Completing the Quest

Long Ming looked at the girl as he activated his Heavenly Revelation Eyes and Temporal Fate Simulation Technique. 

Focusing on the strange poison, Long Ming gazed at the distant past of that thing. After all, to cure a problem, you need to know the root cause. And for knowing the root cause, there is no better technique than the Temporal Fate Simulation Technique.

Suddenly, the surroundings of Long Ming shifted as he saw the pair of siblings in a different place.

' It looks like they are from a mid grade merchant family. However, their enemies killed their family, making these two flee from their original place.'

' While escaping, this young man got a strange box from somewhere. And, everything started the moment this little girl opened the box, and a strange gas entered her body.'

However, Long Ming noticed something else from the box. There was a strange broken fragment and a scroll.