Nightly Discussions?

Long Ming stared at Jiang Wanxue. " Are you being serious? Like, really?"

" What? Why do you think I am lying about this matter?" Jiang Wanxue snorted lightly.

" No, It's not like that. But…Do I have to meet him? Long Ming mumbled as he looked away.

" Why? Are you afraid, Young Master Long?" Jiang Ruoyou's smile bloomed.

" Maybe you killed one of his sons? Or, maybe you slept with his daughter and daughter in law?"

" Huh? Wait, what?" Qiu Ruoyou stared at Long Ming as she got up. " Who did he kill? The one who died in Azure Sun Secret Realm?"

" Well, Accidents happen." Long Ming shrugged as he didn't give any clear answer.

" Tsk, You are quite something, Aren't you?" Qiu Ruoyou grinned. " But, You don't need to worry. His Majesty won't do anything rashly."

" Not to mention, The Four Seasons Valley has already shown its fangs. The Holy Qilin Empire wouldn't agitate the sect for nothing."