Chapter 25

Anthena stood before the entrance of the medical facility, where a guard stood, scrutinizing him with a stern gaze. The guard's arms were crossed over his chest, displaying a no-nonsense demeanor.

"Hey, inmate, who are you, and what's your business here?" the guard questioned, his voice laced with authority.

Anthena squared his shoulders, maintaining his composure as he replied, "I'm Anthena, and I'm here to see the doctor."

The guard arched an eyebrow, his suspicion evident. "And what's the reason for your visit?"

Anthena briefly hesitated, realising that his reason might not be considered urgent enough. However, he gathered his resolve and spoke with conviction. "I sustained an injury during a recent fight. It's causing me significant discomfort, and I believe it requires medical attention."

The guard's stern expression softened slightly as he listened to Anthena explanation. After a moment of contemplation, he uncrossed his arms and motioned for Anthena to proceed.

"Alright, Anthena, you can go in," the guard said, his voice now more accommodating. "Make sure you follow the instructions given by the medical staff."

Anthena stood before Dr. Ava, who introduced herself with a calm and composed demeanor. Her presence exuded confidence and professionalism. Anthena met her gaze and replied, "Hi, I'm Anthena."

Dr. Ava, acknowledging his response, continued, "Alright, Anthena. What seems to be the issue?"

Anthena hesitated for a moment, his eyes glancing down at the bandaged on his arm. "I have an injury from a recent fight. It's causing me discomfort, and I believe it needs medical attention."

Dr. Ava nodded, understanding his concern. However, before proceeding further, she made it clear, "Before we proceed, Anthena, I must remind you that medical treatments in this prison come with a cost. Do you have enough bucks to cover your treatment?"

Anthena face fell slightly, realising that nothing came for free within the confines of the prison. He nodded, trying to mask his disappointment. "Yes, Doctor Ava, I have enough bucks to cover the treatment."

Dr. Ava, satisfied with his response, offered a reassuring smile. "Good. It's important to be prepared. Now, let's take a look at your injury and determine the necessary steps for your treatment."

Dr. Ava led Anthena to a separate room within the medical facility, where a state-of-the-art x-ray machine awaited. The room was dimly lit, with the machine standing tall in the center, surrounded by various medical equipment.

"Anthena, please have a seat on the examination table," Dr. Ava instructed, her voice calm and reassuring. "We'll need to conduct a scan of your injury to assess the extent of the damage."

Anthena complied, gingerly sitting on the table, his eyes fixed on Dr. Ava as she prepared the necessary equipment. The room was filled with a sense of anticipation as the x-ray machine hummed to life.

"Alright, Anthena, I'm going to position the x-ray plate against your injury," Dr. Ava explained, her hands moving with precision. "Please remain as still as possible while the scan is being taken."

Anthena nodded, feeling a mix of nervousness and curiosity. He couldn't help but steal glances at Dr. Ava, admiring her expertise and grace in handling the procedure. Her confidence and gentle demeanor provided a sense of comfort amidst the unfamiliar surroundings.

Dr. Ava positioned the x-ray plate against Anthena injured area and stepped back to a protective barrier, shielding herself from the radiation. With a quick press of a button, the machine emitted a brief burst of energy, capturing the internal image of Anthena injury.

As the machine finished its task, Dr. Ava approached Anthena, a reassuring smile on her face. "Well done, Anthena. We've successfully captured the images we need," she said. "Now, we'll need some time to analyze and interpret the results."

Anthena nodded, grateful for Dr. Ava's expertise and care. "How long will it take?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Dr. Ava replied, her voice soothing, "Typically, it takes about three days to process and analyze the images. We want to ensure accurate results, so please be patient. In the meantime, we'll provide you with any necessary pain relief or treatment."

Anthena nodded again, trusting in Dr. Ava's guidance. He couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for her attentiveness and dedication to his well-being.

"Thank you, Doctor Ava. I appreciate your help. I'll come back for the results in the next three days."

Dr. Ava nodded, her expression kind yet professional. "You're welcome, Anthena. Take care of yourself and follow the prescribed treatment. Remember, your health is important."

With a newfound determination, Anthena exited the examination room and made his way back to the prison yard. As he walked, his mind buzzed with thoughts of the upcoming days, eagerly awaiting the results of the scan and hoping for a positive outcome.

Back in the yard, the prison routine continued. Inmates gathered in small groups, engaging in conversations, and passing the time as they awaited the next set of instructions or activities. Anthena found solace in the familiar surroundings, taking a moment to reflect on his journey within the prison walls.

Anthena returned to yard after his visit to the doctor, carrying the weight of anticipation for the upcoming scan results. Liam, his cellmate, greeted him with curiosity and concern.

"How did it go, Anthena?" Liam asked, his voice filled with genuine interest.

Anthena let out a deep breath, his eyes reflecting a mix of relief and uncertainty. "I've been scanned, and the doctor told me to come back for the results in a few days."

Liam nodded understandingly, realising the significance of the pending news. "That's good. It's important to know what's going on with your injury. Hopefully, it's nothing serious."

Anthena thoughts briefly drifted to the fight with Kai, remembering the intense battle they had in the final round of the arena. It was clear that their confrontation had left an impact, not just on Anthena but also on Kai.

Speaking with a tone of intrigue, Liam added, "By the way, Anthena, while you were away, Kai was asking about you. He seemed quite interested. Any idea why?"

Anthena brow furrowed, contemplating the reason behind Kai's sudden curiosity. "I'm not entirely sure, Liam. It could be because of our fight, perhaps the defeat he suffered at my hands."

Liam's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and admiration. "Ah, so he wants to get back at you, huh? Well, you certainly left an impression on him. He won't be taking you lightly anymore."