Chapter 8

Officer Ramirez leaned against the wall, his voice low and filled with a hint of concern. "Boss, we should be careful with this arena fight. The authorities must not find out about what's happening here."

Warden Pope, his gaze steely and determined, stood tall in front of Ramirez. He nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "I understand your concern, Ramirez. We've managed to keep the arena under wraps for a long time, and we must continue to do so. The prisoners' participation in these fights is a delicate balance, a necessary outlet for their energy and an opportunity to maintain order within these walls."

Ramirez shifted uneasily, the weight of responsibility evident in his eyes. "But what if someone slips up, Boss? What if word gets out? We could be in serious trouble."

Warden Pope clasped Ramirez's shoulder reassuringly. "I assure you, Ramirez, everyone involved in this operation has been carefully vetted. Loyalties have been tested, and those who are here understand the consequences of their actions. The information is tightly controlled, and we have eyes and ears in every corner of this prison. No detail goes unnoticed."

Ramirez sighed, his worry easing slightly. "I trust your judgment, Boss. We've managed to maintain order in this prison, and I know you're doing everything in your power to keep it that way. But we must remain vigilant. One slip-up could jeopardize everything."

Warden Pope's eyes hardened with determination. "You're absolutely right, Ramirez. We cannot afford complacency. Our priority is to ensure the safety of the inmates, maintain control, and prevent any external interference. We'll continue to monitor the situation closely and take immediate action if any leaks or threats arise."

With a final nod, Ramirez straightened up, a renewed sense of purpose in his stance. "I'll keep a close eye on things, Boss. You can count on me."

Warden Pope offered a firm handshake, his gaze unwavering. "I know I can, Ramirez. Together, we'll navigate these treacherous waters and maintain the balance within these prison walls. The arena fights serve their purpose, but we must always remember to keep the greater good in mind."

"Wow, Anthena, you did it!" Liam exclaimed, clapping his hand on Anthena back. "You're just a newbie here, and look at what you've achieved. Came in with only 10 bucks and now you're walking away with 75. Bravo, mate!"

Anthena smile widened, a mix of satisfaction and anticipation glimmering in his eyes. He had proven his mettle in the realm of gambling, seizing the opportunity and making a name for himself. But he knew that the real challenge lay ahead—the arena.

"You're right, Liam," Anthena replied, his voice filled with determination. "The arena is where I need to focus now. Winning in the pit will solidify my standing and secure my place in this prison."

As the sounds of celebration continued around them, Anthena's mind drifted to the upcoming battles in the arena. It was a different kind of gamble—one that tested not only luck but also strength, skill, and resilience. The arena was where reputations were made or shattered, where power dynamics shifted, and where survival was decided.

Anthena gaze hardened, his thoughts turning to the challenges that awaited him. He would need to train harder, hone his combat skills, and strategize his every move. The victory in the gambling den had given him a taste of success, but the arena held the promise of something even greater.

"I won't rest on my laurels, Liam," Anthena declared, his voice resolute. "I'll use this win as motivation to push myself further. The arena will be my proving ground, and I won't let anything or anyone stand in my way."

Panama, surrounded by his gang, listened intently as Kai relayed the surprising news. His face twisted into a mix of disbelief and amusement as he chuckled and shook his head.

"Panama, you can't believe it," Kai exclaimed, a hint of excitement in his voice. "The newbie, Anthena, has already gathered the bucks for the arena. He went to Chao's gambling den, used his 15 bucks, and came out with 75 bucks. I'm not kidding!"

Panama's laughter echoed through the room as he struggled to comprehend the turn of events. The thought of a newcomer achieving such success in such a short time was both unexpected and intriguing. His eyes narrowed as he considered the implications.

"Kai, you must be pulling my leg," Panama said, his voice tinged with skepticism. "This newbie, Anthena, couldn't possibly have pulled off such a feat. He came to me asking for bucks, and I turned him down. Laugh out loud!"

Kai's expression remained serious as he countered, "I'm serious, Panama. I heard it from reliable sources. Anthena went to Chao's den, gambled with his 15 bucks, and walked away with 75 bucks. It's unbelievable, but it's true."

Panama's laughter subsided, replaced by a thoughtful expression. His mind raced, contemplating the implications of Anthena success. If the newbie had managed to gather the required bucks, it meant he had resources and determination. It meant he was a force to be reckoned with.

"Well, well, well," Panama said, a smirk playing on his lips. "Seems like this newbie is not to be underestimated. If he's willing to take risks and has the skills to back it up, he might just prove to be an interesting contender in the arena."

Kai nodded, his eyes gleaming with a mix of curiosity and caution. "That's exactly what I thought, Panama. We shouldn't dismiss him just because he's new. He's already making waves, and who knows what he's capable of?"

The arena is a place where reputations are made, and we can't afford to overlook anyone who has the potential to challenge us."