Chapter 40

Chao's eyes gleam with satisfaction as he listens to the inmate's report. "Yes, Chao, I've talked to him," the inmate reports, his voice filled with confidence. "He agreed to pair me with Kai in the same cell."

A smirk forms on Chao's lips as he acknowledges the inmate's success. "That's good of you," Chao commends, his tone approving. "I knew you wouldn't disappoint me."

Chao's trust in his loyal gang member proves well-placed, and the inmate's ability to carry out his assigned task reinforces Chao's confidence in his own plans. With the inmate now in close proximity to Kai, Chao can exert even greater influence over his rival and manipulate the unfolding events to his advantage.

As the two continue their conversation, the inmate reassures Chao of his commitment to the cause. "Don't worry, boss," he assures, his voice determined. "I'll keep a close eye on Kai and make sure everything goes according to your plan."

Chao nods, a sense of anticipation building within him. "Good," he replies, his voice laced with a mix of anticipation and control. "You know what to do.

"Tomorrow at dinner, I will tell you what to do," Chao begins, his voice low and calculated. "For now, just keep a close eye on Kai and don't let him know anything. We need to catch him off guard."

The gang member nods in understanding, his resolve unwavering. "Don't worry, boss," he replies, his voice steady. "I'll wait for your order at dinner, and until then, I'll make sure Kai remains oblivious to our intentions."

Chao's trust in his gang member's ability to execute the plan without arousing suspicion reassures him. The success of his scheme hinges on careful planning and the element of surprise. As the inmate departs to carry out his assigned task, Chao's mind buzzes with anticipation and the promise of future victory.

Panama and Luca engage in a hushed conversation about the suspicious pairing of Kai with one of Chao's gang members, Officer Ramirez. The two inmates express concern about the potential implications of this arrangement, recognizing that it could lead to unforeseen conflicts or betrayals within the prison.

Panama voices his unease, wondering aloud why one of Chao's boys has been paired with Kai. Luca suggests that Officer Ramirez might not be aware of the inmate's affiliation with Chao's gang, implying that it could be a mere coincidence.

Despite their worries, Luca suggests caution, advising against stirring up trouble for the time being. He understands the delicate balance of power within the prison and the potential dangers of jumping to conclusions without sufficient evidence.

"Panama, we need to tell them," Luca says, seemingly determined to address the situation. But Panama, thinking pragmatically, cautions against rash actions. "No, Luca," he responds, "we should not stir things up for now. Let's observe the situation carefully before making any moves."

As dinner time approaches, Jake anxiously awaits Chao's signal. He sits with Kai and engages in casual conversation, concealing the true nature of his intentions. Kai, unsuspecting of Jake's affiliation with Chao, seems friendly and cooperative.

Meanwhile, Panama and Luca, both notice the peculiar pairing of Kai and Jake in the same cell. They exchange knowing glances but decide to remain quiet for the time being. Stirring things up might only lead to more trouble.

Finally, at dinner, Chao signals Jake discreetly, and their eyes meet briefly, conveying an unspoken understanding. Jake takes a deep breath, ready to follow through with Chao's orders.

As midnight approaches, the prison is shrouded in darkness and silence. Jake knows this is the perfect moment to strike. He waits for the guards to pass by on their rounds before making his move.

Silently, he approaches Kai's bunk, his heart pounding in his chest. Despite the enmity between them, a part of him hesitates. But Jake quickly pushes those thoughts aside, fueling himself with Chao's words and the desire to prove himself.

With a sudden burst of energy, Jake pounces on Kai, catching him completely off guard. The element of surprise works in Jake's favour as he delivers powerful blows to Kai's body. However, Kai is not one to be underestimated. He swiftly retaliates, their fists colliding in a fierce and brutal fight.

The sounds of grunts, thuds, and heavy breathing fill the cell block. The ferocity of the battle leaves the surrounding inmates wide-eyed and apprehensive, but they dare not intervene. The tension in the air is palpable, as though the entire prison is holding its breath.

Panama and Luca, who were alerted by the commotion, call for the guards arrival. The guards quickly separate the two combatants, putting an end to the violent clash.

Both Kai and Jake are left panting and bruised from the fight. Kai's eyes blaze with anger and confusion, wondering why he was targeted so suddenly.

The guards reprimand Kai and Jake, warning them about the consequences of such behaviour. Kai, knowing that retaliation will only lead to more trouble, suppresses his rage, while Jake wears a stoic expression, concealing the pride he feels for carrying out Chao's orders.

As the guards escort Jake back to his cell, Panama and Luca exchange concerned glances. They know that Chao's influence within the prison poses a significant threat, and they fear that Kai might become a target again.

In the aftermath of the fight, whispers spread through the prison like wildfire. The inmates talk in hushed tones about the violent confrontation and speculate about Chao's involvement.

Kai is left to reflect on the incident, his mind racing with questions and suspicions. He can't shake the feeling that there's more to the attack than meets the eye. He senses that Chao is behind it all, but he lacks concrete evidence.

"What the hell is happening in this prison?" Warden Pope thunders, his voice resonating with authority. "Are the guards incapable of maintaining order?"

The guards, taken aback by the Warden's fury, stutter in their responses. They try to explain that they were patrolling the area but couldn't prevent the sudden outburst of violence.

Warden Pope's eyes narrow as he glares at the two inmates who were involved in the fight. "This is unacceptable," he declares, his voice unwavering. "Inmates attacking each other within my prison? This will not be tolerated."

He turns to Officer Ramirez and Officer Jack, the two head of the guards. "I want a thorough investigation into this matter," he commands. "Find out how this fight was allowed to happen and why it wasn't stopped earlier."

Officer Ramirez and Officer Jack nod, knowing the gravity of the situation. They realize that their actions, or lack thereof, will be under scrutiny, and they must provide satisfactory answers to the Warden's inquiries.