young woman with tan skin, green eyes, and wavy brown hair. Her robes have green, gold, and brown trimmings. The Jeyulin uniquely has tall yellow grass, tortilla brown sand, and caramel brown leaves. 

Both appear to be young adults. Young Woman: "Ok, Tyson stick to the plan." Tyson looks down and sees a gold bracelet across his friend's wrist. Tyson: "Hey Moriana, where did you get that from?"

Moriana grins, "Oh this, I stole it from the old cranky stand man."

Tyson shakes his head, "What's wrong with you? Have you lost your way? You are a good girl Moriana, you have good grades, you know your mother would be so disappointed."

Moriana thinks about her mother Kutina. She still wonders if she is living up to her expectations. Moriana thinks about how the times have begun to corrupt her. Moriana takes off the bracelet and puts it in her pocket, "You're right Tyson. I've been on edge since we've fled Yegini." 

Tyson nods, "I miss it too. We had some wild stories out there."

Moriana grins, "We sure did."

Tyson adds, "And you know, I strayed myself when I joined the Green Hangers. Getting out of that was a fiasco."

Moriana: "Maybe I'll channel my blind rage towards the Fire Nation, after all they are the real ones causing Jeyulin problems. We've mainly been doing this crap ourselves anyway." Moriana recalls the egregious murder of her father by hands of Fire Nation soldiers, she grits her teeth.

Tyson pats her shoulder, "It's ok Mori, they'll get theirs soon enough." While the duo walk down the street, they see an older man sitting at his porch and arguing with his wife. The man has wavy white hair, olive green eyes, pointy eyebrows, medium skin, and a round nose.

His wife has dark grey hair, pickle green eyes, small ears, fair skin, and small lips. Woman: "Pallo, you always say that. There is nothing we can do about these ridiculous taxes."

Pallo: "Horsha, I know that but we're down to the wire now. If this keeps happening, I might have to sell my pawn shop."

Horsha: "You know the Fire Nation will rip you off."

Tyson interrupts the old couple, "How much money do you need?"

Pallo ponders, "Hmmm, at least 3,000 copper shekels." By the same measure 3,500 bronze, 2,000 silver, and a bit over 1,000 gold sheckles could work.

Each city, village, and area in the Earth Kingdom may have a slightly different monetary system depending on how much more valuable a resource is valued but the trends tend to be very similar. Tyson glances at Moriana, "We definitely don't have anywhere near that money, but we'll see if we can help."

Pallo saves, "Thanks youngsters. Any help is appreciated, even if you simply ask someone who can." 

Moriana looks at Tyson, "Why would you tell him that? You just got his hopes up for no reason."

Tyson rubs his hands together, "I have an idea."

Later that day, Five Fire Nation troops stand outside of a farm on the perimeter of Jeyulin. They have crimson red and shinning black armor with thick grey fur belts and heavy dark brown boots. Their helmets are red and black with metal spikes on top. 

A frail dark brown villager stands on the ground with his daughter right behind him. She shares his completion. The man has thick curly hair, light green eyes, medium lips, and a slender nose. His daughter seems to only be about six, has sage green eyes, and medium length slick black silk-like hair. 

The sergeant in the center has a canary yellow skin tone. One of the soldiers has a long broadsword, another has a double-bladed sword, another a mace, while the sergeant and remaining trooper seem to be firebenders. He tightens his fists and stares the man in his eyes.

Fire Nation Sergeant: "You have been delinquent on your taxes for the last THREE MONTHS!!" 

The farmer kneels to his knees, "PLEASE, sir have mercy. The winter was harsh and took a lot from my crops."

The sergeant bellows, "I DON'T CARE!! Because you have made bad on your debts, we will take what we want from your house." The man is pushed aside as troops kick in his front door. They rush in as they gather a lamp, jewelry, a fur rug, decorations, and other valuable objects.

They toss everything in the living room. The sergeant smiles, "Wait a moment, I scheduled for a wagon to come. We will take EVERYTHING! That should cover the month."

Tyson and Moriana are walking on a hill when they notice the commotion. They crouch behind small trees. Moriana points, "Look, it's a farm."

Tyson: "They're cleaning that place out. We've gotta do something Mori."

Moriana: "We're fugitives on the run. I have a bounty of 1,500 copper shekels on my head, and you have 1,700 on yours."

Tyson: "But let's do it. If we move fast enough, no one will know who did it. It's only a squad." Moriana hops in a bush behind one of the firebenders. He turns as he hears a swish in a bush then turns around and continues his stroll. A second later, Moriana trips him with a leg sweep and stomps him in his head. 

Tyson runs behind the swordsman and engulfs his hands with brick then slams then against the man's helmet which crunches into his ears. The soldier with the double-bladed weapon enters his stance against Tyson while the mace warrior charges at Moriana. 

Fire Nation duelist: "Sarge, we are being ambushed!!" Tyson tilts his right hand, and a barrage of pebbles pelt his eyes. The man's nose is also marked pink from a blow and his eyes are reddened. The sword wielder wipes his eyes which water profusely but runs at him again, "eerrrrraaaahhhhaaa!!"

Tyson claps and a stone rectangle rises from the ground toward his gut. The double swordsman flips over it and horizontally swings. Tyson ducks and knocks the man back with a stiff up-jab. The soldier twirls backward. Tyson jabs left and a hefty rock pounds the soldier's right shoulder. 

It breaks on impact against his armor, making him sore. Again, the man gallops after him as he points the tip of his blade high at the sky. This time he is silent as he charges, using full intention to fight tactically. Tyson flips and hurls two thin metal bars at the duelist.

The soldier ducks as the bars slap into each other then fall against his back, he barely feels it. The man spirals at Tyson with a diagonal lunge. Tyson generates two stone guards and blocks two blows. Tyson jabs at the trooper's face. The soldier ducks and hacks low at the earthbender's legs.

Tyson jumps and air kicks the man in his chest. The hit briefly stuns the fire national as he gaps for air. Tyson retracts his right hand as he launches a tin brick into the man's chest, "oooof!" The mace soldier rushes Moriana but is put down by a kick to the face. 

The sergeant steps outside and draws a short sword. Fire Nation Sergeant: "What is the meaning of this?! Earthbenders...." The pushes a stream of fire from his left hand at Moriana. The girl leaps right while Tyson launches himself at the officer and levels him with an amplified superman punch. 

The fire national's sword flips out of his hand as he falls flat on his back unconscious. The father thanks the duo while his daughter hides under his arm, "I appreciate your help. Those fire nationals are becoming unbearable. They are sucking Jeyuln dry, soon there will be nothing left."

Moriana looks at Tyson. Tyson: "Don't worry sir, we'll stop them, one punch at a time."

Moriana: "Oh, that is so corny."

Tyson counters, "I like corn, what can I say."

The man sighs, "I don't have much but please take this. I have 110 silver sheckles."

Tyson looks at Moriana, "We do need it, but it won't break bank will it sir."

Villager: "It will not. You have my sincere thanks." 

Howl of the evening

A squad of Fire Nation soldiers investigate the desert-like hilly Western outskirts of the city. Three are firebenders, one is a swordsman, and another has an assault hammer. One firebender is a lieutenant who looks up as he sees the local high commander ride up to him.

The high commander has dual copper swords, a golden u that runs across the tip of his helmet, brown fur boots, pale brown eyes, a long mustache, dark brown wavy hair, a beard, a tattered grey cape, and a golden yellow skin tone. The commander's armor has a black, red, and brown pattern. 

He rides an alpaca-moose. A group of mounters encompass him. There is a sword wielder, one is a spear warrior, a different soldier has a chain blade, and two of them have bronze trumpets. The lieutenant stares at the trumpets as he wonders what use they have. 

High Commander: "How is your search going. Have you discovered the fugitives yet?"

Lieutenant: "No sir, but one of our squads has recently gone missing. I'm not sure what they were up to."

High Commander: "I fear some of our enemies are gathering and conspiring against us. It is time we increase our investigative efforts. Look to see if these troublemakers have any friends, if we get to their friends we'll get to them."

Later that day, the sun is descending and leaves an orange atmosphere in the sky. White clouds float high and several grey humming falcons buzz around. Moriana and Tyson sit on chairs in the patio of the outdoor section of a bistro as they sip tea. Moriana's has milk, cinnamon, and nutmeg in it. Tyson's tea is black with maple syrup and mace.

A server is washing dishes. She wears white and forest green garments. The woman has wavy brown hair, green eyes, pale skin, small ears, long lips, and a pointy nose. Tyson alerts her, "Hey Borusha, please get an extra tea for my friend here."

Borusha smiles, "Coming right up."

Moriana glances at her friend, "What's that for?"

Tyson: "It's my gift to you for beating those fire nationals. It was about time they got a taste of their own medicine."

Moriana: "Alright Tyson, I'll accept your gift."

Tyson raises his eyebrows, "You better..."

Moriana teases, "Boy, who are you playing with?" The friends walk to their apartment. While they do, they notice a pair of people in Earth Kingdom attire watching and trailing them by a few feet.

The duo swiftly buzzes through a crowd of people and make a detour to conceal themselves. Tyson glances, "Did you see that?"

Moriana acknowledges, "Yep, let's try to keep a low profile for a bit." Moriana unlocks the door, revealing fuzzy yellow carpet, light grey walls, a deep green ceiling, a coffee brown marble-like table, and several light brown dressers.

Tyson drops combustive sand into granite lamps which spark small controllable orange fires. Tyson looks at a book at the living room table. Tyson picks up a dark brown leather cover book and opens it up, "Remember this? Elemental Symphony..." 

Moriana smirks, "Of course. I wish we were still on Yegini." 

Tyson nods, "That's where it all happened. Where we made our choice about not being ordinary people anymore and of fighting against the tyranny of the Fire Nation." Moriana is from Yegini. It was there that her father was pissed by brutal firebenders and her mother tried to pave a good life for her in academics. 

Moriana's eyes begin to water but she exhales and turns her head as he tries to clear her mind. Tyson notices and puts the book down. Tyson changes the subject, "How do you plan to get extra money so we can get ahead on our rent?" 

Moriana: "I plan to work extra pick up shifts at the local dinner, Yogo's Sandwich Shop."

Tyson: "Good, I'll be doing some construction with Ajani." 

Moriana crosses her arms, "Sounds like we have a plan." The next day Tyson meets with Ajani. The sun has the whole city lit up and it is hot enough to cook an egg on the curb. Ajani wears bronze trimmed glasses, has light brown hair, fair skin, has a small beard, wavy hair, and has a dark orange fes. 

Ajani: "Tyson, you're a bit late."

Tyson: "Sorry, I overslept a bit."

Ajani shakes his head, "We have a lot of work to do today, so let's get right to it."

Tyson: "Awesome, I'm all in." Tyson immensely sweats as he lays bricks and lifts crates. After finishing his work, Tyson sits on a bench. A violet bird lands on the opposite side of the bench. The young man looks across at it, eye to eye. 

The bird makes a brief shriek and departs. A man sits across the bench. He has thick dark brown fur garments, a silver belt, a sombreo, light brown skin, a long nose, long eyebrows, thick lips, curly black hair, and light green eyes. The man wears his hat low, not fully revealing his face. 

Tyson prepares to get up and the man speaks. Mysterious man: "Hey, youngster, do you know who I am?"

Tyson: "Uh, nope."

Mysterious man: "I am the Street Master."

Tyson gasps, "You are the most respected man in the Jeyuln's streets."

Street master: "Indeed. I have a task for you, if you are willing."

Tyson: "And what might that be?"

Street master: "There is a man who hails from the Fire Nation. He is the Viscount of Tennenba. He holds silver keys which unlock the door to his personal enclave that holds many historical Fire Nation treasures that have been held by his noble family for generations. It is worth many thousands of silver shekels, enough to make me a much richer man."

Tyson: "Why wouldn't I keep that treasure for myself?"

Street master: "You could, but you would have to go on a perilous journey to collect it and all the Fire Nation in that region would know you took it. But you would risk facing my wrath since I gave you the information with the expectation that you would give those keys to me."

Tyson: "Maybe I'm capable of defending myself."

Street master: "I know you are. I have many eyes around this city. Besides, I doubt you want to risk your life on two missions when you could get a handsome reward for just one."

Tyson: "Why can't I take part in the second mission?"

The street master replies, "You can if you really want to. But for the first one, I will give you two thousand silver shekels if you pull it off."

Tyson: "Make it three thousand and we have a deal."

Street master: "Two thousand five hundred, take it or leave it." Tyson knows silver is worth more than copper, so he agrees.

Tyson: "Very well street master, you better make good on your promise. Where can I find this viscount?"

Street master: "He plans to visit Jeyuln this weekend, he most likely will arrive Sunday morning, be prepared." 

Tyson stands and extends his hand to shake. The street master follows through and shakes the earthbender's hand. Tyson wonders, I can't wait to tell Moriana this. A dark red carriage rides with silver trimming. The carriage is pushed by a baby elephant.

Two archers ride on black hog-hyenas. They have elongated teeth, yellow eyes with long dark brown pupils, sharp claws, and wide muscular bodies. The carriage is modified to have someone with a mounted javelin turret on top of it. As they travel, Tyson and Moriana watch from a hill. Moriana: "I can't believe I let you talk me into this nonsense." 

Tyson: "Don't worry, this will be easy." The Fire Nation convoy notices random debris about twenty-five feet ahead of them.

The carriage driver looks as does the gunner. The driver simply describes to go around. One of the hog-hyenas snorts and laughs before it changes its walking trajectory. 

Tyson emerges from the ground about ten feet right of the left rider's position. Tyson pumps a stone disk into the archer, slashing him in two. The black predator aggressively snorts and chuckles as it gallops at him. Tyson pulls his hands down as he looks to bury it but the animal hops over the hole that he builds in the ground. 

Tyson becomes a bit more frustrated as the gunner aims at him. Moriana rises across the right flank of the convoy. She promptly blasts a surge of sand into the other archer, knocking him off his monster. The hyena-hog hybrid runs after the earthbender and she blasts two earth knives through the animal's pupils. 

The creature's eyes splatter on the spot but it mindlessly stampedes ahead, chasing her by scent instead of sight. Moriana is thrown off by how quickly it adapts and briefly gasps in fear as it rapidly closes the distance. The dark animal hops at her with a diagonal strike. 

Moriana rolls left and low as it hacks right over her head. The animal flips its body around as it positions itself to strike her. The young woman wastes no time as she swirls her hands around and bombards the creature with several boulders until she completely shatters it into pieces. 

Tyson generates a sharp and twelve-foot-long stone sword-like incline from behind and it penetrates the behemoth's skin. Thick purple blood leaks out of the animal while the archer shoots a barrage of sharp metal projectiles at him. Tyson raises his right fist and uses a barrier to block incoming shots. 

A second later, he swats the upper portion of the barrier into the gunner, knocking him and the upper portion of the carriage off. The viscount sits inside. He has grey hair, silver glasses, yellow skin, light orange eyes, a small nose, small lips, thin eyebrows, attached ears, and a mustache. 

The viscount wears maroon robes with beige trimmings. The man starts trembling as he looks to the driver, "PLEASE, DO SOMETHING!" The driver falls and is silent. The man gasps, but it too afraid to leave his carriage. Moriana hops inside and generates a sedimentary dagger. 

The earthbender aims it at his neck. The viscount breathes heavily. Moriana looks at his watch. Viscount: "Fine, take it!" Moriana snatches his watch and exits. The viscount sighs in relief that he keeps his life.