Chapter 66

Amidst the backdrop of tense poker faces and hushed conversations, Carlos Lopez extended an invitation to Anthena. "How about a little challenge, Anthena? A test of our wits before the real game begins."

Anthena, known for his sharp instincts and strategic mind, considered the offer. It wasn't every day that someone challenged him, and he was well aware that this invitation held more than met the eye. Liam, his loyal companion, observed the situation with a keen interest.

Liam leaned in to whisper to Anthena, "Are you sure about this, Anthena? Carlos is known for his cunning, and I wouldn't be surprised if there's more to this challenge than meets the eye."

Anthena chuckled softly, his eyes never leaving Carlos. "I know, Liam. But sometimes, playing along can reveal more than resisting. Besides, we could use some extra bucks in this place."

With a nod of understanding, Liam agreed, "Alright, Anthena. Just be cautious, and remember that we're here to observe as much as we are to play."

Anthena turned his attention back to Carlos, his expression calm and composed. "I accept your challenge, Carlos. Let's see what you have in mind."

Liam stood nearby, a silent observer, as the game commenced. Anthena and Carlos each received their hand of cards, their expressions revealing nothing of their thoughts. Anthena reputation as a keen strategist was well-known, but Carlos had a knack for unpredictability that made him a formidable opponent.

As the first cards were dealt, Anthena gaze remained locked on his hand. His eyes moved swiftly, assessing the cards' values and suits, and then flickered to Carlos, trying to discern any hint of strategy. Carlos, on the other hand, wore an enigmatic smile, his fingers tapping lightly on the table.

The first few rounds progressed smoothly, with each player making careful, calculated moves. Anthena demonstrated his usual precision, choosing his plays with deliberation and confidence. Carlos, however, seemed to embrace a more spontaneous approach, his choices occasionally raising eyebrows among the onlookers.

The tension in the room escalated with every hand played. Inmates exchanged hushed comments and placed bets, while others watched the contest in silence, fully absorbed in the unfolding duel. Anthena loss was something they had rarely witnessed, and it made the game all the more riveting.

As the game neared its climax, Anthena found himself in a precarious position. Despite his calculated strategies and unwavering focus, Carlos had managed to outmanoeuvre him. A few bold moves from Carlos had left Anthena with fewer options, and his usual air of confidence wavered.

Carlos sensed his advantage and pressed his advantage. With a final, audacious play, he laid down a card that secured his victory. Anthena brows furrowed as he surveyed the board, realizing that he had been outwitted by Carlos, at least in this round.

A ripple of astonishment swept through the spectators. The legend of Anthena, the master strategist, had suffered a chink in its armour. Carlos, however, remained calm and collected, his enigmatic smile never fading.

With a gracious nod, Anthena acknowledged his defeat. "Well played, Carlos," he admitted, extending his hand to his opponent. "You've proven your skill."

Carlos accepted the gesture with a nod of his own, his eyes meeting Anthena briefly. "It was an honour to challenge you, Anthena," he replied, his voice carrying a tone of respect.

As the inmates dispersed from the table, a sense of awe lingered in the room. Anthena rare loss had left an indelible mark on the den's history, and Carlos had asserted himself as a player to be reckoned with.

Liam joined Anthena, offering a supportive pat on the shoulder. "You played well, Anthena," he said, his tone reassuring. "Sometimes, even the best strategists meet their match."

Anthena nodded in agreement, his competitive spirit undiminished. "Indeed, Liam. It's a reminder that we must always adapt and learn, no matter where we are."

The challenge had ended, but its echoes would resonate within the prison's walls, where every victory and defeat held deeper implications in the complex web of power and alliances.

The atmosphere grew tense as Perez's laughter continued, and Liam, Anthena loyal friend, felt his anger rising. He clenched his fists, ready to confront Perez for his disrespect. It seemed like the perfect opportunity for a brawl to break out in the gambling den.

However, before Liam could make a move, Anthena, still smarting from his defeat, intervened. He shot a stern look at Liam, silently warning him to stand down. The prison was already a place filled with tension, and Anthena didn't want to escalate things further.

Liam reluctantly withdrew, his anger simmering beneath the surface as he kept his eyes locked on Perez. Anthena knew that violence wasn't the solution in this situation. He understood the delicate balance of power in the prison and the consequences of rash actions.

Meanwhile, Chao, who had been observing the card game and the subsequent tension, decided to take charge of the situation. He stepped forward, drawing the attention of the inmates away from the brewing conflict.

"Hey, hey, calm down, everyone," Chao called out, his voice authoritative and commanding. "This is a gambling den, not an arena. We're here to have some fun and make some bucks. Let's not ruin the mood."

His words carried weight in the room. Chao was a respected figure in the prison, and his presence commanded respect. The inmates reluctantly backed down, realizing that he was right. A brawl would only disrupt the delicate peace they had in the den.

Chao continued, addressing the whole room, "Anthena and Carlos, that was an exciting game. Let's not forget that we're all here to enjoy ourselves. If anyone has issues, there are better ways to settle them. Now, let's get back to the cards and enjoy the evening."

With Chao's intervention, the tension in the room began to dissipate. The inmates returned to their card games, and the atmosphere gradually relaxed. Perez's laughter finally subsided, and he returned to watching the ongoing games with a satisfied grin.

Anthena and Liam exchanged a knowing look and silently decided to leave the den. There was no point in lingering after the challenge and the confrontation that had followed. They exited the room, leaving the gambling den to its own devices.

Outside, in the prison's corridors, Anthena turned to Liam. "Liam, remember, we have bigger things to focus on in this prison. Let's not get entangled in unnecessary conflicts."

Liam nodded, his anger subsiding as he considered Anthena words. The prison was a place where alliances and strategies mattered more than petty rivalries. They had to keep their eyes on the bigger picture if they wanted to navigate this complex world successfully.