Chapter 42

"Jack, we can't let things continue like this," Ramirez says, his voice filled with concern. "The situation is getting out of hand, and we need to find a way to put an end to the violence and unrest."

Jack nods in agreement, his brow furrowed with worry. "I know, Ramirez. It's clear that Chao has a hand in all of this, but we need concrete evidence against him to take action."

Ramirez sighs, frustration evident in his voice. "I've been keeping an eye on him, but he's clever. He's careful not to leave any direct evidence that can link him to the incidents."

Jack clenches his jaw, the weight of responsibility pressing on him. "We can't let him continue to manipulate the inmates and cause chaos in the prison," he says firmly. "We need to find a way to catch him in the act, to expose his true intentions."

Ramirez nods, a glimmer of determination in his eyes. "His time will come," he asserts. "We'll keep investigating, monitoring his activities, and eventually, we'll catch him in the act."

Jack takes a deep breath, trying to shake off the feeling of helplessness. "You're right, Ramirez. We can't give up. We owe it to the inmates and to our duty as officers to bring an end to this unrest."

The two officers exchange a resolute look, a silent agreement passing between them. They know that they must work together to restore order and safety within the prison. No matter how elusive Chao may be, they are determined to find the evidence they need to stop him from causing further harm.

"Wow, Anthena, I can't believe you managed to bring some of them together," Liam remarks, admiration evident in his voice. "It's not easy to unite these guys, especially when they have been divided for so long."

Anthena nods, a sense of satisfaction filling his heart. "Most of them are tired of living under Chao's rule," he explains. "They're looking for a way out, for someone to stand up against him."

Liam's eyes shine with hope. "You called, and they answered," he says, a sense of pride in his friend's efforts.

Anthena smiles, grateful for Liam's support. "But we can't let our guard down," he adds, a note of caution in his voice. "Chao and his gang won't let go of this power struggle easily."

Liam's expression turns serious. "And let's not forget about Panama's gang," he says, his voice tinged with concern. "They have their own agenda, and we don't know where they stand in all of this."

Anthena brow furrows with worry. "You're right," he admits. "Panama's gang is a wild card. We need to be cautious and not assume they are on our side."

"So, you want to challenge me now, is that so?" Chao said, his voice low and menacing as he addressed Anthena.

Anthena stood his ground, unfazed by Chao's threatening demeanor. "Just know that it won't be easy for you," he replied calmly but firmly.

Chao's eyes narrowed, his fists tightening at his sides. He couldn't let Anthena words go unchallenged. "I will show you what it means to be in this prison," he sneered.

As I watched the two of them from a distance, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Anthena courage was admirable, but challenging Chao was dangerous territory. I knew the power that Chao held within the prison, and I feared for Anthena safety.

Chao took a step forward, his voice steady as he continued to address Anthena. "Don't forget when you first came to this place," he said, "you had no buck with you. I let you into my gamble arena to win bucks. So, now you think you can go against me? You dare not."

Anthena expression wavered for a moment, a flicker of recognition crossing his face. Chao was right, and he couldn't deny the fact that he owed Chao a debt. But he wouldn't back down.

No, Chao. It's about fairness and justice. Everyone has their rights here, and no one should live in fear of you."

As their confrontation continued, the tension in the prison yard became palpable. The other inmates watched in silence, unsure of what would happen next. Chao's gang members stood by his side, ready to defend him if necessary, while some inmates seemed to be swayed by Anthena words.

Warden Pope and Officer Jack, alerted by the commotion, approached the scene cautiously. They understood the potential volatility of the situation and knew they needed to defuse it before it escalated further.

"Alright, that's enough," Warden Pope's voice boomed across the yard, commanding attention from everyone present.

Both Chao and Anthena turned their attention to the Warden, their conflict momentarily put on hold.

"Chao, Anthena," Warden Pope continued, "this kind of confrontation won't solve anything. We need to find a way to address the issues in this prison peacefully."

Chao's expression hardened, but he didn't argue with the Warden. He knew better than to defy the authority of the prison's highest-ranking official.

Anthena, on the other hand, nodded in agreement. "You're right, Warden Pope. We need to find a way to bring unity and fairness to this prison."

Warden Pope looked at both of them with a stern gaze. "I expect both of you to find a way to coexist without resorting to violence," he said firmly. "We cannot have chaos ruling over this place."

Anthena and Chao exchanged glances, neither one willing to back down completely, but understanding the need to find a resolution.

"As long as Chao stops terrorising everyone, we can find a way to coexist," Anthena stated firmly.

Chao's jaw clenched, but he didn't respond. Instead, he turned and walked away, his gang members following closely behind him.

With the tension diffused, the prison yard slowly returned to its usual state of controlled chaos. Anthena warning had been delivered, and Chao had taken notice. The battle for dominance was far from over, but for now, there was a fragile peace.

As I watched Anthena walk away, I couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and concern for him. He had shown remarkable courage in standing up to Chao, but I knew that his actions had put a target on his back.