Chapter 62

Nairobi clutched his chest, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. His heart pounded like a drum, echoing the fear that had gripped him just moments ago. He took a deep breath to steady himself and looked at Konstantin with wide eyes. "What happened? Why's your heart pounding like this?"

Konstantin, a hardened veteran of the prison's underground trade, leaned against a wall, trying to regain his composure. He ran a hand over his bald head, a nervous tic that betrayed his unease. "One of the guards wanted to check me, Nairobi. I don't know what diverted his attention, but I managed to avoid getting searched."

Nairobi's eyes widened in disbelief. In a prison where security was tight, and the guards were always on the lookout for contraband, evading a search was nothing short of a miracle. "Jah save me, Konstantin, that was too close. We can't afford to make mistakes like this."

Konstantin nodded, his expression grave. He knew that one slip-up could jeopardize their entire operation and expose Chao's burgeoning drug empire. "You're right, Nairobi. We need to be more careful when carrying the drugs with us. The stakes are high, and we can't afford any slip-ups."

The prison's corridors were a labyrinth of danger and opportunity. Every corner presented a potential threat or a chance to profit. Konstantin and Nairobi had become masters at navigating this perilous landscape, their reputations as reliable couriers cemented over time.

But with Chao's ambitions growing, so did the risks they faced. The guards were becoming more vigilant, and their movements were under increased scrutiny. Konstantin and Nairobi were acutely aware that they couldn't rely on luck alone to keep their operation hidden.

Nairobi's pulse gradually returned to normal, and he wiped the sweat from his brow. "We need to step up our game, Konstantin. Chao's counting on us, and we can't afford any setbacks. Let's devise a better strategy for moving the merchandise."

Konstantin, always the pragmatist, began to think aloud. "Perhaps we should vary our routes, avoid the areas where guards are more likely to be patrolling. And we should time our movements to coincide with shift changes, when the guards are distracted."

Nairobi nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a plan. We also need to keep our eyes and ears open for any changes in the guards' routines. Any information we can gather will be valuable in staying one step ahead of them."

The two men continued to brainstorm, their minds focused on the intricate dance of smuggling within the prison's walls. Each detail mattered, and every decision could make the difference between success and disaster.

They were determined to protect their operation and Chao's ambitions at any cost. The world inside those prison walls was ruthless, and survival depended on their ability to adapt, outsmart, and outmaneuver anyone who stood in their way.

Liam's voice was laced with worry as he spoke, "Yes, Anthena, it's like a wave has swept through the inmates. They don't care about alliances, leadership, or rivalries anymore. All they seem to be after is that next high."

Anthena nodded, his usually stoic demeanor revealing a hint of frustration. "That's exactly what's been happening. It used to be about respect, about who could lead and protect the group. But now... it's chaos. Nobody cares who leads who, as long as they can get their hands on those drugs."

The prison, once a place where power struggles and intricate alliances played out, had transformed into a haze of drug-induced haze. Inmates who had once adhered to a code of honor and loyalty were now driven by their cravings, willing to do anything to feed their addiction.

Liam ran a hand through his hair, his expression troubled. "Anthena, this changes everything. We used to be able to rally the inmates, to stand together against external threats. But now, it's like trying to herd cats. They're scattered, disconnected, and some of them are becoming unpredictable."

Anthena's jaw tightened as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. "I know, Liam. This prison was already a volatile place, but with the drugs in the mix, it's become a powder keg. We need to find a way to regain control, to bring some semblance of order back."

As Anthena had earned his reputation through discipline and respect, while Liam's strategic mind had helped navigate the complex politics of the penitentiary. But now, faced with this new challenge, they both felt a sense of helplessness.

Liam's voice was tinged with frustration. "Anthena, we can't let this continue. The authorities are going to crack down on us harder if they catch wind of what's happening. Longer sentences, more restrictions... it'll be hell in here."

Anthena clenched his fists, his resolve hardening. "You're right, Liam. We can't afford to let this place descend into chaos. We need to figure out a way to confront this issue head-on, to regain some control over the inmates, even if it means going up against those who are profiting from the drugs."

As they leaned against a weathered concrete wall, the harsh prison lights casting long shadows around them, Jake cleared his throat before addressing Chao. "Boss, there's something we need to talk about."

Chao, ever the composed and enigmatic figure, raised an eyebrow. "Go on, Jake. You know you can speak your mind with me."

Jake took a moment to choose his words carefully. "It's about the Lopez Brothers. They're making a killing with those drugs, and our cut is a meager 30 percent. We're doing most of the legwork, and they're reaping the lion's share of the profits."

Chao's lips curled into a wry smile. He had anticipated this conversation. "You've got a keen eye, Jake. You're right; the Lopez Brothers are playing a smart game. But let's not forget that we've been in this business long enough to know that the real power lies in control, not just profit."

Jake nodded, understanding the wisdom in Chao's words. "I get that, Boss. But what's our next move? We can't keep working this hard for a fraction of what we could earn."

Chao's gaze turned intense, and he leaned in closer to Jake. "Jake, my plan is to maximize our earnings while keeping the authorities at bay. The key is to diversify our sources of income within the prison. We're not going to rely solely on the drugs."

Jake's interest was piqued. He leaned forward, eager to hear more. "Alright, Boss. What's the game plan?"

Chao's voice was barely above a whisper, and yet it held a commanding presence. "First, we need to resurrect the gambling den. It used to be the heartbeat of this place, and it's the perfect cover for our dealings with the Lopez Brothers. We'll use it as a front, a legitimate source of income while we quietly expand our drug operations."

Jake's eyes gleamed with understanding. "Smart move, Boss. The gambling den can generate significant revenue, and it's where most of the inmates gather. But won't the authorities catch on?"