Chapter 71

Carlos's voice was filled with concern as he addressed his brother, Perez. "Liam's presence here was unexpected, and it's making me uneasy. Anthena and Liam are smart; they must have a plan for being in our territory. We can't ignore this."

Perez's face hardened with resolve. "You're right, Carlos. We can't afford to be complacent. Liam's arrival might be part of a plan to uncover our operation. We need to take action."

Carlos's words hung heavy in the dimly lit cell, the gravity of the situation settling on the Lopez Brothers. Perez knew his brother was right; they couldn't afford to underestimate the potential threat that Anthena and Liam posed.

Carlos paced back and forth, his agitation evident. "We've worked too hard, Perez, to let our secrets unravel. Our operation is at stake, and we can't allow anyone to jeopardize it."

Perez, known for his level-headed approach in times of crisis, nodded in agreement. "I understand, Carlos. We've faced challenges before, and each time we've emerged stronger. We won't let this disruption break us."

The two brothers knew that their prison block was a volatile, ever-shifting environment where trust was scarce, and strength was essential for survival. Their carefully crafted network of allies was their lifeline, and they couldn't afford to have it compromised.

Carlos leaned against the cold, gray wall, his voice resolute. "So, what's our plan, Perez? How do we handle Anthena and Liam without revealing our concerns?"

Perez maintained his resolve. "Liam, you have something that belongs to us. We've come to collect it."

Carlos couldn't help but chuckle, though the tension in the room was palpable. "We're not here to play games, Liam. Just bring it out, and we can all go our separate ways."

Liam, however, remained composed, his gaze unwavering. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Perez's patience began to wane as he pressed further, "Liam, we're not here to play games either. We know what's at stake here, and we can't afford to be in the dark."

Carlos nodded in agreement, his tone firm. "We need answers, Liam. This is your chance to come clean and avoid unnecessary trouble."

Liam considered his words carefully, understanding the gravity of the situation. The prison block was a place where trust was scarce, and danger lurked at every corner. He was reluctant to reveal his hand without more information.

After a tense pause, he finally spoke, choosing his words with caution. "I can't provide any information without knowing what you're talking about. If you have concerns, we can discuss them, but I can't admit to something I don't understand."

Perez and Carlos exchanged a glance, realising that this would not be a straightforward resolution. They knew that their operation, hidden carefully within the prison, could not be exposed without dire consequences.

Perez addressed Liam with a sense of caution, "Liam, we understand the need for discretion. But we can't just admit to something without a clear understanding of the situation. If you're after answers, let's work together to uncover the truth."

Carlos nodded, his expression less confrontational. "We've worked hard to protect our operation. We're not quick to trust, but we're also not enemies."

Liam's response was unwavering as he looked Perez directly in the eye, his voice steady. "I don't have what you guys are looking for."

Perez's patience was wearing thin. He leaned in closer to Liam, his voice low and ominous. "Liam, let's not play games here. Nothing should have led you to the goods, because I know you took something that belongs to us. And if the authorities find it in your hands, just know that you are doomed."

Carlos, standing beside Perez, maintained a stern demeanor, emphasizing the seriousness of their ultimatum.

Liam felt the weight of their accusations, but he wasn't one to back down easily. "I've told you, I don't have anything of yours. You can threaten all you want, but it won't change the fact that I'm innocent."

Perez and Carlos exchanged a knowing look, their determination unshaken. They were well aware of the high stakes of the situation.

Perez spoke, his voice unwavering. "We're giving you three days, Liam. Three days to return what you took. After that, the consequences will be out of our hands."

Anthena had been carefully monitoring the progress of Liam's discussions with the Lopez Brothers. He knew the delicate nature of the situation and was ready to step in if needed. When he felt that the tension in the room was escalating, he decided it was time to intervene.

"What are you two talking about?" Anthena interjected, his voice calm but authoritative. "First of all, let's stop all these empty threats. Liam does not have what you are looking for. If you won't stop this intimidation, just know that we'll be here waiting for you in the next three days."

Perez's expression hardened, his patience wearing thin. "Anthena, you're not in a position to make demands here. We have reasons to believe that Liam is involved in the disappearance of our goods."

Carlos, equally resolute, chimed in, "We're giving him a chance to clear his name and prove his innocence. If he's not involved, he has nothing to worry about."

Anthena met their stern gazes with unwavering determination. "We won't be bullied into submission. If you continue down this path, you'll only make matters worse. We're not the enemy here, but we won't back down either."

Perez's voice grew even stronger, a veiled threat in his words. "Liam, don't forget what I told you. The authorities should not see it in your hands, especially Officer Jack."

Anthena knew that this was a pivotal moment. The mention of Officer Jack added a layer of complexity to the situation. They couldn't afford to have the authorities involved, as it could jeopardize everything.

"Liam and I understand the consequences, Perez. But you have to understand that we're in this together, whether you like it or not. We all have a common goal: to uncover the truth," Anthena stated firmly.