Sparks of Jealousy

Everyone became silent when they heard Meng Zhi. Long Ming tried to *struggle* and break free from Meng Zhi's grasp. But Meng Zhi felt like Long Ming was doing nothing more than pressing his face further and rubbing on her cleavage.

" Oh my, To think a dignified elder like Elder Meng Zhi would attack and choke the True disciple of Four Seasons Valley in broad daylight." Mu Qinglian had enough as she pulled Long Ming away.

" Yeah, I almost got choked." Long Ming nodded hurriedly as he joined in.

" Was it fragrant? Was it soft?"

" Very much." Long Ming spoke out of his instinct. But then, he felt cold gazes from all around him, making him shrink his neck.

" I mean…It was too dangerous." Long Ming mumbled. " What if I got suffocated?"

" Anyway, Elder Meng, Why did you wish to go with us?" Ming Yuexin glanced at Meng Zhi with a hostile gaze. She was already competing with Mu Qinglian. But ti think the vixen Meng Zhi would jump in like that.