Are you okay?

(20 Minutes before the attack)

In the year 2130, in an underground lab, dim lights cast eerie shadows. Machines hummed, wires dangled, and the air smelled of metal. In the center, a young man lay still, his face marked by scars. His artificial arm glowed with advanced tech, and a blue device pulsed on his chest.

Dr. Xenon, a weary scientist, watched as the young man stirred.

'Where am I?' he mumbled, his voice filled with confusion. His artificial eye scanned the room, his bewilderment growing. He felt like a stranger in his own body, lost in a world he didn't recognize.

Examining his artificial hand, he scanned the room. One eye was a blank artificial orb, the other a vibrant blue filled with human emotion. Dark blue hair framed his chiseled jaw, adding to his curiosity. He no longer felt like himself.

His gaze landed on a long mirror, and he looked into it, seeing a face he couldn't recognize.