Shui Huan's Power


Shui Huan brandished her saber as flames burst around her like flowing waves. The golden flames with the crimson tint sent heat waves around it, making the disciple of the Yu Family back away more and more.

" Flame Falling From Sky!"

Shui Huan jumped as her saber transformed into a gigantic arc of flame as it fell towards her opponent.

" Purple Pine Sword! Break for me!"

The Yu Family disciple hurriedly raised his sword and it turned into a giant purple pike around his longsword. However, Shui Huan didn't back down as her attack pressed forward.

The burning saber of Shui Huan burst with powerful flames as it was like setting off wildfire in a dried forest. It covered the attack of her opponent and burned it completely.

Before the Yu Family disciple could react, Shui Huan already appeared right before him, with her saber pressing against his neck.

" I…Concede."

" This match! Shui Huan of Four Seasons Valley wins!"